Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng said he hopes the visit by Han Zheng, Secretary of China’s Shanghai Party Committee will help strengthen ties between Shanghai and HCM City as well as other Vietnamese localities.


Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng receives Secretary of China’s Shanghai Party Committee Han Zheng  in Hà Nội. 

At a reception for Han Zheng in Hà Nội May 13, the Party leader stressed that both sides should effectively realise common perceptions reached by the two Parties and countries, share experience and promote all-around links, for the sake of peace, stability, friendship and development in the two countries.

Han Zheng briefed his host about the developments of China and Shanghai over the past time, and the progress of cooperation between Shanghai and Vietnamese localities.

The Party, State and people of China always treasure the friendly neighbourliness and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with Việt Nam, he stated, adding that he is committed to strengthening links between Shanghai and Vietnamese localities.

Meeting with Secretary of the municipal Party Committee of Shanghai Han Zheng, Deputy Prime Minister VươngĐìnhHuệ has suggested that Vietnamese localities and Shanghai should enhance the exchange of delegations and experiences in economic management and development as well as in planning.

Huệ noted that the Chinese metropolis has achieved remarkable outcomes in socio-economic development and urban planning. Deputy PM Huệ also called on Shanghai enterprises to further their investments and seek cooperation opportunities in Việt Nam, especially in fields where the two sides share strengths.

He appreciated the outcome of the talks between Secretary of HCM City Party Committee Ðinh La Thăng and the Chinese guest, and expressed his belief that relations between the two cities will make positive contributions to the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Việt Nam and China in the coming time.

For his part, the Shanghai party leader said that his city and HCM City have agreed on important contents in their collaboration across the fields of economics, science, education and urban planning.

He affirmed that the Chinese Government, Party and localities always share the common understanding of developing cooperation with Việt Nam, saying that the two sides will step up experience sharing and collaboration in fields of mutual strength.

The same day, Secretary of the Hà Nội Party Committee Hoàng Trung Hải hosted a warm reception for the Chinese guest.

Host and guest debated ways to extend exchanges and partnerships between Hà Nội and Shanghai in the foreseeable future.