Deputy Defence Minister Vinh welcomes US senior diplomat

Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh, Deputy Minister of Defence, held a reception in Hanoi on August 29 for Scot Marciel, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State at the US Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, who is currently on a working visit to Vietnam.

In his speech, Deputy Minister Vinh acknowledged the progress made in recent years in Vietnam – US relations.

The two countries formally upgraded their ties to a comprehensive partnership, with defence cooperation now including personnel training and disaster response, as well as the exchange of humanitarian aid experiences, he noted.

Scot Marciel agreed with Vinh and said that in the future both sides should enhance their collaboration by exchanging information and high-ranking military delegations, and accelerating efforts to overcome war consequences in Vietnam.

Most Vietnamese Ukrainians exempted from military service

Most young Ukrainian citizens of Vietnamese origin are not called up for military service in Ukraine, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Hai Binh.

Binh released the information at a regular press briefing of the Foreign Ministry in Hanoi on August 28, adding that these Vietnamese origin people are exempted from military service because they are currently students.

At present, around 270 young Vietnamese-Ukrainian people are subject to recruitment for military service as Ukraine has launched a second mobilization campaign, under which all men between the ages of 18 and 60 are liable for the service, Binh reported.

Vietnam, South Africa share experience in ethnic minority affairs

Minister-Chairman of the Government Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs Giang Seo Phu paid a working visit to South Africa from August 22-29 to learn experience in minority affairs and seek ways to boost bilateral cooperation on these issues.

A working session was held on August 25 with South African Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Pravin Gordhan, who regarded the visit as an important contribution to strengthening the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

He praised Vietnam’s achievements in poverty reduction, particularly its efforts in supporting and caring for people belonging to ethnic minority groups.

Godhan said the majority of the South African population is disadvantaged in some way or another, adding that the South African Government has set targets in its national development plan for improving the economic capacity by 2030.

Minister-Chairman Giang Seo Phu noted that Vietnam and South Africa share many similarities regarding ethnic minorities, who contribute immensely to the unique traditional culture of each country.

He said his visit aims to exchange information and learn from South Africa ’s experience in preserving and optimising cultural values.

The two sides discussed respective challenges in protecting and promoting the diversity of ethnic minority cultures and languages.

They also studied each other’s policies and the coordination mechanisms between state agencies supporting ethnic minorities, particularly in education and health care.

They also agreed to enhance information sharing in the future and exchange delegations more frequently.

During his stay, Giang Seo Phu met with a number of South African leading officials in relevant departments and agencies.

On August 27, he met Lechesa Tsenoli, Deputy Speaker of the South African National Assembly and member of the South African Communist Party’s Central Committee, to discuss the role that the parliament plays in caring for ethnic minorities.

They also agreed to meet more regularly to share information and experience.

Vietnam-Malta diplomatic ties marked

The Vietnamese Embassy in Italy and Malta on August 28 held a ceremony in Valletta to mark the 40 th anniversary of the Vietnam-Malta diplomatic ties (January 14, 1974-2014)

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Hoang Long noted that Malta was one of the first Western European countries recognising and seting up diplomatic ties with Vietnam while the country was still struggling for national independence and unification.

Malta President Marie Luoise Coleiro Preca expressed delight at the growing bilateral ties, saying that the enhanced friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples will be a foundation for boosting bilateral comprehensive cooperation in the future, especially in economics, trade, investment, education and tourism.

The ceremony was followed by an art performance featuring Vietnamese traditional music, dance, and a fashion show staged by models of both Vietnam and Malta .

Earlier the same day, the President of Malta hosted a reception for the Vietnamese delegation in her private house.

Over the past four decades, Vietnam and Malta have worked closely to enhance bilateral relations. In early May this year, the two countries held a joint economic cooperation conference for the first time to review their partnership potential and build an action plan to boost economy, trade, investment and tourism in the time to come.

Becoming a EU member since 2014, Malta boasts a strategic location in the maritime route linking Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Europe, making it a gateway to Europe and Northern Africa.

Communist Parties of Australia and Vietnam to form stronger links

The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) wishes to enhance its ties with the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), General Secretary of CPA Bob Briton stated on his first visit to Vietnam from August 24-30.

