VietNamNet Bridge – At 5pm on October 4, the pulse and blood pressure of the General had unusual signs. After about 30 minutes, the heart beat stopped and the General passed away at 6.09pm, after 1,559 days in treatment at the Central Military Hospital 108.


Colonel Nguyen Van Nhua, personal doctor of General Vo Nguyen Giap since 1992.



Colonel Nguyen Van Nhua, personal doctor of General Vo Nguyen Giap since 1992 - the one who directly treated and cared for the General during 1,559 days in the hospital, said that before August 25, the General’s health began deteriorating. In the week before his birthday, the leading doctors of the army had three consultations of the General’s health.

"We minimized the visits to the General. All guests had to wear a blouse and a mask. Only plastic flowers were allowed to place in the General’s room because fresh flowers could carry bacteria, which are not good for the body while the General’s resistance was very weak," said Dr. Nhua.

On October 3, while Nhua was at a meeting, he received a call from the Central Military Hospital 108, which said "The General’s health changed worse." That afternoon, experts held another consultation.

"The General’s heart still worked fine but the kidneys were a little weak. The General did not have any disease, just the old age diseases, like a depleted oil lamp. At 3am on October 4, there were changes that were dangerous for the General’s health. We tried our best to heal," Dr. Nhua said.

At noon of October 4, before attending the Central Party Committee meeting, Defense Minister Phung Quang Thanh visited the General, when he was comatose.

At 1pm on October 4, when a consultation took place, the pulse and blood pressure of the General remained normal. But it turned worse at around 3pm. President Truong Tan Sang paid a visit to the General and then doctors anticipated bad things.

According to Dr. Nhua, at 5pm on October 4, the pulse and blood pressure showed abnormal signs. “Approximately 30 minutes later, his heart beats missed the rhythm. We could not do anything. When the General passed away, the time was 6.09pm," said the doctor who took care of the General for 21 years. When the General passed away, he was surrounded by all of his doctors, high-ranking officials and his family.





General Vo Nguyen Giap at the hospital.




Dr. Nhua said that the General was always optimistic until the last minute of his life.

Speaking about the rumors that the General needed respiratory assistance for a long time before his death, Dr. Nhua confirmed that the General was of sound mind and could talk until he was in a coma and passed away a few days later.

"I still talked with the General everyday. But we restricts visitors, except in special circumstances," the doctor added.

According to Dr. Nhua, the General had a very scientific mode of living and a simple and harmonious life. Every day he got up early to walk and meditate, then eat breakfast and work. After the lunch and siesta, he usually worked until 4.30pm.

His menu was very casual, which was made by his wife, with doctor's advice. He liked caramel pork with eggs.

"The Genera was not anxious and did not think much on unnecessary things. He always thought very thoroughly about important things and after that he got rid off from them. His soul was very peaceful," said Colonel, Dr. Nguyen Van Nhua.

Tran Cham