VietNamNet Bridge – The number of Vietnamese billionaires has been increasing rapidly. Especially, they have been recognized not only in Vietnam, but also in the world.

Pham Nhat Vuong, Forbes’ billionaire



Pham Nhat Vuong, President of Vingroup, has entered Forbes’ list of the world’s billionaires. He ranks the 974th in the list of the 1,426 billionaires with the total assets of $1.5 billion he has when holding 53 percent of Vingroup’s stakes.

Vuong first became the Vietnamese stock billionaire in March 2011. Since then, he has been staying firmly on the first position in the list of the Vietnamese stock millionaires.

The know-how in Vuong’s business success is that he targets young customers, who want to have better lives than their parents and grandparents. Therefore, Vuong decided not only to build houses, villas, but also hospitals, offices, shopping malls and supporting services.

Vingroup, where Vuong holds the majority of stakes, has invested in 31 real estate projects throughout the country. Of these, 12 projects have completed, three are under the construction.

Doan Nguyen Duc, one of the most influential billionaires in South East Asia



In September 2011, President of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group--Doan Nguyen Duc, became the only Vietnamese businessman entering the Wall Street Journal’s list of the most influential businessmen in South East Asia.

Duc ranked the 29th in the list of the 29 most influential businessmen in South East Asia, recognized by the Wall Street Journal has playing a very important role in the Vietnam’s economic development, especially the development of the private economic sector.

Duc is one of the richest Vietnamese businessmen who always nurtures the dream of becoming a world’s billionaire.

Duc topped the 2008 and 2009 lists of the Vietnamese stock millionaires. In 2012, Duc was in the second position of the list, after Pham Nhat Vuong, with the total assets of VND5,600 billion.

Hoang Anh Gia Lai is one of the most powerful economic groups in Vietnam. It was believed to experience a tough year 2012 when the real estate prices felt dramatically and real estate developers could not clear their inventories due to the weak demand.

However, Hoang Anh Gia Lai has gradually escaped from the difficult situation as it has been diversifying the sources of income instead of relying much on the income from real estate investments. The group now focuses on growing rubber plants with the 51,000 hectare rubber projects in Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Dang Thanh Tam, first Vietnamese businessman that met EC’s Chair



Dang Thanh Tam is the only Vietnamese businessman who once had the opportunity to receive Herman Van Rompuy, the EC’s Chair, during his visit to Vietnam in late 2012.

Tam, President of the Saigon Investment Group (SGI), a big shareholder of the Kin Bac Urban Development Company, the Tan Tao Investment and Industry Group, has been well known as a successful businessman, who is the owner of many titles granted by organizations. He was the richest stock millionaire in 2007 and ranked the third in the lists of Vietnamese stock millionaires in the three next consecutive years.

SGI has announced that it has contributed capital to many investment projects totaling $16 billion. However, analysts still keep doubtful about the figure.

Dao Hong Tuyen on Japanese newspaper



Japanese JIJI Press has published an article of Professor Tsuboi about the Vietnamese King of Tuan Chau island Dao Hong Tuyen after a meeting on a pre-Tet day.

Tuyen, in the eye of the Japanese professor, is a talented businessman who has invested in the real estate sector, tourist complexes, new urban areas and mining.

Not only possessing a big tourism complex on Tuan Chau island in Quang Ninh province, Tuyen is also possessing 14 companies, 34 factories which employ tens of thousands of workers. However, Tuyen has denied the rumor that his assets are worth 2 billion dollars.

Ngoc Dung