Vietnam, France issue Joint Statement

Vietnam and France on September 25 issued a Joint Statement on their Strategic Partnership on the occasion of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s official visit to France from September 24-26.



Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault signed the Joint Statement on Vietnam-France Strategic Partnership. (Photo: VNA)


The joint statement outlines the orientations and goals for the strategic partnership, with the aim to enhance bilateral cooperation in the fields of politics-diplomacy, national defence-security, economics-trade and investment, development, and culture-education-training-scientific research-law-justice.

In the political-diplomatic arena, France and Vietnam will increase discussions to promote dialogue on bilateral cooperation and regional and international issues of mutual concerns through the mechanisms of regular high-ranking meetings and contacts, and strategic dialogues between the ministries of Foreign Affairs and ministries of National Defence of the two countries at the deputy ministerial level on the Vietnamese side and equivalent level on the French side, among others.

Vietnam and France back the development of the close relationship between Vietnam and the EU, while pledge to share viewpoints and enhance their coordination and cooperation at regional and international organisations and forums.

Regarding defence-security cooperation, the two sides agree to increase the exchange of delegations of all levels, while strengthening the operation of the Joint Committee on defence cooperation and perfecting the cooperation in personnel training, military medicine and equipment as well as visits of military ships.

France will assist Vietnam in taking part in the United Nations’ peace-keeping operations.

Both countries share the desire to enhance cooperation in the defence industry. They reiterated their commitment to fighting the proliferation of mass destructive weapons.

They agree to foster technical and on-the-site cooperation in fighting terrorism, illegal migration, human and weapon trafficking, fake goods, drug smuggling, money laundering and cyber crimes.

Vietnam and France give priority to enhancing cooperation on economics, trade and investment. They pledge to create more favourable conditions for businesses of both sides to access each other’s market and promote investment.

They will also place priorities on cooperation in technology and industry in realms of strategic importance to Vietnam’s development including energy, aviation and space, transportation, environment and sustainable development, banking, information technology and communications, agriculture, food processing. High-technology projects with the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises will also receive priority.

France supports Vietnam’s nuclear power programme and is willing to share its experience in nuclear technology, security and safety, while helping Vietnam in personnel training and seek financial sources for projects in the field.

The two countries back the signing of a comprehensive, balanced and ambitious free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Unions for the improvement of access to each other’s market on the basis of respecting regulations of the World Trade Organisation.

Vietnam and France also lauded the outcomes of development cooperation over the past two decades and will pay attention to the promotion of the results in order to suit the rapid and dynamic economic changes in Vietnam.

Vietnam will work for the rapid and effective implementation of prioritised projects, especially those in agriculture, infrastructure (particularly urban infrastructure), production support, climate change, clean energy development, and water and environment management.

The two sides will also pay special attention to the implementation of the project to build the urban railway line number three in Hanoi.

In terms of cultural, education and training, scientific research, legal and judicial cooperation, the two sides pledge to facilitate the establishment and development of cultural centres of each other in Hanoi, Paris and other localities. They will coordinate in supporting French language teaching in Vietnam’s educational system in line with Francophonie International Organisation’s commitments as well as Vietnamese teaching in France besides intensifying people-to-people exchange.

France and Vietnam will continue cooperating in tertiary education and scientific research. On that basis, the two sides will join hands in developing the Hanoi University of Science and Technology and boosting cooperation between universities.

The two countries will create conditions for the travelling of Vietnamese students studying in France.

They affirmed that training in health care, especially HIV/AIDS prevention is a focal point in tertiary education cooperation.

Besides, Vietnam and France will enhance legal and judicial cooperation in the framework of their cooperation agreement in this field signed in October 2, 1993.

On the occasion of the France-Vietnam Year (2013-2014), the two sides will push ahead cultural exchange, including the exchange of cultural products, movies, tourism, heritages and sports.

The two countries will build periodical plans of action to implement the Joint Statement.

PM: Vietnam wishes to enhance cooperation, investment with France

Vietnam wishes and stands ready to boost cooperation and investment with France in the fields of their advantages, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said at his talks with France’s leading economic groups in Paris on September 25.

