Party, State leader pay tribute to late President Ho


A delegation of the Party, State, Government, National Assembly and Vietnam Fatherland Front paid floral tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh on the 84th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Lunar New Year (Tet) holiday.

The delegation was led by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, State President Nguyen Tan Sang, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee President Nguyen Thien Nhan.

They were also joined by former Party, State, Government, National Assembly and VFF leaders, as well as representatives of relevant ministries and agencies in Hanoi.

President Ho was the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1930.

The delegation also laid a wreath at the Fallen Combatants’ Monument nearby commemorating those who sacrificed their lives for national independence and freedom.

Vietnamese people will celebrate the 9-day Tet holiday, starting on January 28.   

Former leader awarded 75-year Party membership insignia

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong presented the “75 years of Party membership” insignia to former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Do Muoi at a ceremony in Hanoi on January 25.

On behalf of the Party and State, General Secretary Trong acknowledged the significant contributions made by the veteran Party member to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation. He said that comrade Do Muoi has always shown absolute loyalty to the Party, the Fatherland and the people while successfully accomplishing all tasks assigned to him by the Party and the State.

During the years serving as Party General Secretary, comrade Do Muoi, together with the Party Central Committee, Politburo and Secretariat, directed the party, people and armed forces to implement the policy on renovation, national construction and defence and well completed assignments entrusted by the Party, State and people, Trong said.

Speaking at the ceremony, the former General Secretary said he is honoured to receive the award. He vowed to stay faithful to the Party and do his best to protect the Party.

“Throughout 75 years standing in the Party’s ranks, I have the honour to contribute my small part to the cause of the Party and the nation. Now I am almost 100 years old and I can say that I have stayed true to the oath I made when joining the Party 75 years ago,” Muoi said.

Party Chief called for combined efforts to fulfill national targets

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the whole nation to work together as one to build a prosperous nation and fulfill objectives for 2014.

He praised the remarkable achievements recorded in 2013 in spite of domestic and global difficulties and challenges, which showed the true strength of the great national unity bloc.

It is imperative we build on what has already been achieved to stabilize the macro-economy, control inflation, ensure social welfare, recover growth and improve the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy, Trong said.

Last year was also an eventful year for foreign relations, helping raise the country’s position and prestige in the international arena. In addition, progress was seen in the building of the Party and the political system and the fight against corruption and wastefulness, he said.

On this occasion, the Party Chief extended his deep gratitude to senior revolutionists, heroic mothers, Party officials and members, soldiers and people at home and abroad for their great contributions to the revolutionary cause of the nation over the past years, especially in 2013.

Trong also extended his best wishes to the population, reaffirming determination to build a stronger nation in which the people can enjoy a better life.

President pays Tet visit to air force

President Truong Tan Sang paid a pre-Tet visit to Regiment 61, Air Defence Division 361, the Air Defence and Air Force of the Vietnam People’s Army on January 27.

President Sang said he is pleased to see the regiment’s officials and soldiers make great efforts in performing tasks of combat readiness, airspace management and training to become a strong part of the army.

He said he believes that the Air Defence and Air Force, particularly Regiment 61, would stand always ready for all situations to maintain independence and the sovereignty of the country.

Party leader holds get-together with artists

Scientists and artists are responsible for improving intellectual standards and cultivating the next generation of national talents.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong was speaking at a January 26 meeting with 150 outstanding scientists and artists to mark the 84th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the traditional lunar New Year Festival (Tet).

The Party Chief briefed them on last year’s good performance in politics, social affairs, culture, education-training, science-technology, national security-defence, external relations and targets for 2014.

He also praised their significant contributions to the country’s achievements in 2013 and highlighted their responsibility in training talented young people.

The Party considers science and technology, and education the top priority for policies and  the spiritual foundation of society. It also regards knowledge the decisive factor in all guidelines and policies. The contributions of intellectuals and artists are of great importance, Trong emphasized.

The Party leader also extended his best wishes to scientists, intellectuals and artists nationwide and called on them to make more contributions to national development in the New Year.

New Year meeting with foreign military attachés

The Defence Ministry’s Department of Foreign Relations hosted a January 24 pre-Tet get-together with foreign military attaché corps in Hanoi.

Department Director Major General Vu Chien Thang said 2013 saw Vietnam expanding its cooperation with other nations and international organizations—a percentage of which was driven and facilitated by the foreign military and defence attachés posted in the country.

On behalf of the attendees, Indian Military Attaché Colonel Mullath Sri Kumar thanked the Vietnamese Defence Ministry for assisting military attaché corps fulfil their duties.

He expressed his hopes for more opportunities to conduct exchanges with Vietnamese military units, promoting mutual understanding and a collegial affiliation between Vietnamese and international defence forces.

Vietnamese Embassy welcomes the New Year

The Vietnamese Embassy in the Lao capital Vientiane held a January 24 ceremony to welcome Lunar New Year 2014.

Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Manh Hung informed ceremony attendees of Vietnam’s achievements last year, highlighting trade turnover with Laos now exceeds US$1 billion.

Both nations completed upgrading and reinforcing border demarcation.

Ambassador Hung thanked the Lao Party, State and people for offering conditions conducive to friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations.

The Vietnamese diplomat believes 2013 was of great significance to both nations, and expressed a wish to step up cooperation in 2014.

Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Politburo member and Secretary Bunpon Buttanavong congratulated the Vietnamese people on maintaining a high economic growth rate and political stability despite the ongoing economic downturn.

Vietnam has heightened its regional and international status. These achievements encourage Laos’ own national construction and defence.

The Laos Party, State, and people are confident the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) will lead the Vietnamese people to even greater development gains.

