Ambassador Duong Chi Dung, Head of the Vietnamese Delegation in Geneva attended the meeting.
On July 11-12, 2019, at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) conducted its final discussions after three weeks of working, passing 26 Resolutions, including Resolutions on climate change and human rights co-authored by Vietnam, Philippines and Bangladesh.
This year's resolution on climate change focuses on the impact of climate change on the rights of people with disabilities. Identifying people with disabilities as the most vulnerable in emergency situations, especially in the event of natural disasters or extreme weather events due to climate change, the Resolution calls on countries to strengthen measures to ensure the rights of people with disabilities to the adverse impacts of climate change, especially to ensure the participation of people with disabilities in developing and implementing climate change response programs in local, national and international levels.
In addition, the Resolution continues to call for international cooperation on financial assistance, technology transfer and capacity building for developing countries to cope with climate change. The resolution was adopted by consensus with 43 co-sponsored countries at the time of adoption.
In addition to the Resolution on climate change, 15 other resolutions were approved by the Human Rights Council, including a number of notable resolutions such as the Resolution on Information Technology and Human Rights, the Decree on the rights of migrants, the resolution on eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls ...
There are 10 resolutions adopted by voting, notably the Resolution on the situation of human rights in the Philippines, Resolution on international cooperation in the field of human rights, Resolution on the contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights ...
Vietnamese delegation actively contributes to discussion at the meeting
At the same time, at this session, the Human Rights Council adopted the results of the Universal Periodic Review of Vietnam in cycle III with the Reports of 13 other countries. Vietnam accepted 241 out of 291 recommendations made by the countries, reaching nearly 83%, including important and comprehensive contents of human rights assurance, especially the improvement of the system. legal systems, measures to ensure civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights, and strengthening institutions to protect human rights and new issues on migration, climate change, environment and sustainable development.
The Vietnamese delegation actively contributed to discussions at the Session and negotiation sessions on draft draft resolutions. In addition to the Resolution on climate change, Vietnam also co-sponsored 05 other resolutions. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador Duong Chi Dung, Head of the Vietnamese Delegation to Geneva spoke at various sessions to discuss different issues. The Vietnamese delegation also participated in the joint statements of ASEAN, the Francophone group and the group of countries that shared the same opinion at the discussion sessions on issues of common concern.
Since 2014, the Human Rights Council has reviewed and approved a Resolution on climate change every year with an annual focus on specific topics such as children's rights, rights for healthcare, human rights, migration, women's rights ... in the context of climate change.
Vietnam's active participation in the development and adoption of this Resolution as well as in the co-authoring activities of the Annual Resolution on Climate Change at the UNHRC reflects Vietnam's efforts in responding to climate change, and at the same time contributing to the implementation of an active, proactive and responsible foreign policy for common issues of the international community.
Hai Anh