In a meeting with the Chairman of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan, Bob Briton gave an overview of the Communist Party of Australia and the position it holds in his country, and expressed an interest in post-war reconstruction efforts and responses to climate change in Vietnam.

Meanwhile, Quan thanked the CPA for its ongoing active support for Vietnam, both during the war and during the country’s process of development. Quan gave insights into CPV developments and the preparations currently underway for the upcoming 12th National Party Congress.

The Vietnamese official spoke highly of the close collaboration between the two Parties. He particularly recognised the support the CPA and the Australian people provide in the struggle for justice for Vietnamese AO victims, greatly contributing to cooperation and understanding between the two Parties and the peoples.

Briton also declared that the CPA wanted to enhance relations with the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, during his working sessions with Dang Ngoc Tung and Nguyen Van Rinh, the organisations’ respective presidents.

President welcomes young Japanese lawmakers

President Truong Tan Sang met with a delegation of young parliamentarians from the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, acknowledging that their visit will help promote ties between the two countries’ lawmakers.

At the reception in Hanoi on August 29, President Sang said Vietnam regards the strengthening of cooperation with Japan as a top priority for the country’s foreign policy.

With many similarities in geography and culture, the pair are aptly positioned to boost their relations, in line with their bilateral Extensive Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity in Asia , he stressed.

He thanked the Japanese Government and parliament for supporting Vietnam and providing funds for socio-economic development measures.

Matsumoto Yohei, head of the delegation, looked back over President Sang’s visit to Japan in March, and declared that the young Japanese parliamentarians wish to work more closely with Vietnam in joint areas of strength.

The host suggested both sides organise regular exchanges for politicians and parliamentarians to enhance their multi-faceted collaboration, to the benefit of both countries, thus contributing to creating a prosperous region and world.

Party leader visits former revolutionary base in Tuyen Quang

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on August 29 went on a pilgrimage to the former revolutionary base of Tan Trao in Son Duong district, the northern mountainous province of Tuyen Quang, which was dubbed the capital of Vietnam’s revolution in the anti-French resistance war.

At the special national historical relic, the Party leader offered incense in memory of President Ho Chi Minh at the hut where the President lived from May to August 1945. It is from this simple jungle hut that he instructed preparations nationwide for the August Revolution, the success of which led to the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam on September 2, 1945.

General Secretary Trong also visited the Tan Trao communal house, where a national congress was convened on August 18 and 19. The congress adopted an order to launch the general uprising and the 10 big policies of the Viet Minh, as well as elected a provisional government led by Ho Chi Minh.

He later held a meeting with local officials on socio-economic development and made a tour of the two factories run by An Hoa paper joint stock company in the district.

Vietnam attends APEC ocean-related meeting

Maritime collaboration must contribute to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum’s common goals of developing economic affairs and maintaining regional peace and stability on the basis of win-win cooperation, a Vietnamese official has said.

Speaking at the fourth APEC Ocean-related Ministerial Meeting on August 28 in Xiamen city in China’s Fujian province, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Vu Van Tam stressed the need for APEC economies to give priority to cooperation in search and rescue missions at sea.

Tam also highlighted Vietnam’s efforts in actively implementing cooperative mechanisms for information sharing in the field, particularly setting up hotlines connecting trans-boundary coastal regions and the respective neighbouring countries in order to better assist fishermen in distress.

Regarding the coordination among member economies in realising the “blue economy” concept for maritime economic development, the Vietnamese official confirmed that the approach must balance socio-economic development with the management and conservation of marine ecosystems.

This year’s event brought together delegates from 19 of the 21 APEC member economies, who devised the Xiamen Statement on marine and coastal ecosystem conservation and improved disaster response capacities. The statement also highlights the role oceans play in food security and trade-related issues.

National Day marked in Australia, China

Vietnam’s diplomatic offices in Australia and China organised ceremonies in celebration of the 69 th National Day of Vietnam (September 2) on August 28.

Addressing the guests assembled in Sydney, Vietnamese Consul General Mai Phuoc Dung reviewed the great achievements the Vietnamese people has gained in close to seven decades, highlighting that Vietnam has become a middle-income country with a stable and strong political system and a position as one of the largest exporters of rice, coffee, cashew nuts and pepper.

