The Ministry of Construction always encourages and supports US companies to collaborate and invest in construction projects with Vietnamese enterprises to enhance the quality of human resources and real estate products, Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi has said.

Meeting with Solomon Greene, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in Washington DC recently, Nghi shared Vietnam's policies on social housing development and apartment renovation, as well as its experiences in responding to climate change as well as disaster and disease prevention.

The two sides exchanged experiences and policy solutions related to housing and urban development in their respective country.

Greene briefed the Vietnamese guests on challenges facing the US administration in ensuring access to housing and homeownership for its citizens, affirming that the policy of housing in general, and that for low-incomers in particular, plays a crucial role in the development of the US society.

To mitigate the impacts of climate change, the locations for developing residential areas are carefully selected, he said, adding that HUD maintains the assessment and mapping of flood-prone areas and disaster risks, and updates them periodically to provide warnings to local communities.

Additionally, the department has launched an 800 million USD programme to renovate existing infrastructure, enhance energy efficiency, and reduce energy loss, helping to lower energy costs for users, said the official./.

HCM City, Germany’s Leipzig share experience in sustainable urban planning

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Bui Xuan Cuong on September 25 called on Leipzig city of Germany to share its experience with the southern metropolis in sustainable urban planning, enhancing resilience, and transferring environmentally friendly green technologies.

In a reception for Torsten Bonew, Vice Mayor of Leipzig, who is leading a delegation to attend the Ho Chi Minh City Economic Forum 2024, Cuong suggested the two cities expand cooperation in developing sustainable energy sources such as wind and solar power.

He thanked the Leipzig authorities for supporting HCM City in training personnel, sending experts to share experiences with hospitals, cooperating with the Vietnamese locality in clean water supply, and setting up a rehabilitation laboratory at the Institute of Biomedical Physics.

With the similarities between the two sides and strengths of Leipzig, Cuong proposed the two localities cooperate in addressing climate change and energy transition, saying that HCM City will focus on addressing issues related to challenges in urban areas such as traffic congestion, climate change, environmental pollution, flood reduction, and clean water supply.

The HCM City official said he hopes that Leipzig will continue connecting and supporting German businesses operating in terms of digital transformation, financial management, science and technology, and innovative startups to promote cooperation with and increase investment in HCM City.

He stated that the municipal authorities are committed to creating favourable conditions for foreign businesses, including those from Leipzig, to invest in the city.

For his part, Bonew expressed his joy at specific cooperation projects that the two cities have implemented, saying that he is impressed by the development of Vietnam as well as HCM City in recent times.

Businesses in Leipzig are very interested in the environment for investment cooperation in HCM City, he said, adding that the establishment of Leipzig’s representative office in the city is a testament to this.

He urged the two cities to further strengthen cooperation in potential areas, contributing to stepping up their relationship towards the 50th founding anniversary of the diplomatic ties between Vietnam and Germany next year./.

Singaporean students help improve facilities of schools in Ben Tre

The YMCA Vietnam Social Co. Ltd. and students from Singapore’s Institute of Technical Education (ITE) have supported Phuoc Ngai Primary School in the southern province of Ben Tre to upgrade a yard of the school’s auxiliary establishment in Phuoc Ngai commune of Ba Tri district.

The construction to upgrade the 520 sq.m yard started on September 17 with the donation of 60 million VND (2,440 USD) from the company and ITE students.

From September 17-25, Singaporean students, volunteers from the company, teachers and local residents joined in concretising the yard to avoid floods.

During their stays in the commune, the Singaporean students also taught English to local children and learn about culture and daily life of native people.

Speaking at the inauguration of the school yard on September 25, Vice President of the provincial Vietnam Youth Federation acknowledged and thanked the YMCA Vietnam Social Co. Ltd. for connecting Singaporean students, including ITE ones and Ben Tre to carry out practical projects for students at local schools, especially disadvantaged ones.

On this occasion, the YMCA Vietnam Social Co. Ltd. and ITE students presented 100 sets of English books and 100 sets of learning tools to Phuoc Ngai students.

Previously, on September 18, 2024, the company and and 26 students of Singapore’s Ngee Ann Polytechnic also provided support to upgrade four old classrooms at Hung Nhuong Primary School in Hung Nhuong commune, Giong Trom district of the same province./.

