Việt Nam’s top cueist Nguyễn Quốc Nguyện defeated Birol Uymaz from Turkey in the knock-out round of the World Cup Carom Billiard 3 Cushion, held on Friday in Hurghada, Egypt.  


Nguyen is enjoying a successful tournament of his career. — Photo

Nguyện secured a 40-18 victory after 19 turns.  

He will face his biggest challenge in the quarter-final, facing the world’s top billiards player Frederic Caudron.

The Belgian cueist, nicknamed ‘The Extraterrestrial’ has ruled three cushion billiards for the past two years and has 20 World Cup champion titles.

Meanwhile, Nguyện is still seeking his first World Cup championship.

In another match, Trần Quyết Chiến was knocked out by France’s top player Jeremy Bury, 40-34 after 18 turns. — VNS