Dung affirmed Vietnam’s active role in addressing global challenges, such as climate change, food security, and terrorism, whilst being committed to solving disputes by peaceful means in line with international law.

Education Minister of New South Wales Adrian Piccoli congratulated the Vietnamese Government and people on this occasion.

The state authority aims to enhance its collaboration with Vietnam in the field of education by increasing the number of Vietnamese studying in Australia, boosting educational cooperation projects between the state and Vietnam, and accelerating exchange programmes, he added.

Meanwhile, many representatives of offices in China’s Guangdong province and the Vietnamese community participated in the National Day celebrations.

Consul General in Guangdong, Nguyen Tien Hong, reflected on the milestones achieved in Chinese-Vietnamese relations and in links between Vietnam and Guangdong, stating that bilateral trade between Vietnam and China reached 50.2 billion USD in 2013.

Wu Ken, Deputy Secretary General of the People’s Government of Guangdong, expressed his hope of further intensifying exchanges and cooperation with other localities around the world, including Vietnam.

NA Chairman meets young Japanese parliamentarians

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has vowed to improve ties between young Vietnamese and Japanese lawmakers.

Addressing a delegation of young parliamentarians from the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, led by Matsumoto Yohei, in Hanoi on August 28, Chairman Hung expressed his hope that they will contribute to creating a comprehensive and sustainable future for Vietnamese-Japanese cooperation.

He also praised the outcomes of their discussions with Vietnamese counterparts, saying that they mark a new form of dialogue for raising mutual understanding.

Japan is Vietnam’s top economic partner, and is an important partner in terms of national defence and security, the host affirmed.

Prime Minister hosts National Day banquet

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung hosted a banquet for international guests in Hanoi on August 28 in celebration of the 69 th National Day (September 2).

Addressing his distinguished guests, PM Dung spoke of the significance of dialogue, cooperation, and mutual respect on a win-win basis and in conformity with international law and mutual norms.

These principles act as a foundation and are the most fundamental and efficient methods for maintaining peace, stability and development for all nations, he said.

“We are deeply aware that our country’s development is closely attached to peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world at large,” he said.

He stated that Vietnam will spare no effort to actively and responsibly contribute to security and mutual development in the region and the world.

Vietnam is determined to work together with other ASEAN member states to speed up the building of an ASEAN Community and establish a regional architecture with ASEAN playing a central role, and heighten respect for international law and developing standard codes of conduct for the region, the PM said.

On the occasion, he thanked the Governments and people of all the countries, partners and international friends providing valuable assistance to and cooperating productively with Vietnam in the past.

On behalf of the guests, the Ambassador of Venezuela, Jorge Rondon Ucategui, acting head of the Diplomatic Corps, expressed hope that Vietnam makes further advances to becoming an industrial country by 2020.-

Tuyen Quang asked to enhance Party building

Tuyen Quang province should pay more attention to reinforcing its political system, particularly regarding Party-building efforts, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong announced.

He paid a visit to the northern province of Tuyen Quang on August 28 to inspect its multi-level preparations for the provincial Party congress.

He praised the locality for positioning personnel adequately, ensuring a gender balance, and meeting targets on the allocation of state agency positions to ethnic minorities.

Regarding its socio-economic development, he advised the province to concentrate on promoting high-technology agriculture and forestry, along with the processing industry.

Tuyen Quang’s rich history as the cradle of the Vietnamese revolution should be tapped into as a means to promote tourism growth, he said.

In 2013, the province reported a GDP growth rate of 13.5 percent and an average GDP per capita of 25.5 million VND.

Poverty declined significantly from 23 percent in 2012 to 18 percent in late 2013, although it remains at a higher level than other localities in the country.

Previously, the Party chief embarked on a fact-finding mission to My Bang commune, in Yen Son district, where the late President Ho Chi Minh lived and worked during the war of resistance against the French colonialists.

He offered incense and planted a tree at a temple dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh.-

Vietnam National Day marked in US

The Vietnamese Embassy in the US celebrated the 69th anniversary of National Day (September 2) with a ceremony held in Washington on August 27.

