The Investigation Security Agency under the Ministry of Public Security said on July 8 that it has launched an investigation into the case of bidding regulation violations, and giving and taking bribes at Cong Minh Company Limited and in some provinces and centrally-run cities, which caused serious consequences.
According to the investigation that began on May 8, around 50 firms under the wing of the Cong Minh Company won over 600 tree growing tender packages as the company colluded with investors to engage in the development of the packages.
The investigation is underway to clarify the responsibilities of related individuals and organisations, and identify the damage caused by the violations.
The agency asked individuals and organisations to provide documents and report violations linked to the Cong Minh Company to receive leniency.
Regarding the Phuc Son Group case, the agency said 23 defendants have been prosecuted while over 300 billion VND (11.8 million USD), 2 million USD, 500 taels of gold (a tael equals 37.5 grams or 1.2 ounces), and over 1,000 land certificates of those involved in the corruption case have been seized so far.
More documents and evidence are being collected for the expansion of the investigation, and recovery of the lost and misappropriated properties.
The investigation agency is probing into violations of regulations on accounting and bidding, giving and taking bribes, and abusing influence on persons holding positions and power to seek illegal profits at the group./.VNA
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