HCM City eyes stronger tourism cooperation with Portugal’s Porto city

Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Duong Ngoc Hai on September 25 expressed his hope for stronger tourism cooperation between the southern metropolis and Portugal’s Porto city whose Historic Centre was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.

Receiving Porto’s Deputy Mayor Ricardo Valente, who is in HCM City for a friendship dialogue and an economic forum, Hai noted that tourism remains an economic spearhead sector of the city and expressed his hope for travel firms of the two sides to enhance exchanges and share experience in product development and promotion.

He suggested Porto encourage its enterprises to help HCM City in heritage preservation and restoration, thus contributing to strengthening economic and cultural cooperation and exchange between the two cities.

The official also said the two sides should intensify coordination in organising fairs to foster trade ties and share experience in innovation and startup.

Hai noted his belief that Valente’s visit will create a foundation for many new projects and cooperation activities between the two sides in the coming time, contributing to the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding they signed in 2023.

For his part, Valente said the HCM City Friendship Dialogue and Economic Forum would help the southern economic hub boost investment cooperation. He shared Hai’s view on tourism collaboration between the two cities as more and more Portuguese people have been travelling to Vietnam.

The official pointed to potential for stronger cooperation in economy, especially in innovation, saying Porto businesses want to penetrate into Southeast Asia through HCM City.

Referring to the Vietnamese Embassy to be inaugurated in Portugal in late 2025, Valente said he believes that it will play a role in enhancing the diplomatic ties between the two countries./.

Vietnam working seriously to secure sustainable development: Deputy PM

Vietnam has been making serious efforts to realise the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) amid its current socio-economic situation, Deputy Prime Minister Le Thanh Long told the first meeting of the National Council for Sustainable Development in Hanoi on September 25.

Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc said the United Nations, countries, and international organisations highly value Vietnam’s efforts to achieve the SDGs. In the Sustainable Development Report 2024, Vietnam scored 73.32 in the SDG Index to rank 54th among the 166 listed countries, representing an improvement in both the score and ranking compared to 2023.

In Eastern and Southern Asia, Vietnam is only second to Thailand, showing the international community’s highly positive assessment of its achievements on the path to sustainable development, she noted.

At the meeting, council members looked into the current context’s impacts on the realisation of the SDGs worldwide. They also discussed Vietnam’s opportunities and moves to accompany the international community in responding to global challenges, its activeness in implementing the shared commitments stated in the Pact for the Future freshly adopted by the UN General Assembly, along with ministries and sectors’ efforts to achieve the SDGs.

Participants said that basically, policies of sectors and areas have comprehensively taken into account sustainable development issues and vulnerable groups such as low-income earners, ethnic minority people, children, and women to ensure that no one is left behind and work towards the global goals on environmental protection, natural resources, biodiversity, and climate change response.

However, the realisation of the SDGs still encounters certain difficulties and challenges. For example, social policies have yet to cover all groups or be carried out comprehensively, urbanisation and migration are heaping pressure on infrastructure, environment and social security, while the fast population ageing is causing a big burden on the social welfare system. Besides, the economy’s low quality and competitiveness are posing a challenge to economic growth. Climate change and natural disasters have also considerably affected people’s life quality and livelihoods, they pointed out.

Deputy PM Long, who is also Chairman of the council, acknowledged that there remain numerous challenges to the progress and quality of the SDGs implementation.

Given this, ministries and sectors need to carry out the programmes and plans issued by the Government and the PM in a more serious and effective manner. They also have to submit advice related to the areas within their remit to the council to help with organising the implementation of policies, strategies, and mechanisms on sustainable development, he said.

He agreed that a mid-term review of the implementation of the national action plan for carrying out the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will be conducted in 2025. A national conference on sustainable development will also be proposed to the PM./.

Workshop suggests ways for enhancing Indochinese countries’ ties amid new global context

A workshop was co-organised in Vientiane on September 25 by the Lao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), and the Royal Academy of Cambodia, suggesting measures for enhancing the three countries’ cooperation in the new global context.

