With his love for the endangered Hatinh Langurs, a man in Quang Binh Province has protected and helped raise local awareness about the species to prevent illegal hunting for the past five years.



Hatinh Langurs 

Nguyen Thanh Tu, born in 1962, is a retired border guard. He is well-known in Thiet Son Village, Thach Hoa Commune for his love for the langurs. He is also the first person to discover the group of Hatinh Langurs in the commune.

In 2012, he was resting in the forest when suddenly he saw the langurs moving along the trees. "I saw about 10 langurs with black tails but the cheeks and the nape are white. I guessed they are the endangered Hatinh Langurs and wanted to prevent illegal hunting," he said.

Tu started going into the forest more frequently to find and protect the langurs. He also taught other people what he knew about the langurs and successfully disuaded many potential hunters. He even persuaded four other locals to help protect the langurs.

Nguyen Van Hong, another langur protector, said, "Some people looked at us with contempt and said that we had too much free time. We have been threatened by the hunters several times. Still we volunteer to protect the environment."

The group monitors the number of the langurs, and gave them water every day during the drought. Thanks to their care that the number of Hatinh langurs have increased and attracted many local and foreign experts who came to Thach Hoa Commune for research or to simply admire the langurs.



Nguyen Thanh Tu points at the langurs on a mountain in Quang Binh

The local authorities and Quang Binh Forest Ranger Unit then posted a public notice prohibiting hunting and further raised the public awareness about the animals. However, Tu and his group hope that the local authorities will have more effective measures. The forest is not a prohibited area so whenever someone go to the living area of the langurs, Tu's group worry about their intention.

"I only told them not to catch the langurs. I don't have the authority to ban them from going into the forest. They claim they want to find honey but I'm not sure what they will do. Recently, we had to report a man to the police after he brought a gun into the forest," Tu said.

Tu said he loved the langurs and wanted the authorities to convert the langurs' living area into a conservation centre.

Tu has recieved certificates of merit for his work for the langurs from the prime minister and Quang Binh People's Committee. Another member of the group, Nguyen Van Hong, was also given a certificate of merit for his contribution by the Quang Binh People's Committee.
