Malaysia's King to visit VN this week

An upcoming State visit by Malaysian King Abdul Halim Mu'adzam is expected to boost bilateral cooperation between the two countries working towards a strategic partnership.

The visit, made at the invitation of President Truong Tan Sang, will take place between September 5-8 and will focus on key sectors including economics, trade and the labour market.

Viet Nam, Timor Leste to foster comprehensive ties

Viet Nam and Timor Leste have agreed to enhance bilateral ties following an official visit by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao yesterday, Sept 4.




Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung receives the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste's Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao in Ha Noi.


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung held talks with his Timor Leste counterpart, where both leaders agreed that their governments would work together to sign an agreement promoting co-operation in investment, food security, energy production and tourism.

The two leaders also vowed to implement the Viet Nam-Timor Leste Framework Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation signed in April, 2010 and hold the first session of the Inter-Governmental Committee.

Both leaders praised the agreement to boost trade between the two countries, describing it as an important legal foundation for bilateral economic and commercial links.

Both sides pledged close cooperation in multilateral forums, while Viet Nam confirmed it will work with ASEAN member countries to back Timor Leste's bid for membership.

Discussing tensions in the East Sea, the two PMs agreed on the importance of maritime security, peace and stability in the region; while PM Gusmao expressed support for ASEAN's official stance enshrined in the Six-Point Principles on the East Sea.

Following the signing of a trade agreement, PM Dung stressed the visit was an important milestone in the history of both nations; while the Timor Leste PM pledged to provide favourable conditions to Vietnamese firms investing in his country.

On the same day, President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception for the Timor Leste PM who expressed his hope to learn from Viet Nam's economic development. He said he had been accompanied by ministers who were keen to improve education and attract investment to Timor Leste.

President Sang praised the results of the talks held between the two Prime Ministers, urging the need for more agreements on promoting investment and agricultural development between the two countries.

Viet Nam, Nicaragua strengthen friendship

Nicaragua wants more co-operation in economics, trade and investment, according to its President, Daniel Ortega.

He made the statement on Monday at a reception for Communist Party of Viet Nam Politburo member Le Hong Anh who has been on a visit to the Latin American country.

President Ortega said he considered Anh's visit an important milestone in relations between the Party and the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) as well as between the two States.

He urged Vietnamese enterprises to visit Nicaragua to seek investment and trade opportunities, adding that Nicaraguan businesses would also study Viet Nam's know-how in agriculture, the development of small and medium-sized enterprise, as well as co-operation possibilities with Vietnamese companies.

The two sides exchanged views on numerous regional and international issues, and agreed on measures to further bilateral ties.

Accordingly, the two sides will foster exchanges of people and information and support each other at international forums that the two countries are members.

The same day, Anh met the President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly, Rene Nunez, who wants to enhance the relationship between the two parliaments, as well as step up delegation exchanges.

Before Anh left on an official visit to Cuba, an agreement was signed by the CPV and the FSLN to strengthen friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties and States.

Vietnam, Russia enhance communications cooperation

Vietnamese Minister of Information and Communications Nguyen Bac Son paid a working visit to Russia from September 2-4 at the invitation of Russian Minister of Communications and Mass Media Nikolai Nikiforov.

During their working session, the two ministers briefed each other on the operation of each ministry and shared experience in developing and managing means of mass media.

They also discussed issues relating to the development of Internet services, broad-band mobile phone, frequency management and digital information.

Regarding the cooperation between the two ministries, Son said his ministry has well implemented the signed agreements and hopes to expand cooperation in other areas such as frequency management, telecommunications, journalism and publishing, copyright protection and personnel training.

The two sides recognised progress in promoting information on each country’s situation over the past years. They were keen on outlining more detailed cooperation contents to expand the friendship between the two countries and the two ministries in particular.

Minister Nikolai Nikiforov hailed the speedy and dynamic growth of information technology and mass media in Vietnam.

He said Russia is a strong and competitive telecommunications market, especially in developing 4G technology infrastructure, adding that the country targets 80 percent of population benefiting from e-government by 2018.

In terms of personnel training, the two sides acknowledged the Russian side’s contributions in training Vietnamese communications staff.

Minister Nikolai Nikiforov affirmed that Russia is willing to continue training Vietnam staff so that they can meet modern international standards while sharing organising and management experience with Vietnam’s high-tech institutes.

Russia will cooperate with Vietnam in expanding their presence in the world technology market as well as increasing opportunities for their people to access information technology applications, firstly reducing international roaming fee between the two countries, he added.

The Russian minister also spoke highly the two sides’ coordination at international forums such as the International Telecommunications Union and voiced hope that Vietnam will support Russia’s bid to become the leader of the union.