This is the first time such a large-scale event was held, aimed at opening up opportunities for both countries to develop.

Addressing the function, PM Dung said he believes that together with the development of the two countries’ bilateral relations, French businesses and investors will find business opportunities in Vietnam and become an important part of the country’s development.

He also said he hopes that made-in-Vietnam goods will be introduced in many places not only in France but also other countries in and outside Europe.

Regarding Vietnam’s energy development strategy, the PM said the government has issued many policies and mechanisms to ensure energy security to serve socio-economic development.

One of the country’s priorities is to diversify energy sources, including developing renewable energy, bio energy and nuclear power while importing liquefied natural gas (LNG) to ensure gas supply, and encouraging overseas investment in coal and gas.

PM Dung also said that the Vietnamese Government has planned to develop retail systems to 2020 with a vision to 2030.

By the end of 2012, Vietnam had only 700 supermarkets of all kinds in 60 out of the 63 cities and provinces and 120 shopping centres in 40 localities.

This is a good chance for investors to do business in distribution service in Vietnam, he said.

The leader also affirmed that the Vietnamese Government always encourages and creates favourable conditions for investors to participate in transport infrastructure projects using the official development assistance.

PM Dung is scheduled to hold talks with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault later the same day.

PM Dung meets French Senate President

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy of attaching great importance to developing relations with France at a meeting with French President of the Senate Jean Pierre Bel in Paris on September 26. 

Stronger inter-parliamentary cooperation between the Vietnamese National Assembly (NA) and the French Senate will help further strengthen Vietnam- France strategic partnership in the time to come.

Vietnam-France relations are characterized by historical and cultural attachment, the time-honoured friendship and closeness between people and localities, mechanisms on all-round cooperation and similar stances on regional and global issues, Dung said.

He praised both nations’ Friendship Parliamentarian Groups’ activities over the years, which has significantly contributed to deepening mutual understanding between the two peoples as well as the two legislative bodies.

Senate President Jean Pierre Bel said the fresh upgrade of Vietnam-France ties to a level of strategic partnership marks an important turning point, demonstrating the two countries’ strong determination and political will to boost bilateral relations in the interests of the two peoples.

He also spoke highly of the Joint Statement on Vietnam-France Strategic Partnership as stemming from their determination towards enhanced mutual trust and mutual understanding, closer cooperation, better governance, law-governed State, human rights, as well as concerns to further promote dialogues between the EU and Vietnam.

Senate President Jean Pierre Bel also voiced support for stronger links among localities in economics, education-training and people-to-people exchange.

Closer inter-parliamentary link with France sought

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has pressed for stronger inter-parliamentary cooperation between the Vietnamese legislature and the Senate of France to back the deepening of the freshly-launched Vietnam-France strategic partnership in the time to come.

He said this should be made on the basis of agreements signed between the two sides when meeting with French President of the Senate Jean Pierre Bel in Paris on September 26 during his official visit to the European country.

The PM underscored Vietnam’s consistent policy of valuing the relations with France, the relations that are characterised by historical and cultural attachment, the time-honoured friendship and closeness between people and localities, the established mechanisms on across-the-board cooperation and similar stances on a range of regional and global issues.

He praised the Friendship Parliamentarian Groups of Vietnam and France for their active activities in both legislatures over the past time, contributing importantly to promoting mutual understanding between the two peoples and the two law-making bodies in general.

Senate President Jean Pierre Bel said the fresh upgrade of Vietnam-France ties to a strategic partnership level marks an important turning point, showing both sides’ strong determination and political will to deepen bilateral relations for the sake of both peoples.

He also hailed the Joint Statement on Vietnam-France Strategic Partnership as stemming from both sides’ determination towards enhanced mutual trust and mutual understanding, promoted cooperation, better governance, law-governed State, human rights, as well as concerns to further deepen dialogues between the European Union and Vietnam on the areas.

The Senate President pledged all possible support to links among localities in economics, education-training and people-to-people exchanges.

