VietNamNet Bridge - Experts have shown their concern about the opening of too many new subject majors, warning that instructional quality could decline.


Universities have launched a series of new majors in the last three years, after applying  by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET). 

The government’s Resolution No 77 says that the schools applying autonomy on a trial basis have the right to open majors to satisfy demand in society if they can meet requirements stipulated in the laws.

This means that schools can launch new training majors without having to ask for permission from the watchdog agency.

That is why a number of training majors provided by universities has been increasing considerably in the last three years. Some schools have opened one major, and others 22 majors.

 Experts have shown their concern about the opening of too many new subject majors, warning that instructional quality could decline.
The HCM City Industry University only had 16 training majors for university education in 2014. But the number soared to 32 in 2016. The school has also opened six more majors for master training. 

At Ton Duc Thang University, two new majors for a doctorate, four for master’s and three for university have been opened. The figures are one, three and five, respectively, for the HCM City Economics University. The Finance & Marketing University has opened one more major – hotel administration – for university level.

In the north, Hanoi Economics University has opened six new majors for university training and one for master’s. At the Vietnam Agriculture Academy, 10 university training majors have been opened.

Under current regulations, normal universities (which don’t apply the autonomy policy) have to follow complicated procedures to obtain licenses from MOET to open new training majors.  

They have to prove the necessity of opening of new branches and the schools’ capability in facilities and teaching staff.

MOET, the watchdog agency, explains that it is necessary to keep a strict control over the opening of new training majors to ease the imbalance in training fields. 

Labor experts have recently warned about the abundance of economics and education graduates. Meanwhile, MOH has warned about the lack of nurses.

However, with autonomy given, schools don’t have to follow such complicated procedures. In many cases, schools can even ignore the technical requirements set by MOET which say that to open one new training major, schools must have at least five permanent lecturers with a doctorate, including at least one professor/associate professor or doctor.

In the latest news, a source said MOET plans to take inspection tours to universities and junior colleges, including 50 percent of schools with partial autonomy.

Mai Chi