stock millionaires

Update news stock millionaires

2016 – eventful year for big players

VietNamNet Bridge - The best-known names in various business fields all entered the bourse in 2016. The year also saw the appearance of a new dollar billionaire – Trinh Van Quyet.

What do the nicknames of well-known businessmen mean?

VietNamNet Bridge - These businessmen are well known not only for their huge assets but also for their unique nicknames. 

Richest stock millionaires of 10 years ago – where are they now?

VietNamNet Bridge - The 10 richest Vietnamese business people recognized by the media 10 years ago are no longer found in the top 10 list of stock millionaires.

The youngest female dollar multi-millionaires on the stock market

VietNamNet Bridge - Most of them were born into rich families, inheriting huge fortunes from their parents. Many of them hold important positions in businesses, though they are still very young.

Nine lesser-known Vietnamese dollar billionaires

VietNamNet Bridge - Holding huge assets worth billions of dollars, these Vietnamese billionaires are not on the world’s lists of billionaires because the information about their assets has not been exposed to the public.

Appropriating hundreds of billions of dong, Vietnamese tycoons flee abroad

VietNamNet Bridge - After swindling partners and appropriating huge sums of money, a number of tycoons have fled abroad. Some of them have been arrested, while others have settled down in other countries.

Share prices fall, heirs' fortunes lose value

VietNamNet Bridge - Nguyen Quoc Cuong and orher young billionaires have seen their stock asset value fall because of lower share prices.

Young female leaders who inherit fortunes face business difficulties

VietNamNet Bridge - Many women praised for their talent and huge business assets inherited from their parents have not performed well in business.

Big companies reward talented CEOs with millions of shares

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese business owners are willing to pay millions of dollars to managing directors who can bring fat profits to business.

Vietnam's conglomerates prepare next-generation leaders

VietNamNet Bridge - The managers and the ‘souls’ of many large conglomerates are getting older. Who will be their successors?

Duc runs out of money, mortgages football academy for loans

VietNamNet Bridge - Financial problems have forced Doan Nguyen Duc, president of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group, known as one of the most influential businessmen, to mortgage his shares, cows and football academy to get loans.

Famous mother-daughter couples in Vietnamese business circles

VietNamNet Bridge - The mothers are influential businesswomen with huge assets of trillions of dong, while the daughters follow in their mothers’ footsteps, holding important positions at businesses.

Vietnamese businessmen who cherish ‘billion-dollar dream’

VietNamNet Bridge - A lot of Vietnamese businessmen nurture plans to ‘do big business’. Some of them have succeeded, while others have tasted failure, but they do not give up, still awaiting new opportunities.

Candidates for Vietnam's 2nd billionaire position

Many Vietnamese businessmen have the asset value estimated in 10 digits and they all could be the second Vietnamese dollar billionaire. The first one, internationally recognized, is Pham Nhat Vuong, president of Vingroup, a real estate developer.

Vietnam's big businesses dogged by huge debts

VietNamNet Bridge - Once the richest millionaire on the stock market, making big money in many business affairs and earning nearly $1 million a day sometimes, Dang Thanh Tam is now pursued by bad luck.

How big are Vietnamese billionaires’ pockets?

VietNamNet Bridge - The asset value of Vietnam’s richest billionaire has soared to $1.8 billion (VND40.150 trillion). Meanwhile, there have been some big changes in the positions of the top 10 millionaires.

FDI and Vietnam’s right to choose investors

Foreign investors have been flocking to Vietnam as they can see great opportunities here. Vietnam needs to use the right to choose investors in the best way so as to fully exploit foreign direct investment (FDI), experts say.

Vietnamese-born billionaires respected by American

VietNamNet Bridge - The billionaires all have huge assets in the US, and their names are well known in the US, which has the highest number of billionaires.

Executives born in 1960s gain big success in 2015

VietNamNet Bridge - CEOs born under the metal element are believed to be consistent and iron willed. This may have been the reason they were so successful in 2015.

Unprecedented incidents causing shocks to banking sector in 2015

VietNamNet Bridge - 2015 was a climactic year for a lot of bankers. A number of them were arrested and prosecuted in criminal cases.