VASS Vice President Assoc. Prof. Dr Ta Minh Tuan said that the three countries’ relations have been growing unceasingly over the past years, but they are facing many difficulties and challenges, including the competition among powerful countries, conflicts in various places around the world, and non-traditional security challenges such as trans-national crimes, environmental pollution, energy security, food security, water resource security, infectious disease outbreaks, and climate change.

Such challenges have strongly affected not only each of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia but also their collaboration, he noted, perceiving that they can effectively cope with those challenges by cooperating closely with one another on the basis of political trust, equality, and sincerity.

Participants listened to reports and speeches on the regional and global development trends that affect the development of the three countries and their cooperation. They analysed the countries’ foreign policies in the current context, and also proposed measures for strengthening trilateral ties amid the specific context of each country, the region, and the world.

Initiated in 2012, the annual workshop has become an important and regular forum in the field of social sciences and humanities for the countries’ officials, experts, and scientists. Its results serve as a scientific basis for Vietnamese, Lao, and Cambodian agencies to form and submit policy advice to their respective countries’ Governments to further tap into cooperation potential./.

Seminar held to promote Francophone scientific research at Vietnamese universities

The Ministry of Education and Training is ready to collaborate with the Francophone University Association (AUF) to build a national consultation framework and facilitate the further promotion of the AUF's activities with priorities on the use of French language in the development of education and training, science and technology, a senior official has said.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Van Phuc made the remarks at a seminar on Francophone scientific research activities at Vietnamese universities which was co-organised by the AUF and Hanoi University of Science and Technology in Hanoi on September 25.

Currently, many universities in Vietnam have French language departments, which help train thousands of bachelors in French as well as bachelors of science and technology who are using French. This is an important factor in promoting Francophone research activities in Vietnamese universities, he noted.

The AUF has had an office in the Asia-Pacific region since 1992, and to date, 47 Vietnamese universities are members.

The Deputy Minister held that with the support of the Asia-Pacific office, higher education institutions have carried out many projects and scientific research topics, aimed at improving the environment and quality of higher education at these universities, contributing to the development of higher education in Vietnam. He highly valued the team of scientists using French and the quality of their scientific research work.

Regional Director of AUF Asia-Pacific Office Nicolas Mainetti said that changes in education and training create opportunities but also pose challenges for the French language. This requires the AUF to seek solutions for the Francophone community to become a driving force for promoting research and innovating the research ecosystem.

Through this forum, the AUF aims to create a national consultation framework to assess the current state and gather consensus on the use of French in the development of scientific research in Vietnam, he said. It wants to provide practical and theoretical foundation for future reforms in Vietnam's higher education and research system, thereby creating better conditions to speed up scientific research with the use of French in the country./.

Politics academy fosters cooperation with French, Korean partners

The Hanoi-based Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA) is seeking to enhance cooperation in personnel training and knowledge sharing with partners from France and the Republic of Korea (RoK).

Cooperation potential was discussed at HCMA President Nguyen Xuan Thang's meetings with French Ambassador Olivier Brochet and President of the Korea Foundation (KF) Kim Ghee-whan in Hanoi on September 25.

Thang, who is also a Politburo member and Chairman of the Central Theory Council, briefed the French and Korean sides on the academy’s operation, saying it always pays heed to international cooperation, especially knowledge sharing.

At the meeting with Brochet, the official said France is a leading partner of Vietnam in the European Union (EU), and that apart from trade, investment, and technology transfer, the two sides have stepped up collaboration in other fields like culture and education.

Thang stressed that Vietnam is pushing ahead with innovation to facilitate digital transformation, during which the country places importance on its ties with international partners, including France.

French agencies are important partners for the academy in strengthening cooperative relations and sharing knowledge on development governance, building an excellent public administration, and effectively managing the relationship between the Government and localities, he continued.

Brochet affirmed that France’s international perspectives are aligned with the values Vietnam is pursuing, saying his country has much to cooperate and share with Vietnam in the spheres of economy, training, and research.

The diplomat expressed his hope that more Vietnamese cadres will participate in public administration training programmes as well as those on climate change response in France.

He also highly valued the Southeast Asian nation's active role in the International Organisation of La Francophonie, and noted his hope that the two sides will work on French language training programmes for Vietnamese cadres at the upcoming Francophonie Summit.

