Twelfth storm of the year rumbles toward central coast





Viet Nam is likely to experience its 12th tropical storm this year.

The storm, known as Krosa, has passed over the northern Philippines' island of Luzon and is headed west towards the East Sea.

If the storm maintains its present direction, it is likely to hit the north central coast of Viet Nam within three days.

The National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting predicts the storm will gain strength and develop into a full cyclone.

By 1pm yesterday, the storm was 670km from the Philippines with wind speeds ranging from 75-102km per hour. It was moving west at 20-25km per hour.

The storm is forecast to cause rough seas in the eastern part of the East Sea.

Office Director of the Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control, Vu Van Tu, yesterday ordered coastal localities to inform fishing boats of the imminent danger and to set up rescue teams for any emergencies.

Traffic accident kills one, injures over 20 in Ninh Thuan





One passenger was killed, and over 20 others were injured after a collision involving two buses and a stationary container on National Highway 1A in Ninh Phuoc District, central Ninh Thuan Province, early this morning.

The injured were rushed to the provincial General Hospital, where four were said to be in critical condition.

The two buses were allegedly travelling at high speed in the same direction one of them hit the rear of the stationary container which was located on the road's right shoulder.

The accident caused a traffic jam for over four hours.

Local police are investigating further and working to identify the drivers and victims.

Meanwhile, a motorbike accident yesterday occurred in Central Highland province of Lam Dong's Lam Ha District, killing three people instantly, and seriously injuring one another.

Da Nang on high-alert as dengue fever cases mount





Da Nang medical authorities have warned of a dengue fever pandemic during the storm season, in a year when the central city has already seen 1,400 cases over the first 10 months, with one proving fatal.

The city's Preventive Medicine Centre director Ton That Thanh confirmed to Viet Nam News yesterday that the figure represented a four-fold increase on the same period of last year.

Worryingly, dengue outbreaks went into overdrive in November and December last year, with 1,000 new cases discovered.

The director said 2013's 11th storm, which swept the city over the last two weeks, spreading over 25,000 tonnes of garbage and debris across Da Nang, would spark an alarming number of dengue cases.

He said four types of dengue had been found and another outbreak would hit the city over the next two months.

"From our experience, the appearance of four dengue types would lead to a widespread pandemic," Thanh said. "We have readied urgent programmes and preparations of equipment, medicine, medical staff and emergency vehicles."

A chemical spraying campaign and communications on maintaining a clean environment have been disseminated throughout the city on a weekly basis to prevent disease from spreading in November and December.

According to the city's Preventative Medicine Centre, Da Nang saw 6,000 cases of trachoma this year, while 2,000 children contracted hand-foot-and-mouth disease.

In the same period last year, the city saw 2,333 children in 56 communes and precincts contract hand-foot-and-mouth disease, one of whom died as a result.

The number of trachoma and hand-foot-and-mouth disease patients had declined since September, according to the Centre.

As many as 6,000 children in the central city have been injected with Quinvaxem shots, helping to hold back the tide as only four patients contracted a fever after receiving the injection since vaccinations resumed on October 24.

The vaccine, which was suspended in early May following the deaths of nine children, has been reapplied as part of the National Expanded Programme for Immunisation nationwide.

The vaccine prevents five common, potentially fatal childhood diseases including diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenza type B.

"We have strictly controlled the vaccination process," Thanh said. "Children commonly suffer a fever after the injection and they have been treated with pain-killers at home under the instruction of medical staff."

He added that around 100 children receive vaccinations across 56 health centres every day.

Since being reintroduced last Saturday, 32 children in southern Tien Giang's Cai Lay district have been hospitalised with fevers and hives after receiving the five-in-one Quinvaxem vaccine.

Workers sickened by contaminated beef

Contaminated fried beef caused a food poisoning outbreak at shoemaker Lien Phat Co Ltd in southern Binh Duong Province on October 18.

Provincial Department of Safety and Food Hygiene Vice Director Nguyen Ngoc Hung made known that tests revealed that the beef was contaminated with Clostridium perfringens.

