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Cai luong show highlights young actors

 A theatre show featuring young talents in cải lương (reformed opera) will open on September 18’s night at the Le Hoang Stage in HCM City.

Pianist People’s Artist Dang Thai Son

 Vietnam’s world-renowned concert pianist People’s Artist Dang Thai Son has been awarded the highest distinction – the Golden Medal for Merit to Culture “Gloria Artis” from Poland.

Efforts to save Dong Ho folk painting

 Dong Ho paintings used to be essential decorations in Vietnamese houses during the traditional Lunar New Year festival. However, after 500 years of existence, the making of the painting is now on the brink of oblivion.

Origami art works on display in Hanoi

Fifty two origami art works made by Vietnamese artists are being showcased in Hanoi. They depict a variety of real animals and mythological figures with wings, such as birds, dragon, and unicorn.

Events in Hanoi & HCMC on July 16-22

 Events in Hanoi & HCMC on July 16-22 

Dung Quat ancient shipwreck excavated

 The excavation of an ancient shipwreck discovered in Binh Son district, in the central coastal province of Quang Ngai, began on July 9.

Events in Hanoi & HCMC on June 11-17

 Events in Hanoi & HCMC on June 11-17 

Flutist Thu Huong to perform in Hanoi

 Talented flutist Le Thu Huong and her friends will bring music lovers in Hanoi a concert “Parfums de Paris” (Perfumes of Paris) at L'Espace French Cultural Centre in Hanoi, at 8pm, on June 9.

It’s a kind of magic for Japanese duo

 A duo of Japanese magicians, Ai and Yuki, will perform with Vietnamese comedians for the first time in a show for children on the occasion of International Children’s Day.

VN to host Manhunt International 2018

 Viet Nam will host the Manhunt International 2018 event later this year, according to the organiser, the newly established Leading Entertainment Agency of HCM City. 

Thai ethnic people’s ritual re-enacted

 A crucial ritual among Thai ethnic community to tribute witch doctors was re-enacted recently in Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism.

Cua Ong Temple Fest gets nat’l status

 The Cua Ong Temple Festival – one of the special cultural and historical relics in the country’s northeast – has officially opened in Cam Pha District in the northern coastal province of Quang Ninh.

Danish fund announces 2018 recipients

 Eight art spaces and art initiatives in Hanoi and Hue will receive grants from the Danish Culture Development and Exchange Fund (CDEF) to carry out and develop their activities during 2018.

Events in Hanoi & HCMC on March 5-11

 Events in Hanoi & HCMC on March 5-11 

Chu Dau pottery seeks foreign markets

Chu Dau Pottery JSC in Hai Duong province will apply scientific-technological advances to create luxurious, high value-added products, meeting requirements of both domestic and foreign markets.

Safeguard dogs in the Year of the Dog

 The country has welcomed the Lunar New Year, and 2018 is the Year of the Dog.

Artworks depict changing VN landscape

Nguyen The Son will present his current body of work depicting the rapid metamorphosis of the landscape of Viet Nam and how this drastic change is affecting the lifestyles of the Vietnamese people.

Ba Den Mountain Spring Festival opens

 The Tay Ninh Province People’s Committee on Feb 19 opened the Bà Đen (Black Lady) Mountain Spring Festival.

Kindergarten children learn about Tet

Making banh chung or creating peach blossoms from paper are among the festivities that kids from many public and private kindergartens across the nation have experienced in preparation for the upcoming Lunar New Year festival.

Calligraphy exhibition opens in Hanoi

 Forty one classical and avant-garde calligraphy works featuring the traditional Lunar New Year (Tet) are being showcased at the Vietnam Fine Arts Museum in Hanoi.