Meeting Kim, the HCMA President said the academy maintains good relations with a number of Korean partners and wishes to continue its coordination with the KF in implementing exchange programmes to raise understanding between Vietnamese and Korean cadres.

The KF leader introduced his foundation's operation and pledged to make efforts to promote the relationship between Vietnam and the RoK./.

Coastal localities unleash all-out campaigns to eradicate IUU fishing

Coastal localities across the country have simultaneously launched peak campaigns against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in an attempt to reel in the "yellow card" warning enforced by the European Commission (EC).

In the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang, which has the largest number of fishing vessels, the provincial People’s Committee has asked authorised agencies to speed up the installation of the eCDT software for electronically tracing the origin of fish catches on vessels, and strengthen control of those entering and leaving ports.

At the same time, local authorities have increased patrols, strictly handled cases of IUU fishing violations, and monitored 100% of seafood loading and unloading activities in two designated fishing ports as well as local fishing wharves.

To date, 100% of vessels have been registered, with their data fully updated in the national fisheries database (VNFishbase). Kien Giang has checked and granted licences to 2,708 fishing vessels previously unregistered, unexamined and unlicensed, according to Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Lam Minh Thanh.

Meanwhile, in Ca Mau, another in the Mekong Delta, the provincial People’s Committee has built an action plan, mobilised forces and instructed authorities in vessel management while encouraging fishermen to sign commitments not to break anti-IUU fishing rules.

It has implemented digitalisation for 100% of vessels with expired fishing licences and registrations, as well as disconnected vehicles, those sold but not yet registered, and the ones crossing the border.

Director of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Phan Hoang Vu said that Ca Mau has applied drastic measures against IUU fishing, with specific tasks assigned to agencies and localities.

Joining hands with the whole country in the work, the southern province of Ba Ria - Vung Tau has set up a specialised committee to combat IUU fishing.

The province's Border Guard Command also established a specialised group as part of this committee to help with the fight. The force has mobilised three boat crews, three canoes and 25 officers to focus on reviewing and verifying vessel records, thoroughly handle cases of violations, and not allow vessels without sufficient documents to leave ports, said Colonel Dang Cao Dat, Commander of the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Border Guard.

As of September 20, the province recorded 4,345 fishing vessels. There are currently 826 fishing boats whose data that have not been updated as they have been sold outside the province, sunk or rotted.

The EC is scheduled to come to Vietnam for the fifth inspection of the IUU fishing combat this October. Therefore, it's now the peak time for the country to address the problems pointed out by the EC so as to have the "yellow card" lifted./.

Denmark painting contest illustrates local environmental issues

The Denmark In Your Eyes painting contest 2024 was launched by the Vietnam - Denmark Friendship Association in collaboration with the Danish Embassy of Vietnam in Hanoi on September 25 as part of the activities to mark the 53rd anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Themed “green initiatives”, the contest encourages students to analyse the surrounding environmental and climate challenges as well as share their initiatives to protect the environment and natural resources.

At the launch ceremony, Danish Ambassador Nicolai Prytz expressed his hope that the event will be a venue for Vietnamese students to express their bold and inspiring ideas to turn the Earth into a green and livable home for everyone.

The contest is open for primary and secondary students. Entrants should send their entries to the Danish Embassy in BIDV Tower, No.194 Tran Quang Khai Street, Hoan Kiem District no later than December 20.

Winners of the contest will be announced and awarded at a ceremony held in the end of the 2024-2025 academic year.

The first competition took place in 2016 during the celebration of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam - Denmark diplomatic relations. It has since then been organised on an annual basis – with a new theme each year and always with a strong focus on the environment and the green agenda.

The last event called “Green Future” received more than 21,500 paintings and artworks from 256 schools and clubs in 42 provinces and cities across the nation./.

Summer youth volunteer campaign draws over 10.7 million

The 2024 Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign held by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU) drew more than 10.7 million union members and other youngsters, up 65.1% compared to 2023, heard a conference held by the Union's Central Committee on September 24 to review the campaign.

This year, the annual campaign took place from May 27 to August 31, becoming the 25th edition with a large number of activities spreading across the country, leaving a positive impression in the society.