During his stay, Minister Son also visited the Russian State Television.

Oil, gas important to VN-Russian ties

In developing the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia, co-operation in the energy sector, especially oil and gas, plays an extremely important role, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung stated.

He expressed his willingness to further develop the business relationship at yesterday's reception for the visiting CEO of Russia's Gazprom Neft Joint Stock Company, Alexander Dyukov.

Dung said the partnership not only brings in economic benefits but also reflects the fine friendship between the two countries and their peoples.

PetroVietnam and Gazprom Neft recently signed a co-operation agreement in oil and gas exploitation and oil refining during Dung's official visit to Russia in May.

The PM expressed his delight at the positive outcomes from the co-operation between the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and Gazprom Neft, affirming that the Vietnamese Government will continue to create conditions for mutually beneficial activities within its energy sector.

For his part, Dyukov, who is also chairperson of the management board for Gazprom Neft, voiced his hope that the Vietnamese Government and relevant agencies will continue facilitating Gazprom Neft's long-term operations in Viet Nam.

Cambodia seeks co-operation on judiciary, stopping crime

Viet Nam and Cambodia should enhance multi-faceted co-operation, particularly in trans-national crime prevention and judicial support, said President Truong Tan Sang.

Sang made the statement while receiving visiting National Co-Prosecutor Chea Leang of the Office of Co-Prosecutors under the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) yesterday, Sept 4.

Viet Nam had been actively carrying out judicial reform in combination with raising the quality of personnel training for the procuracy sector, he said, adding that with their experience, Viet Nam and Cambodia could hold regular exchanges and strengthen co-operation and mutual support.

Chea Leang, who is also Prosecutor General of the Cambodian Supreme Court, stated that based on their traditional relationship, the two procuracy sectors had maintained and fostered co-operation in many fields, looking towards a strong and transparent judiciary to serve the two countries' socio-economic development.

She said she hoped the two countries' commitments on judicial support would be realised and the two sides would increase delegation exchanges and experience sharing to improve staff capacity.

More congratulations to Vietnam on National Day

Leaders of foreign countries throughout the world have continued to extend their congratulations to Vietnamese Party, State, Government and National Assembly leaders on the occasion of the country’s 68th anniversary of National Day (September 2).

Among those were King of Brunei Darussalam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, and President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and Prime Minister Apdelmalek Sellal of the Republic of Algeria.

Also on the list were Provisional President of Egypt Adly Mansour, Iranian President Hassan Rowhani, Greek President Karolos Papoulias, President of the Palestine State Mahmoud Abbas, King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf, and President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne of Sri Lanka.

On this occasion, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh also received greetings from his counterparts of the above-mentioned countries.

Central Military Commission hailed for Party building efforts

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong has praised efforts and outcomes that the Central Military Commission (CMC) has made in realising the resolution on Party building and the campaign to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example.

Working with the CMC Standing Board on September 4, the Party leader said the results will make it possible for the CPV Central Committee and Politburo to enrich their practical experience and make better directions in the work in the future.

He stressed that his inspection aims to point out both achievements and shortcomings in Party building as foundations for the commission to outline prompt and suitable solutions.

Regarding its upcoming tasks, the Party chief emphasised the urgent need to focus on intensifying the work, especially in the current domestic and international situations which bring both advantages and challenges to the national construction and protection in Vietnam.

“The implementation of the resolution and the campaign must be a regular, continuous and long-term task that requires the commission to take the lead with a determination to make itself really pure and strong, staying loyal to the nation, the Party and the people,” he stressed.

Party leader Trong asked the CMC to continue applying comprehensive measures to raise awareness of every Party official and member of the purposes and requirements of the work, creating positive changes in their political thoughts, morality and lifestyle.

The commission’s branches at all levels should well implement programmes, plans and measures to repair shortcomings, strictly follow working regulations and principles, prevent corruption, increase self-criticism and criticism, as well as stepping up the fight against the so-called “peaceful evolution” of hostile forces, he noted.

According to the report of the commission, during the past years, the Central Military Commission has drastically conducted criticism and self-criticism at all levels, while focusing on overcoming weaknesses and limitations through specific methods and close supervision.

Therefore, the Party building work has seen visible progress, with positive changes in working manner of officials and internal solidarity.

Meanwhile, the campaign to follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example has also grasped achievements in all fields thanks to active and creative measures that suit specific situation in each military unit and organisation.

The resolution on current urgent issues on Party building was adopted during the fourth plenum of the CPV Central Committee (11th tenure) in January 2012, while the campaign was launched by the Politburo in May 2011.