Apart from working closer on legal and judicial spheres, the two nations will stand united to push forward their two-way trade and effectively deploy cooperation schemes, especially in disadvantaged areas, both host and guest said.-

Vietnamese, Chinese border gates foster ties

The Lao Cai international border gate and the China’s He Kou border station established their twinning ties on September 25.

They are the first units along the Vietnam-China border to establish such relations with the aim of carrying out the policy of fostering their friendship, cooperation and development.

The event manifests the goodwill of both sides in facilitating the immigration and import-export activities for both peoples and overseas visitors, benefiting the economic growth of each country.

It also contributes to enhancing the bilateral cooperation in border crossing management, crime prevention and professional and friendly exchanges.

The Lao Cai border gate and the Ke Kou border station have served as a bridge to facilitate the trade and socio-cultural exchanges between the northwest of Vietnam and the southwest of China.

Full-time deputies discuss draft amended Constitution, land law

Full-time deputies to the National Assembly (NA) met at a conference in Hanoi on September 25 to comment on the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution and Land Law, which will be high on the agenda of the legislature’s upcoming sixth session next month.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung called on them to give more opinions so as to produce the best amendments to the Constitution in the current context.

Regarding to the amended Land Law, Chairman Hung urged them to consider public comments in order to perfect its legal foundation.

During the two-day event, deputies will also discuss the Party’s role and leadership, key role of the State economic sector, land revocation for national interests and economic development, the State and local apparatuses, and the establishment of the Constitution Council.

VN, US mark search for MIA servicemen

Viet Nam and the US yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of their co-operation to search for remains of US servicemen who died during the war in Viet Nam.

A ceremony was held in Ha Noi by the Viet Nam Office for Seeking Missing Personnel and the US Department of Defence's Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command.

Addressing the event, Deputy Foreign Minister Ha Kim Ngoc made it clear that the MIA search was the first field of co-operation between the two countries after the war ended, which laid the initial foundation for the normalisation of Viet Nam-US relations in 1995. Co-operative activities in this fields were still contributing to the multifaceted co-operation between the two countries, he said.

He affirmed Viet Nam's policy to put the past aside and look to the future, opening up a new chapter of friendship and co-operation in the two countries' relations.

The senior diplomat asked the US side to increase support for Viet Nam in solving the legacies of war such as bomb and mine clearance, Agent Orange detoxification and the search for Vietnamese soldiers' remains, adding that Viet Nam appreciated the assistance the US had provided in these fields in the past.

He said co-operation in humanitarian activities would continue to be the two countries' priority, especially when the two sides had established a comprehensive partnership.

US Ambassador to Viet Nam David B. Shear expressed his thanks to the Vietnamese Government for its effective co-operation over the past 25 years in searching and recovering the remains of US servicemen, expressing his hope to continue co-operating with the country in the pursuit of the shared humanitarian objective.

He also briefed the attendees on the fine development of the two countries' all-round ties, expressing his wish that the two sides would deepen ties across the board between the US and Viet Nam.

Major General Kelly McKeague from the US Department of Defence and the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, recognised the valuable support from the Vietnamese Government as well as provincial authorities and people of Viet Nam in the search for missing service members from the war.

"Without extending your hand in friendship and overcoming the legacy of war, our successes of the past 25 years would not have been possible," he said, adding that the US was not alone in this humanitarian mission, as an estimated 300,000 Vietnamese who lost their lives still remained unaccounted for.

He said the US was pleased to provide information in its possession or discovered by researchers in the US archives that could be helpful Viet Nam's efforts to identify the dead.

Ann Mills Griffiths, Chairman of the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, expressed her deep appreciation for the co-operation Viet Nam had provided in the humanitarian work over the decades in letter to the ceremony.

She said the joint success that Viet Nam and the US had achieved in this field had set an example for the two countries to work constructively together in the spirit of humanitarian co-operation and good will.

Vietnam’s three-decade renewal issues sum up

The steering committee on reviewing theoretical and practical issues over three decades of “doi moi” (renewal) convened its first session in Hanoi on September 25.