Ten out of the eleven targets of the campaign were achieved and surpassed. The campaign provided startup knowledge for at least 200,000 youngsters, and supported 700 startup projects.

The campaign’s activities contributed to educating union members and other youngsters, while raising their political awareness through activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory and the 55 years of implementing President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament.

During the campaign, 1,870 provincial-level, nearly 5,000 district-level, and nearly 43,000 grassroots-level projects were implemented at a total cost of about 774 billion VND (31.53 billion USD).

A new feature of this year’s campaign is youngsters’ active participation in new, difficult, and important national projects, including the construction of the Quang Trach-Pho Noi 500kV Circuit-3 power transmission line project.

Besides, the Union's members have joined hands in overcoming consequences of natural disasters in affected localities./.

Vietnamese folk songs take stage at Berlin concert hall

Vietnamese folk melodies were performed at Berliner Philharmonie, one of the world's most renowned concert halls, in Berlin on September 23 (local time) on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Schostakowitsch Music School Berlin-Lichtenberg.

The school is the only one in Germany that offers training in Vietnamese traditional music.

Nearly 30 Vietnamese instrumentalists from the Hanoi Ensemble joined 300 German peers to play “The Second Walts” by Soviet-era Russian composer and pianist Dmitri Schostakowitsch, after whom the school is named. This piece was re-arranged for traditional Vietnamese instruments to be played with a chamber orchestra.

Also at the celebration show, three Vietnamese folk songs "Trong Com" (Rice Drum), "Inh La Oi" (Oh Inh La), and “Ly Ngua O” (Song of the black horse) were played by Vietnamese and German musicians with nearly 30 Vietnamese traditional instruments.

At the end of the programme, about 350 musicians and singers stood together on the big stage of the Berliner Philharmonie to perform "Die Hymne der Schostakowitsch Musikschule" – the song of the Schostakowitsch music school, with the prelude played by the Hanoi Ensemble members with Vietnamese instruments.

The performances of the Vietnamese traditional orchestra with the choir and chamber symphony received resounding applause from an audience of nearly 2,500.

The Hanoi Ensemble was founded in 2000 and run by the folk music artist couple Le Manh Hung and Tran Phuong Hoa. It is specialised in performing famous traditional Vietnamese music works with Vietnamese instruments and in traditional Vietnamese costumes.

The orchestra brings an in-depth and fascinating look at Vietnamese music, helping international friends better understand the Vietnamese culture. With the motto "For common life in Berlin - a multicultural city", the Hanoi Ensemble always actively contributes to the cultural activities of Lichtenberg district in particular and of Berlin in general.

The Vietnamese folk music department at the Schostakowitsch now has about 60 students. Since its establishment 20 years ago, it has provided training to about 300-400 students including both Vietnamese and international ones./.

Archive documents, images on Hanoi liberation introduced to public

Nearly 200 archive original documents and images about Hanoi’s Liberation Day on October 10, 1954 were introduced at an event held in Hanoi on September 24 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the day.

The event was held by the National Archives Centre III under the Department of State Records and Archives, the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Nguyen Thi Nga, Deputy Director of the Department of State Records and Archives said that the documents and images give an insight into the glorious moments 70 years ago when people in the capital city of Hanoi welcomed the revolutionary troops who marched into the city to take over the capital from the French occupation forces on October 10, 1954.

Among documents and photos introduced at the event include a report on the reception of the revolutionary army and government on October 10, 1954; photos of French soldiers withdrawing from the streets of the capital; revolutionary troops taking over the Hanoi flagpole, and the sacred flag-raising ceremony on the afternoon of October 10, 1954.

Also introduced at the event were documents about musicians Van Cao, Huy Du, and Nguyen Duc Toan, who were famous for their songs about Hanoi.

These documents and photos will be on display at an exhibition called "Hanoi – Memories of Liberation" scheduled to open on October 2 at 61 Trang Tien Street, Hanoi./.