Party chief extends Tet greetings to past leaders

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on January 27 held a meeting with senior revolutionists, leaders and former leaders of the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front, central agencies and the capital city Hanoi on the threshold of the 2014 Lunar New Year.

On behalf of the Party Central Committee, General Secretary Trong extended his best wishes to all of the above as well as soldiers and people at home and abroad.

He stated that 2013, the third year of implementing the Resolution of the 11th Party Congress, was full of important events.

Despite difficulties and challenges derived from the global recession, with efforts made by the entire Party, army and people, Vietnam gained significant achievements in all aspects. It developed the economy, guaranteed social security and welfare, and improved living standards.

Defence was strengthened, national sovereignty was maintained, and political security and social order were ensured.

According to the Party chief, 2013 was also an eventful year for foreign relations, helping increase the country’s position and prestige in the international arena. The building of the Party and the political system and the fight against corruption and wastefulness saw progress.

The new Constitution adopted by the 13 th National Assembly meets the country’s development requirements in the new period, he said, adding that the atmosphere of democracy in the Party and society was promoted.

On this occasion, General Secretary Trong extended his profound gratitude to senior revolutionists, heroic mothers, Party officials and members, soldiers and people at home and abroad for their great contributions to the revolutionary cause of the nation over the past years, especially in 2013.

He also thanked international organisations and friends for their cooperation, support and assistance to national construction and defence.

As the country and the world are forecast to continue facing difficulties in 2014, the Party leader stressed that the entire Party, army and people should persist with the goal of stabilising the macro economy and controlling inflation, recovering growth and improving the quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy as a foundation for sustainable development in subsequent years.

They should also exert every effort to create more drastic changes in the building of the Party, State, Fatherland Front and mass organisations, successfully realise the Resolution of the 11th Party Congress and make preparations for the 12 th Party Congress, he said.-

WEF Davos 2014: Agriculture sees chances to grow

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) will, together with the World Economic Forum (WEF), work out an action plan for the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in agriculture sector during the 2014-2018 period.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat, who is in Davos for the WEF 2014, said agriculture plays a primary role in the backbone of any economy, even in times of difficultly.

He argued that the agricultural sector in emergent nations is seeing a chance to grow stronger and suggested these countries step up investment and science and technology application to add value to agricultural products.

The minister said agriculture is among the topics that drew much attention from attendees, adding that within this year’s meeting agenda there is one session preserved for the sector, themed “Renewal for a New Vision for Agriculture”.

At the meeting, state leaders from Asian, African and Latin American countries, together with businesses and scholars, will discuss the best measures to make progress in the field.

They will also consider the scientific advances that can be applied to improve agricultural infrastructure and develop it in a more market-oriented way.

The measures put forth at the session will be important as the WEF looks to build the global agriculture agenda, bring about new initiatives and create more cooperation opportunities in the field, Phat noted.

Participants at the meeting will focus on sharing their experience of the PPP model, which is working effectively in Vietnam, and is recognised by WEF as an option for other countries.

In order to boost the WEF’s initiative “A New Vision for Agriculture”, MARD is now working closely with the forum to foster the “Green Growth Action Alliance ” to mobilise finance through the PPP model.

Minister Phat said environment issues were included for the first time on the prioritised agenda in Davos 2014 with the theme “Water Security”.

Vietnam is one of the countries that is most affected by climate change, especially in agriculture areas, he said, adding that the country’s government and agriculture ministry attach much importance to reducing the impacts of climate change to the economy in general and agriculture in particular.

MARD has approved a programme to reduce greenhouse gas emission to assist economic growth, ensure food security, agricultural industrialisation and modernisation.

Measures are also being carried out to protect the environment and effectively cope with climate change and step up safe production with the expectation to reduce 20 percent of the emission by 2020.

Vietnam is recognised as one of the nations strongly committed to the green growth content in actions plans for socio-economic development, particularly in the agriculture and rural development, Phat stated.-

Vietnam shares growth experience at WEF

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh attended various sessions at the 44th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland on January 23-24, sharing Vietnam ’s development experience and business opportunities.

As a speaker at the session “Reshaping ASEAN: conference for East Asia growth”, Minh underscored ASEAN’s nucleus role in regional economic connectivity. He also put forward ideas to build the bloc’s internal strength and roadmaps for its connectivity and linkage after the ASEAN Community is formed in 2015 as well as to ensure an environment conducive to connectivity and integration.

At the session “Setting the global agenda for agriculture transformation”, Minh talked about how Vietnam sustainably develops its farming, reiterating Vietnam’s commitment to ensuring global food security and facilitating businesses’ involvement during the process via the public-private partnership ( PPP ).

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat, for his part, shared Vietnam ’s experience in realising the initiative “New Vision for Agriculture” via PPP model since 2009.

In his speech at a session on the central role of health care in society, business and economy, the Deputy PM highlighted health care development policies and challenges facing developing countries in this field.

Vietnamese representatives also shared their feedback with world economic leaders at a session to set requirements for 2014 in the reshaping of the world economy.

On the fringe of the forum, Deputy PM and FM Minh also held bilateral meetings with Swiss Vice President and Minister of Economy Schneider Ammann, High Representative of European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, US trade representative, Ambassador Michael B.G. Froman and British Prince Andrew, among others.

Themed "Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business”, the 22-25 January forum has drawn over 2,500 participants from almost 100 countries, including more than 1,500 business leaders and over 40 heads of state or government.

More than 250 sessions and workshops have been held in the framework of the event, discussing issues such as natural growth, global financial outlook, new energy, ocean economies, health and climate change.