President Tran Dai Quang and his spouse hosted a State banquet in Hanoi on March 1 in honour of Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, who are on their State visit to Vietnam from February 28 – March 5. 


At the State banquet

In his speech, the President hailed the visit as an important milestone in bilateral friendship and cooperation, saying that the Vietnam-Japan relationship is now at its best in history. 

He noted that while next year the two countries will celebrate the 45th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties, bilateral exchanges dated back more than 1,000 years ago, when monk Phat Triet brought the Lam Ap dances with him from Vietnam to Japan’s Nara in the 8th century. 

At present, nearly 170,000 Vietnamese are living and working in Japan. Last year, more than 200,000 Vietnamese visited Japan and over 700,000 Japanese travelled to Vietnam. 

Describing cultural similarities and close bonds between the two peoples as a solid foundation for bilateral ties, President Quang said Vietnam and Japan are not only extensive strategic partners but also sincere friends sharing joy and grief together. 

He recalled how Vietnamese people from all walks of life shared the pain of the Japanese people over their losses caused by earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, while highlighting Japan’s support for Vietnam in national development over the past years. 

Vietnam considers Japan a long-term partner of top importance and a close friend, and the bilateral partnership is for the sake of the two peoples, for peace and prosperity in the region and the world, he stated. 

Emperor Akihito, in reply, expressed his thanks for the warm welcome of the Vietnamese people for him and Empress Michiko, as well as for the Japanese Crown Prince, Prince and Princess when they visited Vietnam.

He said he was delight that more Vietnamese people are interested in Japanese language and more Japanese enterprises are keen on business opportunities in Vietnam. 

The Emperor said with around 15,000 Japanese people living in Vietnam and regular cultural exchanges, the two countries have enhanced their cultural bonds and people-to-people exchange has been deepened. 

He said he is delighted to visit Hue – the ancient capital of Vietnam where the Lam Ap music was once popular, and to have a chance to enjoy Vietnamese royal ceremonial music there. 

In conclusion, he wished that the visit would contribute to further strengthening mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples.

NA Chairwoman wishes for closer friendship with Japan


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has expressed wish to further develop friendship between Vietnam and Japan to meet the expectation and interests of the two peoples. 

She made the statement in Hanoi on March 1 during a meeting with Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko who are on a State visit to Vietnam. 

The host thanked the Japanese Emperor, Empress and Imperial House as well as the Japanese government, parliament and people for assisting Vietnam in socio-economic development, including building major infrastructure works such as Can Tho bridge. 

Emperor Akihito said he has looked forward to this visit, adding that he hopes it would contribute to further deepening friendly ties between the two countries. 

The Emperor and Empress expressed their sympathy to the Vietnamese people over the losses caused by the impacts of climate change such as drought, saline intrusion and environmental pollution. 

Both sides agreed that countries worldwide need to heed environmental protection for the sake of health and well-being of the people. They also shared common understanding on the importance of education to national development. 

The NA Chairwoman wished that the Japanese imperial couple would gain an insight into Vietnam and its people as well as the close bonds between the two peoples during the visit.