VietNamNet Bridge - On Friday, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang suspended the Head of the Vietnam Railway Administration for his statements related to the Cat Linh-Ha Dong urban railway project.


The railway official, Mr. Nguyen Huu Thang, was said to have made an “irresponsible statement” on the increase of over $300 million for the project, impugning the reputation of the transportation industry.

Minister Thang asked the administration head to review his personal liability in making the statements and to explain the increase of investment capital in the project before May 7.

Minister Thang assigned Deputy Chief of the Vietnam Railway Administration, Mr. Tran Phi Thuong, to temporarily replace Nguyen Huu Thang during the suspension.

Earlier, in an interview with the Tien Phong (Pioneer) Newspaper on the Cat Linh-Ha Dong railway project, Nguyen Huu Thang said: "We’ve done our best. Look at other projects, such as the Nhon-Hanoi Railway Station route, which is still idle. We’ve done a lot of good things, but nobody has paid us a compliment. Just when the project was adjusted a little, they have made a lot of noise about it”.

Thang’s statement stirred up the public, who don’t accept that the increase of over $300 million for the Cat Linh-Ha Dong railway route is “a little adjustment” as Thang claimed.

Related news:

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S. Tung