Hundreds of employees were hospitalised at provincial general hospital Thu Duc with dizziness, diarrhoea and vomiting.

The company hired a restaurant to provide workers with over 700 rations worth VND 11,000 (US$0.5) each, according to Giang Loi, a company representative.

Decree sets fines for theft of relief goods

Those who intentionally take possession of goods intended for people affected by storms and floods will receive a fine of VND5-10 million (US$238-476).

This is one of the regulations in Decree 139, which sets out punishments for storm prevention violations and came into effect October 22.

Hospital offers allergy checks

Free health checks and consultancy will be given to 150 people who are suffering from allergic rhinitis and systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) or feel they are susceptible to the two conditions.

The health service will be offered on November 3 by the HCM City University Medical Centre.

Allergic rhinitis, a very common condition in Viet Nam, is not usually harmful but it can be irritating and affect the quality of life, according to doctors at the hospital.

Studies estimate that around 20 per cent of population experience allergic rhinitis, they said.

Lupus, also a common condition in Viet Nam, is a lifelong and can become severe, causing problems with the heart, lungs, kidneys, nervous system or blood cells.

Those interested can register for free consultancy and check-up with the hospital's customer care department (08 54051010 or 08 39525353).

Child obesity on the increase

Poor dietary habits and physical inactivity have led to an increase in the number of obese and overweight children, according to the HCM City Nutrition Centre.

Between 2000 and 2010, the rate rose ninefold, said Do Thi Ngoc Diep, director of the centre.

The rate stood at 11 per cent among children under five and reached 38.5 per cent among primary school students, Diep said at a meeting held recently in HCM City.

It will likely increase in the next few years if there is no change in dietary habits and physical activities in the community, she said.

The malnutrition rate in children under five dropped to 7.6 per cent in 2012 from 11.3 per cent in 2000, while the underweight rate in that age group fell to 5.3 per cent in 2012 from 14.5 per cent in 2000.

More than 1.2 million children across the country are underweight and more than 2 million suffer from malnutrition 2000.

Blogger receives prison term





Mekong Delta Long An Province's People's Court yesterday sentenced a blogger to one year and three months of probation for spreading "anti-state propaganda".

Dinh Nhat Uy, 30, of Tan An City in Long An Province, was charged for "taking advantage of freedom and democracy rights to violate the benefits of the State, legal rights and benefits of organisations and citizens."

The verdict was based on Clause 1 of Article 258 of the Criminal Code, according to the provincial People's Court.

In November 2012, after Uy's brother, Dinh Nguyen Kha, was convicted for spreading "anti-state propaganda" and sent to jail on an eight-year sentence (later reduced to four years), Uy used his Facebook account "to publish and exchange information and photos with false content that aimed to distort the truth about the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and other organisations and individuals".

Through an investigation, police found that Uy had compiled and published information and photos on his personal blog with false content that aimed to distort and affect the prestige of the State and legal rights and benefits of individuals and organisations.

Uy was arrested on June 15 by Long An Police.

Defendants imprisoned

The People's Court of central Khanh Hoa Province sentenced two defendants to 11 years behind bars yesterday on charges of "intentionally revealing State secrets".

Tran Anh Hung, born in 1957 and residing in Tan Lap ward of Nha Trang City in Khanh Hoa Province, was sentenced to six years. Nguyen Manh Ha, born in 1976 and former inspector of the Vietnamese Government Inspectorate, was given five years' imprisonment.

In 2010, the Government Inspectorate issued a decision forming an investigation team to examine citizens' complaints about the Phuoc Long new urban area project in Phuoc Long ward, Nha Trang City.

According to the verdicts, Hung repeatedly asked Ha for a copy of a draft report on the project, which he supplied. Hung then delivered it to others to use as evidence for denunciations against the leaders of Khanh Hoa Province and Nha Trang City. These accusations seriously affected social security, order and trust in provincial leaders.

In June 2012, Hung and Ha were taken into custody.

