The dispatch was sent to the Ministers of Industry and Trade; Finance; Planning and Investment; Science and Technology; Transport; Education and Training; Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs; Foreign Affairs; Agriculture and Rural Development; Natural Resources and Environment; and Construction; the Chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities; the presidents of industry associations; and the leaders of corporations and groups.

It emphasises that in recent years, cooperation between Vietnam and the EU has been strengthened, contributing to promoting sustainable trade and economic growth. The EU is Vietnam's third-largest export market, with export turnover reaching 51.66 billion USD in 2024, up 18.5% year-on-year. With the significant positive impact of the EU- Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the prospects for exports to the EU market are growing stronger, leading to the potential for increased income for tens of millions of workers involved in the production chain, thereby promoting growth toward a green and circular economy in Vietnam.

The EU's green agreements are posing significant challenges for Vietnam's exports. However, in the long term, proactively and comprehensively transitioning to a green economy will create numerous opportunities for businesses, helping them enhance competitiveness and expand the market for sustainable, green products with great potential. Therefore, it is crucial to accelerate the implementation of appropriate solutions to proactively respond to and meet these green policies, the dispatch stressed. To better support enterprises, the Government leader required the active, effective and concerted implementation of tasks and measures set out at the Government’s resolutions and the PM’s directions on sustainable development, the circular economy, sustainable production and consumption, energy conservation and efficiency, environmental protection, climate change adaptation, and green growth.

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The Minister of Industry and Trade was urged to intensify efforts to build and perfect policies, regulations, and standards that align with international commitments, regulations, and standards on sustainable development and the circular economy. The focus will be placed on prioritising the research of regulations and standards related to the circular economy, ecological design, hazardous chemical management, waste management, and regulations on the recycling content of certain materials to meet international standards.

The Minister of Natural Resources and Environment will continue to develop and better legal documents on environmental protection and climate change; organise the implementation of the national action plan on the circular economy; strengthen the making, perfection and implementation of policies and regulations on waste management, regulations on the retrieval of discarded or expired products, and those aimed at reducing the disposal of hazardous waste in products in sectors heavily impacted by the EU's green policies.

The EU is Vietnam's third-largest export market, with export turnover reaching 51.66 billion USD in 2024, up 18.5% year-on-year. (Photo:
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The PM asked the Minister of Science and Technology to coordinate with leaders of relevant ministries and agencies to review, build, and complete policies, regulations, standards, and technical norms with a focus on integrating green, circular, and sustainable elements to meet international regulations and standards within their authority.

The Ministers of Construction; Transport; Agriculture and Rural Development; and Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs were urged to focus on implementing the tasks assigned in current legal policy documents regarding sustainable development, the circular economy, sustainable production and consumption, energy conservation and efficiency, environmental protection, climate change adaptation, and green growth.

The Chairpersons of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities must strengthen the organisation and implementation of local policies and action plans on these fields, with priority given to measures to promote waste segregation at the source, waste reduction, recovery, reuse, and recycling, and those supporting businesses in green transition, technological innovation, and the application of sustainable, circular models./.VNA

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