Hanoi builds more new schools to match growing educational demands

For the 2024-2025 academic year, Hanoi's education sector continues to lead the nation in terms of scale, with nearly 2.3 million students, over 130,000 staff members, and 2,913 schools. To address the shortage of school facilities due to rapid population growth, the city has built new schools at all levels, some of which are completed on time to mark the 70th anniversary of Hanoi's Liberation (October 10, 1954- 2024).

Recently, four schools in Dong Anh district were recognised as commemorative projects for this anniversary, which are An Duong Vuong Junior High School, Kim Chung Kindergarten, Xuan Canh Kindergarten, and Xuan Canh Junior High School.

Additionally, Dong Thap Primary School in Dan Phuong district and Vo Thi Sau Primary School in Hai Ba Trung district were also designated as key projects marking this occasion.

Kim Chung Kindergarten, which opened in August 2024, has 16 classrooms with modern, well-equipped learning environments spanning 8,000 square meters. The school’s design prioritises natural light and safety, offering interactive smart devices and tools that enhance daily care and education for its 616 students.

Principal Le Huyen Thu said the new facility will help accommodate more students and reduce the pressure on local private daycare centres, improving pre-school educational quality across the community.

An Duong Vuong Junior High School, which opened in May 2024, enrolled 193 new sixth graders this year, bringing the total number of students to 469. Principal Ngo Van Thang emphasised that the school’s mission is to foster a happy learning environment and build a strong foundation for future generations. The new facilities and support from local authorities are expected to elevate the school's standing and contribute to educational improvements in Dong Anh district in particular and Hanoi in general.

In Dan Phuong, the local Department of Education has collaborated with urban management and finance offices to accelerate school construction and renovation projects. Since early 2024, eight new schools have been completed, while three schools have undergone renovations. Dong Thap Primary School, a commemorative project, was upgraded to national standards, featuring modern classrooms and facilities, including a two-story dormitory, library, and playground.

Thanh Tri district, which had no national-standard schools when it was established in 2004, now boasts 68 out of 73 schools meeting this benchmark, with 34 achieving the higher "Level 2" standard. This transformation highlights the district’s investment in education, particularly through the construction of Van Phuc Junior High School, another key project celebrating Hanoi's 70th Liberation anniversary.

In Hai Ba Trung district, the completion of Vo Thi Sau Primary School is a significant achievement. Opened in July 2024, the school has 20 classrooms, six functional rooms, and facilities for physical education. The project was completed 20 days ahead of schedule and will help reduce overcrowding in local schools.

Chairman of the district People’s Committee Nguyen Quang Trung noted that this project, along with other infrastructure upgrades in the area, is creating a modern, green, and welcoming environment that enhances educational opportunities for local children.

Hanoi'ss continued investment in educational infrastructure is not only addressing immediate needs but also laying the foundation for a higher-quality learning environment for future generations./.

Vietnam attends 16th ASOSAI Assembly in India

A delegation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam led by Deputy Auditor General Bui Quoc Dung is taking part in the 16th Assembly of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), which opened in New Delhi on September 24.

The opening session saw the presence of Indian President Droupadi Murmu, high-ranking officials of the host country, and more than 200 international delegates representing 44 ASOSAI members along with international and observer organisations.

Indian President Droupadi Murmu said the duties of public-sector auditing has been expanded beyond those of traditional auditing to include assessing the effectiveness of public welfare programmes and projects to ensure all people are served equitably. In an increasingly technology-driven world, more and more public services are supplied through technology, so auditing needs to keep up with technological development so as to effectively perform its function of monitoring.

Besides, as the financial world often faces unclear accounting activities, the role of independent SAIs is to ensure public resources are managed efficiently and has maximum integrity, she said, adding that auditing and assessment by SAIs not only protect public funds but also enhance public trust in governance.

For his part, Indian Comptroller and Audit General Girish Chandra Murmu appealed to SAIs to focus on complying with the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and capitalising on technology to optimise auditing, helping SAIs not only cope with current challenges but also resolve future uncertainties.

Following the opening, the 16th ASOSAI Assembly convened the first plenary session to discuss important issues, including the ASOSAI strategic plan, the implementation of the Bangkok Declaration, and the report of the ASOSAI working groups on auditing the environment, the Sustainable Development Goals, and crisis management.

