Vi Tuan Khanh carries his friend to school every day. Photo: Viet Hoa

Cerebral palsy has caused Vi Nhat Canh's limbs to become cramped, making it extremely difficult for him to walk. To help his friend learn to read and write, Vi Tuan Khanh has carried him to school for many years, ensuring he can continue his education.

In Chau Hanh commune (Quy Chau district, Nghe An province), the image of a slim boy carrying his friend to school for over 10 years, rain or shine, has become a familiar sight. This dedicated student is Vi Tuan Khanh (born in 2006, a student of class 12C3, Quy Chau High School, Nghe An).

Born into a poor Thai ethnic family in Dinh Tien village, Khanh has been friends with Vi Nhat Canh, who suffers from cerebral palsy. This condition has caused Canh's limbs to become cramped, making walking extremely difficult.

Khanh helps his parents with housework when he comes home. Photo: Viet Hoa

“When he was in kindergarten and first grade, Canh was taken to school by his parents, but in second grade, his condition worsened, and his father had left, so his family intended to let him drop out of school. One day, on my way to school, I saw Canh crawling out the door, wanting to go to school. I told my parents I would carry him to school, and they agreed,” Khanh shared.

Ms. Vi Thi Hoa (Canh's mother) added, “I was sick, and when Canh started first grade, my husband left, making it difficult to send him to school. When Khanh promised to take him to school, it was a great relief.”

Since then, the sight of Khanh carrying Canh to school daily has moved many in the community.

“The primary school was about 2km from home, and the dirt road was difficult to travel. Sometimes I fell while carrying Canh, but we always got up and continued,” Khanh said.

Throughout primary school, Khanh carried Canh to school every day. In secondary school, his uncle bought him a bicycle, making the journey easier.

Continuing the journey to university

Vi Thi Sau (Khanh’s mother) is proud of her son who helps his friend.

In high school, the school was over 5km from their homes. The longer distance made the bicycle unsuitable, so Khanh's parents sold their cow to buy a motorbike, ensuring Khanh could continue taking Canh to school.

Just like before, Khanh would pick up Canh early, carry him to the motorbike, and once at school, carry him to the classroom. This daily routine continued throughout high school.

Ms. Vi Thi Sau (Khanh's mother) said, “Seeing my son ride with his friend every day was touching. We sold our cow to buy a motorbike to make their journey less arduous. Despite facing many difficulties, both families have always supported each other.”

The friendship between Vi Tuan Khanh and Vi Nhat Canh is admired by many. (Photo: Q.C)

“Tuan Khanh is a shining example for young people,” said Ms. Cam Thi Hoa, Khanh's homeroom teacher. “He has achieved excellent grades and is an inspiration to others.”

Mr. Cao Thanh Luu, Principal of Quy Chau High School, added that Vi Nhat Canh was given special consideration and exempted from the 2024 high school graduation exam. Canh has applied to study Information Technology at Nghe An University of Economics, while Khanh has applied for Geography Pedagogy at Vinh University.

“We don't know what the results will be, but if we pass, we will continue to accompany each other on a new journey. We hope that in the future, no matter where we are or what we do, our friendship will remain as strong as ever,” Khanh and Canh shared.

Viet Hoa