Illegal ice-cream seized

A market watch team in Ha Noi impounded nearly 1,100 packages of ice cream after inspecting a warehouse on Bach Dang street in Hai Ba Trung District yesterday.

The seized packages, which belonged to the The Gioi Kem (World of Ice Cream) joint stock company, were found without Vietnamese labels. Each package contained 20-30 sticks of popular Korean, Japanese and American icecream brands, including Babam Bar, Nougat Bar, Seika and Hurricane.

An investigation will follow the capture by the market watch team, who also reported a discrepancy between invoices and customs declaration papers.

US$200 million needed for dioxin decontamination





Vietnam will need more than US$200 million to treat the 240,000 cubic metres of land and sediment contaminated with dioxin at Dong Nai province’s Bien Hoa airport by 2020.

The National Steering Committee on Overcoming Consequences of Toxic Chemicals/Dioxin (Steering Committee 33), in coordination with the Dong Nai provincial People’s Committee, hosted an October 29 seminar on raising public awareness of Agent Orange (AO) exposure prevention.

According to the Committee, the most seriously contaminated areas include Binh Dinh province’s Phu Cat Airport, Danang City’s Danang Airport, and Bien Hoa Airport in Dong Nai.

Contaminated soil at Phu Cat Airport has received safe burial treatment while a decontamination project underway at Danang Airport is scheduled for completion by 2016.

At least four 25,000 litre AO and 2,500 litre toxic chemical spills from December 1969 to March 1970 exacerbated the dioxin contamination of approximately 25 hectares at Bien Hoa Airport.

The Defence Ministry has safely buried 94,000 cubic metres of affected soil and sediment. Around 240,000 cubic metres of land still need treating.

The Steering Committee 33 and the Defence Ministry distinguishes 17 levels of dioxin toxicity caused by 895 different types of dioxin-related compounds.

Le Ke Son, the Steering Committee 33 Office Director, said a US International Development Programme manager and representatives of the US Embassy in Vietnam have surveyed dioxin contamination at Bien Hoa Airport. A plan to evaluate the effects of AO/Dioxin on the environment and human health will be announced as soon as it is finalized.

Luxembourg assists Thua Thien Hue to cope with climate change

The Government of Luxembourg has agreed to provide EUR 8 million for a local project on adaption to climate change, said Hoang Ngoc Khanh, Head of the provincial People’s Committee office.

The project is aimed at improving the use of natural and human resources in the locality. It will be carried out in the coastal districts of Quang Dien, Phu Vang and Phu Loc within five years from 2013 to 2017.  

Since 1988, Luxembourg has provided non-refundable aid to the province to help reduce poverty in these areas. It has also provided more than EUR1 million worth of medical equipment to Hue Central Hospital and Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy and EUR4.75 million to a rural development project in Quang Dien district.

Community-based natural disaster mitigation discussed





A seminar highlighting the role of the community in natural calamity mitigation was held in the Mekong Delta province of An Giang on October 29.

The event saw the attendance of over 100 delegates from the Red Cross Societies of Vietnam, Germany and Australia, along with representatives from CARE International in Vietnam, and people with disabilities in An Giang and Kien Giang provinces.

Participants highlighted the impacts of climate change on the Southeast Asian nation, especially on the delta, noting that poor local prevention in the field has made the lives of children, the old and disabled very difficult.

The community should understand the importance of helping people with disabilities participate in the work of natural disaster mitigation, said Chairman of the An Giang Red Cross Society Huynh Hoang Huy.

The delta is benefiting from a number of policies designed by the State and international organisations. The provinces of An Giang, Kien Giang and Soc Trang are receiving assistance from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), CARE International in Vietnam, and the German Red Cross Society.

These organisations are implementing two projects in the field, aiming to support local children, women, the old and disabled materially and spiritually, contributing to the implementation of the Government Decision 1002/QD-TTg on “Raising community awareness and community-based disaster risk management” (CBDRM) issued on July 13, 2009.