At the plenum, the State Audit Office of Thailand, which chaired ASOSAI in the 2021 - 2024 tenure, handed over the chairmanship for 2024 - 2027 to the Supreme Audit Institution of India./.

Vietnam, Russia to enhance strategic ties in education, sci-tech, innovation

A delegation of the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology led by Minister Huynh Thanh Dat had a working session with officials of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education led by Minister Valery Falkov in Moscow on September 24.

Dat said together with the development of the Vietnam - Rusia comprehensive strategic partnership, bilateral relations in science - technology and innovation have been thriving extensively and intensively.

In November 2014, the countries’ Governments signed an agreement on strategic partnership in education and science - technology, setting an important milestone of their science - technology cooperation. Since then, the two sides have made considerable progress in fostering mutually beneficial ties in education - training, science - technology, and innovation, he noted.

Falkov held that the new agreement on higher education cooperation, signed on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Treaty on Principles of Friendly Relations between Vietnam and Russia, and the one on continuing to strengthen and unceasingly develop the countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership, reached at the 25th session of the Vietnam - Russia Intergovernmental Committee on September 11, are important to promoting collaboration in science and education.

He suggested that building on the successful events on culture, education, and science - technology taking place over the past year, a Vietnam week be held next year in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations. He also invited the Vietnamese ministry, the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, and the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute to act as co-organisers of that activity.

The Russian official underlined that his country always attaches importance to education and science - technology cooperation with Vietnam, adding he hopes bilateral ties will grow even further in the future.

Meanwhile, Dat proposed several cooperation activities, including holding annual sessions of the countries’ Committee on Education and Science - Technology Cooperation; selecting joint research tasks for implementation annually; strengthening collaboration in fundamental research and application-oriented fundamental research in the fields of natural and social sciences; increasing the transfer of new technologies that match Vietnam’s conditions and Russia’s strength such as material technology, and send more delegations to large science - technology and innovation events organised in the two countries.

During the meeting, the two sides reviewed the 10-year implementation of the strategic cooperation in science - technology, and discussed measures for carrying out the agreements reached under the joint statement of further intensifying the comprehensive strategic partnership, adopted during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to Vietnam in June 2024.

They expressed their belief that the strategic partnership in science - technology and innovation will record development breakthroughs, contributing to socio-economic development in each country./.

Japan continues support for Vietnam’s typhoon relief efforts

The Governor of Japan’s Yamanashi prefecture, Nagasaki Kotaro, on September 24 presented the token of 1 million JPY (over 6,900 USD) to the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan to support the country’s disaster relief efforts in the wake of Typhoon Yagi and its subsequent floods and landslides.

At the event, Nguyen Duc Minh, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan, said that Japanese leaders, including the governor of Yamanashi prefecture, sent their condolences to typhoon-hit localities in Vietnam, while the East Asian country has delivered relief supplies to Vietnam, affirming their valuable support for the nation during this difficult time.

Minh expressed his emotion that Yamanashi is the first locality of Japan to send officials to the Vietnamese Embassy to share and assist Vietnam to overcome the aftermath of Typhoon Yagi. He also took this occasion to thank the governor and hoped that Kotaro will continue support for the Vietnamese community in the prefecture.

For his part, Kotaro said he wants to share with Vietnam's difficulties and convey the heartfelt sentiments of the Yamanashi people towards Vietnamese citizens who have been affected by the typhoon.

Vietnam and Yamanashi have enjoyed a sound friendship over the past time. Earlier this month, the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai and the Japanese prefecture signed a frame agreement to carry out cooperation activities between the two sides./.

Lam Dong man sentenced to eight years in jail for anti-State propaganda

The People’s Court of the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong handed down an eight-year prison sentence to a local man for making, storing, and disseminating information opposing the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, at a first-instance trial on September 24.

According to the indictment of the provincial People’s Procuracy, Hoang Viet Khanh, 41, from Lien Nghia town, Duc Trong district, frequently accessed websites of reactionaries at home and abroad, which nurtured his oppositional views against the Party's policies and the State's laws.

The man then created a Facebook account to post 126 articles and a video clip criticising the Party and State’s policies involving politics, economy, and social affairs. He also distorted the national history, defamed and insulted leaders, and slandered senior Party officials, as well as spreading false information. The Facebook account drew over 45,000 subscribers and followers.

