VietNamNet Bridge – Continuing the fifth sitting of the 13th National Assembly (NA), legislators on May 28 discussed in groups the draft Law on amendments and supplements to a number of articles of the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting and Article 170 of the Enterprise Law.


Bac Kan Province deputy Duong Quang Son speaks at the session. (Photo: VNA)


The NA deputies shared the same opinion that after nearly 12 years of implementation, the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting has bared shortcomings, requiring amendments and supplements to further strengthen the state management of fire prevention and fire fighting, contributing to ensuring sustainable socio-economic development.

Regarding fire prevention in nuclear power plants, many deputies recommended that fire prevention methods should be included at the design stage. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a well-trained force with modern equipment to prevent and fight fires and avoid post-fire disasters.

Concerning the draft amendments and supplements to Article 170 of the Enterprise Law, the deputies asserted that the change is crucial as it will create conditions for foreign-invested firms to maintain their operations.

Clause 2 under Article 170 of the 2005 Enterprise Law prescribes that foreign-invested firms operating under the Foreign Investment Law in Vietnam can either re-register for operations and management in accordance with the Enterprise Law or not re-register. Those who say no will see their business operations limited to the activities specified in their investment licences.

The deputies agreed that the amendments and supplements to the article will provide a legal ground for those who failed to re-register to be able to broaden activities in Vietnam.

On the afternoon of the same day, the deputies heard a report on the assessment of the draft Law on Plant Protection and Quarantine and discussed the draft amendments and supplementations to several articles of the Law on Value Added Tax.

The draft amendments and supplementations to several articles of the Law on Value Added Tax are scheduled to be ratified during this session.

On May 29, the deputies are to hear reports on the Law on Reception of Citizens and debate the draft amendments and supplementations on several articles of the Law on Corporate Income Tax and the Law on National Defence and Security Education.

The fifth session of the 13th National Assembly began on May 20 and is scheduled to last for one month.

Source: Vietnam Plus