Deputy Chairman of the An Giang People’s Committee Ho Viet Hiep appealed for the whole community to take care of and learn about the demand and ability of vulnerable groups, especially disabled people in adapting to climate change and mitigating natural disasters.

50th ABU General Assembly wraps up in Hanoi





KBS President and CEO Gil Hwan-young has been elected as President of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU).

The 50th ABU General Assembly (ABU GA 50) successfully concluded in Hanoi on the evening of October 29 after more than a week of panel discussions, aimed at diversifying media platforms and seeking practical measures to increase content quality and attract fragmented audiences in the digital era.

Participants in the closing session elected Gil Hwan-young, the Republic of Korea’s KBS President and CEO, as ABU President, and Ibrahim Sahin, TRT President of Turkey, as ABU Vice President.

The newly-elected ABU President pledged to strengthen collaboration among ABU member countries through programming and technical assistance projects in the digital era to increase the quality of broadcasts in the near future.

Delegates to the ABU GA 50 agreed to organize the 51st General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2014 along with the world summit on media for children that is due to take place for the first time in Asia.

Since its establishment nearly five decades ago, the ABU has played an important role in developing the broadcasting industry in the region and the world, as well as strengthening links between regional broadcasters.

In his opening speech at ABU GA 50, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung highlighted the significance of the event, saying it offered an excellent venue for policy makers and executives of ABU member countries and partners to discuss and work out strategies and concrete plans of action to develop and target the broadcasting industry towards a wider audience.

Tran Binh Minh, Director General of Vietnam Television (VTV), which hosted the event, said the main focus of discussions was on serving audience in the digital era.

Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia commit to green growth

An October 29 international scientific seminar in the Lao province of Khammouane has discussed green growth and its pursuit by nations of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS).

Addressing the opening ceremony, Lao National Academy of Social Sciences Representative Dr Thongxalit Manomek thanked attendees and stressed the importance of green growth to GMS nations.

Dr Thongxalit Manomek said Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Republic of Korea (RoK) all have varying degrees of green growth experience. The seminar is intended to combine this valuable knowledge into a common base, helping nations learn from each other. Laos is especially eager to add to its sustainable economic development understanding.

Korean Environment Institute President Byung Wook Lee expressed personal delight at meeting scientists from the three nations, reminiscing about the first seminar of its kind hosted by Da Nang in 2011.

The seminar recommitted the efforts of concerned parties to building a sustainable and green GMS in a global context where the challenges of poverty, unemployment, and climate change loom large

He said the seminar focused on discussing food, water resource, and energy interdependence, and how it relates to any future green and sustainable GMS.

Scientists also analysed recent attempts at promoting green economic growth, considered strategies for sustainable GMS green growth, and assessed the environmental impacts of socio-economic development and agriculture.

Experts emphasised the indispensability of clean industry, green technology application, and clean energy development.

NHK introduces 8K super hi-vision in Vietnam

Japanese broadcaster NHK is currently showcasing its latest technology—8K (Super Hi-Vision) and Hybridcast—at the ongoing 50th General Assembly of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) in Hanoi.

The next-generation 8K broadcasts use ultra-high definition imagery. Its 33 million pixels is 16 times that of the current Hi-Vision technology, and is backed up by a 22.2 multi-channel 3D sound system.

Super Hi-Vision is currently unsurpassed at creating the impression of attending broadcast events in person. NHK intends to test the technology further in the lead-up to the 2016 Rio De Janeiro Olympics. An NHK representative announced its official launch is scheduled for 2020.

Launched in Japan in September 2013, NHK’s Hybridcast is an integrative service combining digital television and internet-based content in a variety of innovative ways.

NHK previously demonstrated its 8K and Hybridcast at the 2012 London Olympics. More than 200.000 test viewers in Japan, the UK, and the US had the chance to experience the state-of-the-art technology.

OVs in Norway help children with disabilities

The Vietnamese expatriate community in Norway has organised an Oslo charity night to raise money for poor and disabled children in Vietnam.