The investigation unit under the provincial Department of Public Security on February 19 began legal proceedings against and detained Khanh, who confessed to his violation of legal regulations in court.

The man will be placed under probation in his homeland for three years after completing the jail term./.

Study shows challenges facing domestic migrants in Red River, Mekong deltas

Domestic migrants in the Red River and Mekong deltas face myriad challenges in terms of social welfare, accommodation, education and integration, a study by a team from the National Economics University (NEU) has unveiled.

Outcomes of the study on internal migration were released at a conference co-organised by the university and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Vietnam in Hanoi on September 24. They shed light on the driving forces behind the movement, challenges facing the group in their daily lives, their access to public services and social welfare, and the opportunities to ensure their protection and integration rights are recognised.

The study was carried out across eight provinces and cities in the two regions, namely Hanoi, Bac Ninh, Hai Duong, Nam Dinh, Can Tho, Long An, An Giang, and Soc Trang. Additionally, Binh Duong, a province in the southeastern region known for receiving many migrants from the Mekong Delta, was also included in the research. Against a backdrop of the 2020 residence law and the national population database, the study provides timely evidence to help shape policies that promote equal rights for migrants nationwide.

At the conference, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hieu, NEU Vice Rector, expressed hope that the findings will contribute positively to policy-making for migrants in Vietnam, particularly in improving their access to public services and enhancing their quality of life in the two delta regions.

Sabina Stein, Assistant Resident Representative and Head of Governance and Participation Unit at the UNDP Vietnam, noted that recognising and enforcing migrants' rights is not only a matter of justice but also a prerequisite for the promotion of sustainable development.

To fully harness the potential of migration, she stressed the need to create an environment that fosters the integration of migrants into local communities, building bridges that enhance social cohesion and prosperity for all.

The study's results indicate that the majority of migrants in the sample have not accessed basic social benefits. Many of them, lacking professional skills, often engage in simple labour within companies or work freelance in seasonal jobs without access to health insurance, social insurance, or even voluntary social insurance, and are yet to benefit from social assistance policies at their destinations.

A significant finding is that most migrant workers live in substandard rental accommodations that are overcrowded, damp, lack basic amenities, and do not meet fire safety standards. The separation from their families affects their mental and emotional well-being, contributing to various social issues that require attention.

Many face difficulties enrolling their children in public schools and have to choose expensive private kindergartens. From a gender perspective, female migrants face more psychological, social, and community integration challenges than their male counterparts. Interviews with migrants in the two delta regions also reveals that they rarely participate in local governance or community, cultural, and sports activities in their temporary residences.

Based on these results, the research report proposes several solutions and policy recommendations to ensure that migrants' rights to recognition, protection, and community integration are upheld. It suggests authorities plan and allocate land for housing construction for low-income individuals, regardless of their permanent or temporary residence status, while diversifying the types and forms of housing available to workers. Moreover, in regions like the Mekong Delta, there is a need to create agricultural jobs in rural areas to retain the local workforce. Improving transportation connections within the region to allow daily commuting could also help reduce housing pressure in destination areas./.

Propaganda poster exhibition celebrates 70th Hanoi Liberation Day

A propaganda poster exhibition will kick off in Son Tay township, Hanoi on October 4 as part of activities in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the capital's Liberation Day (October 10, 1954 – 2024), according to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

The exhibition will showcase around 150 to 200 posters, highlighting the great achievements of the Party and the nation in the revolutionary strugglefor national liberation and reunification, and the national construction and defence process; the history, culture, and people of Hanoi; and the outstanding accomplishments of the capital after 70 years of liberation, especially those during nearly 40 years of the “Doi moi” (renewal) process.

The event aims to widely disseminate the historical significance and value of the capital's Liberation Day in the revolutionary struggle for national independence and socialism; and to affirm that the sound and wise leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, and the spirit of great national unity are the decisive factors for all victories of the Vietnamese revolution.

It is expected to educate the tradition of patriotism and revolutionary heroism, the spirit of bravery and resilience of the army and people of Vietnam in general and Hanoi in particular in the resistance wars for national independence and reunification./.