The event was attended by 300 representatives of the US government and congress, representatives of embassies of ASEAN countries, members of the Vietnamese community and the business community.

Addressing the ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong said since Vietnam’s independence was declared on September 2, 1945, the country had achieved numerous successes in nation building and defence.

He reflected on the accomplishments of Vietnam – US relations since bilateral ties were promoted to a comprehensive partnership in 2013, listing an array of interactions, such as the visits to Vietnam undertaken by US State Secretary John Kerry, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army General Martin Dempsey, and US senators.

Congratulating Vietnam on its National Day, Daniel Russel, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs highlighted the development of Vietnam – US relations, adding that both countries will continue to expand cooperation in times ahead.

He expressed his hope that bilateral ties will thrive in the future as the nations prepare for celebrating the 20 th anniversary of the normalisation of diplomatic relations and the 40th anniversary of the end of the war in Vietnam in 2015.

Brazilian ambassador bids farewell to PM Dung

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung praised Brazilian Ambassador Vitoria Alice Cleaver for her contributions to the Brazilian-Vietnamese relationship during a meeting in Hanoi on August 28.

Vitoria Alice Cleaver came to bid farewell to PM Dung since her term of office is coming to a close.

Vietnam has always valued Brazil’s role in the region and globally, and wishes to develop its bilateral cooperation on politics, diplomacy, economics, culture, science and technology, and exchange programmes, thus fostering mutual trust and understanding, the leader said.

Dung pledged his support to Brazilian investors in a bid to further increase bilateral trade, which currently weighs in at 3 billion USD.

Cleaver commended the countries’ thriving partnership, and noted they should accelerate deals and develop new joint working plans.-

President Sang meets entrepreneurs

President Truong Tan Sang yesterday met 10 outstanding young entrepreneurs given the 2014 Red Star Award for business achievements and delegates attending the upcoming 4th Congress of the Viet Nam Young Entrepreneuers Association.

Praising their efforts, President Sang told them to continue improving themselves and harvest even greater achievements.

The entrepreneurs said they wished to contribute to the country and community and help support poor people and social causes.

Get-together marks 57 years of Malaysia’s National Day

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-Malaysia Friendship Association in HCM City on August 29 hosted a get-together celebrating the 57th anniversary of Malaysia’s National Day (1957 -2014).

After more than 40 years of diplomatic relations, the ties of friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Malaysia have been consolidated with positive developments in various fields.

In 2013, the two governments agreed to upgrade cooperative relations to a strategic partnership level at the earliest time.

Malaysia is currently Vietnam’s second largest trading ASEAN partner and the ninth world partner with last year’s trade turnover grossing US$9 billion and both sides are striving to reach a US$11 billion target by 2015.

Over the past years, a host of political and diplomatic activities, cultural exchanges and charitable programmes launched by the VUFO and the Malaysian Business Association have contributed to boosting closer ties between the two countries.

At the meeting, Malaysian Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City Shazryll Zahira applauded Vietnam’s valuable support for his nation’s two tragic plane crashes.

“Malaysia hopes the friendly relations will further prosper across a variety of fields for mutual benefit and the better future of both peoples.” the Malaysian official said.

Vietnam National Day observed in Norway, China

The 69th anniversary of Vietnam’s National Day (September 2) was celebrated in the Norwegian capital of Oslo on August 28 with 150 guests taking part.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Norway Le Thi Tuyet Mai highlighted the great significance of the National Day, which opened a new era of freedom and independence for the nation.

She outlined important landmarks in Vietnam-Norway relations since the two countries first established diplomatic ties on November 25, 1971.

Norway is a significant contributor of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Vietnam, which has tremendously helped the country eliminate hunger and reduce poverty, Mai noted, adding that Vietnam always is cognizant and truly appreciative of the assistance.

The hallmark of any true relationship is the maintenance of high level delegation exchanges, Mai said.

She noted the December 2013 visit to Norway by Vice Chairman of the Vietnam National Assembly Uong Chu Luu and the March 2014 visit to Vietnam by Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit as testimony to the fine relations of the two nations.