Norwegian Overseas Vietnamese Association President Pham Thanh Pha, committed association resources to future fundraising efforts on behalf of economically disadvantaged citizens in the homeland.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Norway Le Thi Tuyet Mai thanked the expatriates for their support and encouraged the association to continue to host community-based activities oriented towards the homeland.

The night included a culinary festival and art performance.

In 2011 and 2012, the Norwegian Overseas Vietnamese Association raised US$20,000 for poor and disabled children in Dien Bien, Bac Giang, Kien Giang, and Long An provinces.

OVs in Germany support needy people at home

Since its establishment in July 2011, the Heart For Homeland fund has raised nearly VND2 billion to build houses and provide assistance for hundreds of disadvantaged people at home.

The figure was released at the second congress of the fund held in Leipzig, Germany, on October 27 to review its operation in the previous term and devise measures for the next term.

The fund’s president Tran Hoang Hai reported during the previous term the fund has presented 62 scholarships worth EUR120 each, supported 36 disadvantaged people and built a compassionate house for the poor in Tranh Xuyen Commune, Dong Tam village, Ninh Giang district, Hai Duong province.

This is the fourth house of its kind the fund has built for needy people in Vietnam.

Heart For Homeland members have launched community initiatives and fund-raising campaigns amongst Vietnamese nationals in Germany to support their disadvantaged compatriots in the fatherland.

Participants at the congress proposed ideas to raise the fund’ performance efficiency and elected a new executive board presided over by Tran Hoang Hai.

The fund, available at is a charitable non-governmental organisation (NGO) which operates on financial support from benefactors and readers of Weekly Bulletin – a paper for Vietnamese nationals in Germany.

In July 2011, it was recognised as legal charitable fund by the local administration.

Seminar seeks ways for better loans, jobs for vulnerable groups

A seminar was held in Hanoi on October 29 to discuss the results of a recent survey on the demand for preferential loans and jobs of four vulnerable groups in Vietnam.

The survey, conducted by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Irish Aid, was undertaken to collect data to submit to the Prime Minister for allocation of resources in each year and period.

It also serves as a basis for the building and implementation of new policies in lending mechanisms, related services and human resources allocation, as well as for the planning of expense distribution and orientations to support the education and development of jobs in line with the demand of each group.

Targeted people include rehabilitated drug users, prostitutes, HIV infected and affected people, and drug users being treated with methadone in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Dien Bien, Nghe An, Can Tho and Lam Dong province.

The results from over 1,500 questionnaires in four provinces showed that only 17.1 percent of people questioned got loans, while the demand for borrowing was very high at 85.5 percent.

The low rate is due to specific conditions of health, knowledge, occupation, low confidence and discrimination, the report said.

Additionally, 32.7 percent of surveyed people said lending procedures are still complicated, 32.1 percent blamed lenders for not loaning them money because they do not belong to any social organisation.

Despite the high demand for training (57.6 percent), only 14.4 percent of people received vocational training and job introduction.

According to the report, there are still few vocational training and job introduction centres, and training models are not suitable for the vulnerable groups.

It was recommended that related ministries and agencies review current legal documents on lending and creating jobs for the aforesaid people, stepping up education to reduce discrimination, as well as raising public awareness on the issue.

People’s committees at district and provincial levels were asked to draw parts of their budget and mobilise resources from the community to lend money to the vulnerable groups.

They were also asked to create more jobs for the groups and strengthen coordination between creditors and other related local agencies.

Surveyors suggested vulnerable people actively seek consultations from supporting centres to get exact information on training and jobs, while learning from successful models to use the loans effectively.-

Preferential loans fund water, sanitation facility building

More than 30,000 poor households in the northern midland province of Phu Tho have benefited from preferential loans to build nearly 60,000 water supply and sanitation facilities.

Since the beginning of this year, the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies has loaned 4.1 billion VND (about 195,200 USD) under a rural water supply and sanitation programme in Phu Tho. As many as 622 water and 637 sanitation facilities have been built.

So far, the loans have secured access to clean water for over 36.2 percent of rural population in Phu Tho, 20.9 percent higher than that in 2010.

