“Parallel Worlds of Yin”, a joint exhibition by Le Thi Minh Tam and Nguyen Manh Hung, was opened at the VICAS Center for Assistance and Development of Contemporary Arts (VICAS ART STUDIO) in Hanoi’s Dong Da District on November 17.


“Spirit 8” by Le Thi Minh Tam

The two artists have different journeys of creating artworks, different artistic styles, different genders, and different ages but their paintings share something in common: “Yin” (from Yin-Yang concepts). It might be the afterlife world, the inner spiritual, emotional realm character, or the spirit locating inside bodies.

Dr. Bui Quang Thang, art director of VICAS ART STUDIO, said “Two months ago, I met Tam to talk about the arts and invited her to participate in the exhibition. She enthusiastically agreed and rushed to draw 18 paintings for the exhibition. It is unusual because she often paints very slowly, only about 10 paintings a year. With such an extraordinary speed and intensity, she must be excited.”

Tam’s paintings of spirits are very spiritual but do not make the audience scared or got goosebumps, perhaps because they have radiated a positive energy of good spirits.

Tam’s partner in this exhibition, Nguyen Manh Hung, has been active in the creative art field for about three years only.

Hung brings his unique painting style and thinking to the exhibition through the series “Self-portrait”, which is likely a diary of the different emotions and feelings that he already had experienced: over joyfulness, proud, high, and even arrogant when he had succeeded. From the opposite side, there was a time of failure, sadness, loneliness, and negativity when he got lost.

“To me, they are not only the portraits of the artist but also the honest biography or self-description of him. Thus, though they are all in one artistic style, yet they are not boring. Rather, they will make you stay longer in front of each painting, try to understand and compare them to your own experience,” said Dr. Bui Quang Thang.

Entrance is free and the exhibition is open until December 9.

Saigon Times