The museum is only 160 m2 in size and it mainly serves a place for research and showcase for achievement where visitors register in advance.

VietNamNet Bridge – At the newly-inaugurated Customs Museum on Duong Dinh Nghe Road, Hanoi, exhibits of unique materials and artifacts are displayed in containers.

Bảo tàng Hải quan (lô E3, đường Dương Đình Nghệ, Hà Nội) đang lưu giữ, trưng bày nhiều tài liệu, hiện vật độc đáo liên quan đến hoạt động giao thương quốc tế của Việt Nam trong nhiều thế kỷ và chặng đường 70 năm xây dựng phát triển Hải quan Việt Nam.

The Customs Museum displays materials related to international trade activities of Vietnam for centuries and Vietnam Customs, which has been operating for 70 years.





The Museum opened on February 24, 2015.



The museum was built based on the idea of French expert Patrik Hoarau. It is different from other museums as it uses the space within containers as exhibit space.

There are three zones, with the themes 'Tariffs before 1945', 'Customs from 1945 to 1986' and 'Modernization of Customs from 1986'. Each container is a story and represents a milestone in the customs sector’s history.

The most attractive zone in the museum is the place for smuggled items seized by the anti-smuggling forces. The special items are rhino horns, 1,403 diamonds (worth nearly $3 million), two candles made of Phemetrazine and Ephedrine (drugs) weighing 4kg,and  nearly 800,000 addictive pills. In the photo: 16,2kg rhino horns illegally imported through the international airport of Tan Son Nhat in 2013.

Packages of marijuana and several pills of synthetic drugs seized in the arrest of 796,500 Ferimins tablets at the international airport of Tan Son Nhat.

Antiques smuggled into and out of Vietnam.

Equipment of anti-smuggling customs officers: bulletproof armor and iron helmets.

Một quả địa cầu làm bằng đá quý bị thu giữ bởi Hải quan Lạng Sơn do chú thích và đánh dấu sai chủ quyền quần đảo Hoàng Sa và Trường Sa.


A globe made of precious stones seized in Lang Son for inaccurate notes of sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes.




Other equipment: pistols and handcuffs.

The cabinets and platforms represent containers, inspired by the daily work of customs officers who work at ports, airports and border gates.

The museum also contains nearly 500 documents, objects, photographs and 12 films selected from more than 4,000 documents.

The seals used by customs agencies.

Artifacts seized by customs officers after fighting against armed corruption.

It also showcases articles about corrupt customs officials who were punished under the law.

These items were collected from 17 provinces and cities.
