VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung yesterday (June 10) applauded the outcome of a meeting between Viet Nam and Algeria's ministries of justice after receiving Algerian Minister of Justice Tayeb Louh in Ha Noi.

Minister Louh is on an official visit to Viet Nam.

Prime Minister Dung said he believed the visit indicated the determination of the two countries to implement mutual agreements achieved recently during Dung's visit to Algeria.


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung receives Algerian Minister of Justice Tayeb Louh during his working visit to Viet Nam.



Viet Nam would try its best to make the agreements successful, especially in trade, investment, agricultural and petrol co-operation.

"The inauguration of the Bir Seba oil development project after 13 years of exploration is a milestone that will open new co-operation opportunities between the two countries," Dung said.

For his part, Minister Louh said the Algerian President and Prime Minister highly appreciated PM Dung's visit, which he also believed would drive further co-operation.

Supreme Court

On the same day, Chief Justice of the Viet Nam Supreme People's Court Truong Hoa Binh also received Louh.


Chief Justice of the Viet Nam Supreme People's Court Truong Hoa Binh (right) meets with Algerian Minister of Justice Tayeb Louh In Ha Noi yesterday. — Photo congly


Binh, who is also a secretary of the Party Central Committee, described the working visit as crucial to fostering co-operation between the two Ministries of Justice as well as other relevant agencies.

He noted that Viet Nam had been reforming its judicial activities for ten years and made improvements in the court system.

The court system in Viet Nam had been divided into four levels, as opposed to the previous three: the Supreme People's Court, the superior people's courts, the provincial-level people's courts and the district-level people's courts. Methods for selecting and appointing judges had also been fine-tuned to enhance the independence of judges, he said.

Minister Louh said his visit was intended to boost overall relations between the nations and their justice partnership in particular, noting that his country was also stepping up legal and judicial reforms through various measures, including equipping judges with first-rate skills.

He added the judicial court system in Algeria consisted of trial courts, appeal courts and the Supreme Court.

At the meeting, the two sides shared their respective country's experiences in judicial and legal reforms, judicial staff training and hearings.

They agreed to increase high-ranking delegation exchanges and closely co-operate on matters of mutual concern.

Source: VNS