In response to reports that a cave in the bay was set to become the largest restaurant of its kind in Southeast Asia, Hung confirmed that no official approval has been granted for hosting parties inside the cave. While some events were held at Doi (Bats) Cave in the past, these were not part of regular activities.

Hung also emphasised that this is also not one of the province's tourism offerings. He added that local authorities plan to investigate the matter and consult the provincial Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

APC Corporation, which is reportedly behind the proposed project, has announced plans to open Doi Cave to tourists in April 2025, transforming it into a restaurant and theater complex offering a 2.5-hour dining and entertainment experience for up to 800 guests.

The director of a cruise company director operating in Ha Long Bay revealed that his firm had previously rented space in Doi Cave for small, one-time events. However, he acknowledged that such activities pose a risk to the cave’s environment.

In early 2024, images of a couple holding a wedding ceremony inside a cave in Cam Pha city went viral on social media, sparking public debate.

Reports indicated that event organisers have already made some changes to the cave's interior, raising concerns about potential environmental impacts and prompting calls for authorities to address the situation quickly./.VNA

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