Mai stated Vietnam highly appreciates the fact Norway’s joining ASEAN's Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC) in July 2013 and the ASEAN-Norway joint statement on partnership earlier this month will enhance mutually beneficial cooperation and elevate the two nations’ relations to new heights in the time to come.

At the ceremony, Vietnam’s young violinist Do Phuong Nhi played two pieces written by Norwegian composer Johan Halvorsen. She is studying a junior talent music programme at Barratt-Due Conservatory under the framework of Transposition music exchange project between Vietnam and Norway.

***The same day, the Vietnam Consulate General in Guangzhou, China, hosted a reception to celebrate National Day.

Speaking at the ceremony, Consul General Nguyen Tien Hong focused on Vietnam’s socio-economic and foreign affairs achievements over the past few years.

In 2013, two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and China reached an astounding record high of US$50.2 billion, Hong said.

A representative of the People's Government of Guangzhou Province, in turn congratulated Vietnam on National Day.

He said that China and Vietnam are important partners on a wide number of fronts, and he expressed hope that the province will boost cooperation and exchange with Vietnam in many fields in the years to come.

Vietnam National Day celebrated in Japan, Cambodia and India

The Vietnamese Consulate General in Japan on August 28 hosted a reception in Osaka in honour of the 69th anniversary of Vietnam National Day (September 2).

Speaking at the reception, Vietnamese Consul General in Osaka Tran Duc Binh highlighted the country’s achievements during the cause of national construction, development and defence over the past 69 years.

He pointed out the importance of the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership and outlined significant achievements since the decision was made by the two nations to upgrade their relationship during President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to Japan in March 2014.

Leaders of Osaka prefecture and Sakai city congratulated Vietnam on its momentous accomplishments during the process of the Doi Moi (Renewal), international integration, and national development. They also spoke highly of the two nations’ time-honoured historical connections and enhancement in the Vietnam-Japan relation.

Local authorities said that there is a new wave of investment from Kansai and Osaka to Vietnam.

Representatives from economic and friendship organisations in Kansai region affirmed that Kansai – the western Japan’s most important economic centre said that the region will continue to bolster cooperation with Vietnam in the process of industrialisation, expand cultural exchange among the two peoples to contribute to each nation’s economic development and prosperity.

On the occasion, a delegation from the Vietnamese embassy in Cambodia, business and Vietnamese community representatives burnt incense at the Monument to Vietnamese voluntary soldiers in Phnom Penh on August 29.

A delegation led by Vietnam ambassador to Cambodia Thach Du expressed their deep gratitude to Vietnamese fallen soldiers and voluntary soldiers whose laid down their life and contributed to the Cambodian struggle for national independence and strengthened solidarity among the two peoples.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese embassy in India also hosted a ceremony marking the special event.

Speaking at the ceremony, India’s Minister of State for External Affairs, Vijay Jumar Singh expressed delight at the healthy growth of India-Vietnam relationship. However, he said that both nations should make greater efforts to foster all round cooperation.

Minister Singh expressed hope that both nations will support each other in the fields of economics and trade to produce goods to export to the third countries and deepen cooperation in national defence, security and other areas.

Vietnamese Ambassador to India Nguyen Thanh Tan, in turn, stressed that Vietnam and India will further promote traditional friendship and effectively cooperate in a number of areas.

A plan to open direct air routes in the coming time should create more favourable conditions for the business communities, boost cross-cultural exchange and tourism development, Tan said.

Streamlined administrative procedures needed for land management

PM Nguyen Tan Dung has asked the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and other ministries, agencies and localities to complete the mechanisms and policies on land management while simplifying administrative procedures to create favorable conditions for people and businesses.

According to the PM, in this September, the MONRE and the municipal and provincial People’s Committees have to announce administrative procedures on land management and related documents.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment hosts and cooperates with other ministries and agencies to establish and issue documents on dealing with administrative procedures on forming and launching investment projects. The one-stop-shop (OSS) mechanism will be applied to reduce time and expenditure for investors.

At present, the MONRE publicly announced 214 administrative procedures on the national database, including 74 relating to land management, 42 on environment, 23 on geology and minerals, 22 on water resources and 18 on meteorology and climate change.