A ‘rule on bonus levels based on scholastic achievements’ has been shared among parents on social networks recently.



The rule was allegedly set by a parent in Bac Giang



The rule was allegedly set by a parent in Bac Giang. His son, a sixth grader, would receive up to VND200,000 if he gets 8-10 score for his schoolwork.

The lowest bonus level, VND10,000, will be given if he gets 8 for a lesson-review oral test, or short written test. The bonus will be higher if he has high scores for important 45-minute tests. The highest bonus, VND200,000, will be given for a 10 score for the semester-end test.

A parent said on an education forum that the rules are ‘reasonable’, depending on the achievements and importance of schoolwork. The bonus levels are different for different subjects. The high scores for mathematics, literature and English will be rewarded the most.

The regulation is valid from December 20, 2018 to the end of the academic year in May 2019.

Many Vietnamese parents sign ‘conventions’ with their children about the bonuses children can get if they do things well, believing that rewards will encourage the children to learn and work harder.

Many Vietnamese parents sign ‘conventions’ with their children about the bonuses children can get if they do things well, believing that rewards will encourage the children to learn and work harder.

Tran Manh Hung, 43, a parent in Hanoi, wrote on his Facebook that his ‘reward mechanism’ has brought good results.

“My son will sit to review lessons in the evening after dinner. He cleans his room every day and keeps everything tidy. I never have to remind him of his duties,” he said.

Hung believes that rewarding children for achievements is a good method, and that it is a good parenting skill for today's parents.

“When I was small, I would receive compliments from my father when I got high scholastic achievements. But compliments won’t work in modern times. Money is the best reward,” he said.

Hung doesn’t think that money will spoil his children. “This is a good education method. My children understand that they will only receive rewards if they can fulfill tasks well. If they can’t, they won’t get anything. This is a law of life,” he said.

“They can also learn how to spend and manage money. As they have to work to get money, they will understand the value of work,” he said.

Meanwhile, other parents believe that rewarding children with money will ‘do more harm than good’.

“The parent in Bac Giang seems to think that he can buy everything with money, and he makes his son think the same way,” Le Quynh Hoa, a parent commented.

“Children need to understand that they are studying to get knowledge which will be useful for their future lives, not to get money,” she commented.



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