vietnam-france cooperation

Update news vietnam-france cooperation

French documentary highlights the diverse nature across Vietnam

French daily Le Figaro has posted a documentary titled "Panoramas - Vietnam: La Fete Des Sens” (Panorama - Vietnam: The Feast of the Senses), directed by Eric Bacos, depicting a panoramic picture of the country and its people.

French artist unveils family sphere at city exhibition

“Non Dénommé” (Unnamed) is the theme of an art and sound installation exhibition by French artist Tanguy Sevat-Denuet which is opening at the HCM City Southern Women’s Museum.

French conductor/pianist to host concert tour in VN

French conductor and pianist David Greilsammer will host a concert tour across Vietnam, starting in HCM City on June 18.

Vietnam's first musical film premieres in Paris

Vietnam’s first musical movie "Doa hoa mong manh" (A Fragile Flower) by producer - director Mai Thu Huyen premiered in Paris on June 7 evening.

Paris exhibition features President Ho Chi Minh’s aspiration

A photo and document exhibition named “Ho Chi Minh - Desire for national independence” opened in Paris, France on May 26.

If VN products can sell in Europe, they will be accepted in other markets

VietNamNet has interviewed Olivier Brochet, French Ambassador to Vietnam, about the relationship between Vietnam and France.

French Defense Minister Lecornu visits former Dien Bien Phu battlefield

French Minister of the Armed Forces Sebastian Lecornu made a tour of major historical landmarks, including Hill A1 and general de Castries’s bunker system, in the former Dien Bien Phu battlefield in Dien Bien province on May 6.

PM welcomes French Defense Minister’s visit for Dien Bien Phu victory ceremony

PM Pham Minh Chinh on May 6 welcomed French Minister of the Armed Forces Sebastien Lecornu’s ongoing visit to Vietnam where he is scheduled to attend a grand ceremony marking 70 years of the Dien Bien Phu victory over French colonialism on May 7.

Vietnam, France look to stronger defence cooperation

Talks were held between Vietnamese Minister of Defence General Phan Van Giang and French Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu in Hanoi on May 5.

French frigate Vendémiaire pays goodwill visit to Vietnam

Frigate Vendémiaire of the French Navy will pay a goodwill visit to Da Nang, central Vietnam, from April 11 to 15, according to the French Embassy in Hanoi.

Gastronomic festival "Balade en France 2024" to be held in April

The fourth edition of the French culinary festival - Balade en France 2024 - will take place in Hanoi from April 5-7, the French Embassy in Vietnam announced at a press conference on March 27.

Gastronomic festival "Balade en France 2024" to be held in April

The special edition of 'Balade en France', Vietnam's largest French culinary festival, will take place in Hanoi from April 5-7.

Vietnam, France exchange funding agreement for climate change projects

A ceremony took place in Hanoi on March 15 to exchange the agreement signed by the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the French Development Agency (AFD) to fund two projects worth 72.3 million EUR (80 million USD) in Vietnam.

France and Vietnam co-operate in chronic disease management

Chronic diseases are a global concern, meaning France and Vietnam should work together to seek long-term solutions to this issue, French Ambassador to Vietnam Olivier Brochet said on January 22 at a workshop held in Hanoi.

First Franco-Vietnamese female parliamentarian inspires young generation

Young overseas Vietnamese are expected to act as a bridge between Vietnam and France, in the political sphere, and cultural and associative activities.

France funds EUR700,000 for Long Bien Bridge renovation study

France has decided to give Hanoi non-refundable aid of EUR700,000 to help renovate the iconic Long Bien Bridge on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Franco-Vietnamese diplomatic ties.

Literature fosters Franco-Vietnamese cultural ties

Contemporary Vietnamese literary works translated into French have struck a chord with French-speaking audiences.

Ho Chi Minh City to host French fashion film festival

The Institute of Cultural Exchange with France (IDECAF) in Ho Chi Minh City will hold a French fashion film festival from December 5 to 7, featuring numerous documentaries about the fashion industry.

Louis Vuitton keen to launch luxury antique train on North-South route

Louis Vuitton and a number of French fashionable companies are keen to launch a luxury antique train between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to serve tourists, according to details given by French Ambassador to Vietnam Olivier Brochet.

French opera 'Paysage Dans L’oubli' to premiere in Vietnam

Paysage Dans L’oubli (Landscape of Oblivion), a French opera written by playwright Olivier Dhénin Hữu, will premiere at the HCM City Opera House on November 26.