Phu Tho is among eight provinces that have benefited from the rural water supply and sanitation programme funded by the World Bank in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

It is striving for clean water for 65 percent of the rural population by 2020.-

Vietnam, Laos team up against drug, cross-border crime

The Son La Provincial Border Guard and Laos ’ Huophan provincial police signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in fighting against drug trafficking and cross-border crimes on October 29.

Son La has a long common borderline of 217 km with the Lao province. This northwestern region of Vietnam is known for its abrupt terrain and huge mountain ranges creating long twisted mountain passes, a convenient place for criminal activities, especially drug-related crimes.

Thus, a large number of crimes such as killings, robberies, illegal immigration and human trafficking have occurred in the locality.

To cope with the situation, the two sides signed the first MoU on the issue in July 2008, which laid the foundation for specific cooperation activities.

The two forces have conducted the periodic exchange of information and mutual patrols and arrested hundreds of drug trafficking suspects since 2008.

Notably, the Vietnamese border guard seized 50 packs of heroin and 398 methamphetamine pills on November 2, 2009.

On this occasion, the two sides presented awards to outstanding individuals and units in the work of cross-border and drug crime prevention and fighting over the past years.-

Thirty outstanding teachers to receive Vo Truong Toan Award

The Department of Education and Training in Ho Chi Minh City has selected 30 outstanding teachers for the Vo Truong Toan Award this year.

Vo Truong Toan Award is given annually by the Department of Education and Training in Ho Chi Minh City and Saigon Giai Phong Newspaper on occasion of Teacher's Day in Vietnam on November 20 each year, and aims to honor outstanding teachers in the field of education.

Of the 98 teachers nominated from schools, colleges, universities, and vocational centers, this year the Department of Education and Training has selected 30 outstanding teachers to bestow the 16th Vo Truong Toan Award.

The awards ceremony will take place at City Hall in Ba Huyen Thanh Quan Street in District 3 at 8pm on November 17.

Forum helps strengthen cyber security

The Bkav Internet Security Corporation officially launched a forum for white-hat hackers, namely , at a seminar in Hanoi on October 29.

The forum was expected to create a useful environment for computer hackers who use their skills to improve cyber security to exchange professional knowledge, code of ethics as well as related legal issues.

According to Nguyen Minh Duc, deputy director of Bkav’s internet security division, the complicated development of global cyber security has forced many countries such as the US, the UK, Germany and China to promptly set up special units on the cyber war.

More than 2,400 websites of agencies and businesses in Vietnam have been hacked so far this year, he said, pointing to the weak and thin contingent of security experts to handle the situation.

The forum expects to lead young people on the right direction to become “white-hat hackers”, thus strengthening cyber security for the country, Duc noted.

The forum provided in-depth knowledge on cyber security such as reverse engineering, malware, website safety, SQL injection and buffer overflow.

Apart from online training courses, the forum will help individuals and web administrators of businesses upgrade information and resolve issues related to information security and safety.

The October 29 White Hat seminar, the first of its kind in Vietnam, drew over 400 experts and young people across the country.-

Can Tho marks 40 years of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties

A meeting to mark the 40 th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties was held in the southern city of Can Tho on October 29.

At the meeting, participants highlighted the city’s achievement in drawing investment from Japan to the fields of agriculture, aquaculture, environment, education and climate change over the recent past.

Japan ’s projects have greatly contributed to promoting local socio-economic development as well as the friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, they added.

During the 2011-2013 period, Japan aided the city in developing an environmental surveillance and natural disaster warning system.

Vice Chairman of the Can Tho People’s Committee Le Hung Dung spoke highly of the flourishing friendship between the two peoples, and the two sides’ strategic partnership, and said he hoped Japanese businesses will continue their investment in and support to the city and other Vietnamese localities in the coming time.

Hida Harumitsu, Japanese Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, voiced his hope that the friendship and mutual understanding between the two sides will be boosted, creating favourable conditions for the development of the two sides’ firms.-