
Update news gays

True to themselves

November 2015 was a historic milestone for Vietnam’s LGBT community as the National Assembly legalized gender reassignment.

LGBT community still afraid to come out to their families

 While there is increasing acceptance of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community following many campaigns demanding equal rights, only half of LGBT people in the country come out to their families, a new survey has found.

More lesbians show their faces at school

 VietNamNet Bridge – A lot of female students in Can Tho City have joined teenagers’ forums just to fight over the same-sex marriage right. They acknowledge themselves as lesbians, though they are actually not lesbians.

Same-sex weddings officially permitted in Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge - From November 12, the weddings of people of the same gender will be no longer banned in Vietnam.

Campaign “I do” launched to support same-sex marriage

 VietNamNet Bridge - Three days after the campaign "I Do" supporting same-sex marriage was launched, the fanpage “I Do” attracted more than 8,500 likes and thousands of photos and clip with the contents "I do."

Vietnamese do not want same-sex marriage, survey

VietNamNet Bridge - Over 75 percent of respondents said that the homosexuals have the right to pursue happiness, the right to adoption, but only 36 percent supported same-sex marriage.