VietNamNet Bridge – The scenery surrounding Gieng Troi (The Well of Heaven) is so beautiful and pristine that all travelers coming to the site not only feel tranquil, but also respectful to the nature all around.


Raft rewards: People sail on rafts on the stream.

Travel blogger Nguyen Ca Dao and his friends decided to discover the site during the weekend in a bid to hide from the crowded city and their day to day busy lives.

Located at Hoa Vang District, Da Nang City, the Well of Heaven has become an attractive destination for backpackers who want to discover simple lives and be closer to nature.


Heaven sent: A waterfall runs to the Well of Heaven makes the site extraordinary.

“It has been newly explored by the local trekkers. From the first sight, you will thoroughly understand why so many people fall in love with this small pretty lake,” said Dao.

“A journey to the Well of Heaven makes people feel as they are in a peaceful paradise away from the hustling city. Here, you can leave all your daily worries behind.”

From the city centre, tourists drive to Ba Na parking lot. After parking their bikes there, they can walk to the site. It takes about three hours to get to Gieng Troi on foot.

The area is near the top of the mountain. Walking on the 10km-long mountain road requires good health and preparation.

It’s surrounding by trees and rocks, so even in the hot summer, the water in the well is always cool. Due to its position deep in the forest and a mountain road full of obstacles, Gieng Troi doesn’t receive many tourists. That’s the reason why it still preserves the wild nature and primary beauty.

The journey is worthy of its walk because on the way, tourists can see butterflies, squirrels and hear birds singing.

“It’s interesting that you are a discoverer and adventurer, you are curious about the next stop because you don’t know what is waiting for you ahead,” said Dao.


What’s cooking: Tourists fire to grill at the site.

Getting out of the forest, tourists walk on a 500m-long road of red soil to reach Gieng Troi.

Like its name, Toc Tien (Fairy’s Hair) Stream runs calmly in front of the tourists’ eyes as a big reward for the itinerary they have passed.

Here comes the Well of Heaven. The stream runs into the well creating a giant natural swimming pool.

From the mountain top, a waterfall powers down the rocks creating the extraordinary scenery.

The atmosphere at the site is so cool with the waterfall and the forests hiding everything from the sparkling summer sun.

If visitors are feeling hot under the collar after their long walk, it will disappear immediately when the smell of the freshwater and fresh air from the well fills their lungs.


Catch of the day: Trekkers catching fish at the pond. — Photo

“After a long hard way to get there, we were satisfied by the attractions of Gieng Troi,” said Dao. “You can freely enjoy water activities, cooking by yourselves and have an unforgettable time with friends.”

“We immediately used cameras and smartphones to take photos of the waterfall and butterflies flying on the water surface, we were afraid that if we didn’t hurry, the scenery would disappeared,” said Dao.

After resting for a while, tourists can swim at the pond and enjoy what nature has to offer.

Playing and cooking together in the forest are just some of the precious experiences that cannot be enjoyed in the city.

Dao noted that tourists should bring all food and devices to cook, flashlight, tent and insect repellent. He shared a tip that people should scatter garlic and liquor around the tents to prevent from snakes.

The Well of Heaven is a big mystery that you want to discover each milimetre of it until the moment you leave and it becomes a beautiful but distant memory. 

By Do Minh

Source: VNS

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