Speaking at the event, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is head of the steering committee, underscored the significance of the summerising, saying that the work gives a thorough insight on the 1986-2016 renewal process with a focus on the 2006-2016 period.

During the session, the committee looked through the general situation and recent changes in the region and the world, and their impacts on Vietnam, while giving predictions for the situation.

It discussed the development of the country’s socialist-oriented market economy and the enhancement of national industrialisation and modernisation.

It also focused on social issues and national defence in the new situation, international integration and the Party and State’s policy of external relations, the political system and Party-building work.

Deputy PM Hoang Trung Hai visits Italy

Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai paid an official visit to Italy from September 23-25 at an invitation of the Italian Government.

During the visit, he held talks with Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, and met with Minister of Economy and Finance Fabrizio Saccomanni and Minister of Economic Development Flavio Zanonato.

During the talks and meetings, the hosts spoke highly of Deputy PM Hai’s visit, considering it a new step to implement the outcomes of the State visit to Italy by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong in January, in order to develop the Vietnam-Italy strategic partnership in a deep and practical manner, especially in the context that the two countries are celebrating the 40 th anniversary of their bilateral diplomatic ties.

Deputy PM Hai affirmed Vietnam always attaches importance to strengthening the fine traditional friendship with Italy, an important partner of Vietnam in the European Union.

In terms of bilateral relations, both sides expressed their delight at the development of the two countries’ friendship and cooperation in all fields, which is reflected in the upgrading of the bilateral relationship to a strategic partnership.

The Italian side affirmed that Italy wants to further deepen the multi-faceted cooperation with Vietnam, which plays an important role in the region and the ASEAN. They said Italy backs Vietnam’s efforts to develop comprehensive relations with the EU, including urging the union to soon approve the Partnership Cooperation Agreement (PCA), early recognise Vietnam’s full market economic mechanism and complete negotiations on the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as soon as possible.

The two sides agreed on measures to foster their economic ties, including the early establishment of a Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation coordinated by the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.

They pledged to encourage and create favourable conditions for the two countries’ businesses to meet and seek partners, firstly focusing on the fields that Vietnam has demands and Italy holds advantages such as transport infrastructure, energy, manufacturing, agricultural product processing, footwear and garment and textiles.

Both sides agreed to strengthen cultural exchanges and organise a meeting of their Joint Committee on Science and Technology. At the same time, they will coordinate to create conditions for the Vietnamese delegation to attend the International Expo Milano 2015.

They praised the maintenance of the exchange of delegations by the two countries’ Defence Ministries and agreed to hold an annual strategic dialogue at the deputy defence ministerial level in the coming time.

On this occasion, the two sides signed an action plan to implement the Joint Statement on the establishment of the Vietnam-Italy strategic partnership in the 2013-14 period, with measures to further deepen the bilateral cooperation in the key areas of politics-diplomacy, economics, culture-education, defence and agriculture. They also inked an action programme on cultural cooperation for the 2013-16 period.

During his stay, Deputy PM Hai also received leaders of some major Italian economic groups and visited the Italian National Oil Corporation (ENI).

40 years of Vietnam-Iran diplomatic ties marked in Hanoi

The Iranian Embassy in Vietnam on September 25 hosted a reception to mark the 40 th anniversary of Vietnam-Iran diplomatic ties.

Addressing the event, Iranian Ambassador Hossein Alvandi Behineh thanked the Vietnamese people for their support for Iran over the past time.

He stressed that the two countries’ diplomatic ties have been established on the basis of mutual respect and consolidated by the two peoples’ aspirations, for their common benefits and for peace in the region and the world.

On behalf of the Vietnamese Government, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat expressed his delight at the fine development of the bilateral relationship since the two countries established their diplomatic ties on August 4, 1973.

He said that the two countries still hold huge potential in cooperation, suggesting both sides further boost their relations in order to practically contributing to each country’s development.

The same day, Iran’s Homayoun band entertained Hanoi audiences with the country’s traditional music at the Hanoi Opera House. They will also perform at the Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Vietnam National Academy of Music on September 26 and 27.