Most of Đà Nẵng City has been flooded after heavy rains on Friday night. — Photo

After weakening from a tropical storm to a low tropical pressure system, SONCA dumped up to 800mm of rain in many areas. 

Đà Nẵng City recorded nearly 600mm of rain on Friday night, leaving most of the city under water. In some areas, flood waters one metre deep isolated communities. Total damage has not yet been estimated.

Secretary of the Party Committee of Liên Chiểu District Nguyễn Hà Bắc said local authorities received many emergency calls from people living in flooded areas. Residents used social media to post information about their areas' situation and to call for help. Local authorities mobilised teams to evacuate residents to safe places throughout the night. 

Rescue teams in Liên Chiểu District, Đà Nẵng City, evacuate a child to a safe place on Friday night. — VNA/VNS Photo 

On Street 4 in Hòa Khánh Industrial Zone, a group of people had to climb a utility pole to avoid being swept away before being rescued. 

Due to the severity of the flooding, some areas could only be reached using specialised armed forces vehicles. 

Many road users caught out by the flooding climbed onto the roofs of cars while waiting to be rescued.  

This is the worst flood in the city over the past decade. 

Rainfall in Thừa Thiên-Huế and Quảng Nam provinces were measured at 649mm and 534mm, respectively. 

Residents in flooded areas in Hòa Vang District, Đà Nẵng City, evacuated on Friday night. — VNA/VNS Photo 

The eye of the low tropical pressure was about 110km southeast of Đà Nẵng-Quảng Nam as of 10 pm on Friday.

The strongest winds near its eye were between 50-61 km per hour.

It is moving northwest at about 15-20km per hour.

Torrential rain flooded many streets in Thừa Thiên-Huế Province on Friday night. —Photo

The pressure is forecast to cause torrential rain in the central region until at least October 16. — VNS