tax payers

Update news tax payers

Taxpayers in HCM City face delays in personal income tax refunds

Numerous taxpayers in HCM City are encountering delays in receiving personal income tax refunds due to the intricate procedures involved, analysts said.

New regulation on temporary tax payments worries businesses

The taxation body needs to ‘nurture sources of revenue’ rather than bleed businesses dry, businesspeople say.

Non-state enterprises dominate V1000 biggest taxpayers in 2018

The General Department of Taxation of Vietnam (GDT) on Wednesday announced the list of 1,000 highest taxpayers (V1000) in Viet Nam in 2018 which contributed 60.3 per cent of total corporate income tax.


Transparency and accountability must be upheld

 VietNamNet Bridge – Dr Bui Trinh, an economic expert, talks to Nong Thon ngay nay (Countryside Today) newspaper about the need to tell taxpayers how their money is used.

Taxpayers embrace online refund option

 VietNamNet Bridge – The online tax refund pilot project launched by General Department of Taxation early this year has been well received by taxpayers.

Coming soon: Restructured State

 VietNamNet Bridge – Nguyen Dinh Cung, director general of the Central Institute for Economic Management, spoke to the Sai gon Economics Time about the next State reform.

HCMC taxman to launch tax probes into 20 celebrities

 VietNamNet Bridge – The HCMC Department of Tax will open investigations into incomes of 20 celebrities in the entertainment sector in order to collect personal income tax for last year.

State-owned enterprises top list of corporate tax payers

VietNamNet Bridge – State-owned enterprises continued to be the biggest tax contributors in this year's list of 1,000 largest corporate income tax payers in Viet Nam (V1000) at VND77 trillion (US$3.67 billion),