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Vietnamese street food favored over foreign fast food chains

VietNamNet Bridge - Foreign fast food chains in Vietnam are some of the most famous in the world, but many of them have had to leave or close some of their shops in the country. 

Vietnam’s steel exports face tough trade barriers

Steel manufacturers are facing bigger barriers, trade remedies and measures to restrict imports from major markets. However, exports are expected to reach $3 billion this year.

Vietnamese wasting opportunities to do business with China

VietNamNet Bridge - Because of Vietnam’s cross-border trade policy, domestic businesses are targeting short-term benefits and are not pursuing long-term business strategies in doing business with China. 

To thrive, steel manufacturers must become independent

VietNamNet Bridge - Despite many preferences given for decades, VnSteel, with its spearhead, Tisco, has not succeeded as well as the the steel industry had hoped.

Competition Law: has it fulfilled its purpose?

VietNamNet Bridge - The Competition Law was passed 13 years ago, but the number of times the law has been cited to fight against monopoly and collusion has been very modest. 

Vietnam vows to reorganize coffee production

Vietnam’s coffee productivity is three times higher than the average level globally, but the profit that coffee growers pocket is low because of poor competitiveness and unstable output.

When will Vietnam’s support industries flourish?

PEGA, the owner of HKBike electric bicycle brand, announced that 35 percent of bicycle components are made in Vietnam by 30 Vietnamese companies, drawing public attention to the development of support industries.

Rice exports expected to face tough competition

VietNamNet Bridge - The Vietnam Food Association (VFA) has warned that it would be difficult to export rice in 2017. 

Vietnam is fertile soil for franchisers

VietNamNet Bridge - Though franchise activities in Vietnam have been thriving in recent years, Vietnam remains a fledgling market. 

Growth slows down, manufacturers try to find niche markets

VietNamNet Bridge - As the motorbike market is going flat, manufacturers have to reform technologies and penetrate niche markets to boost sales.

Ceiling formula price for milk removed

VietNamNet Bridge - After two years and nine months of applying the ceiling price, the price of formula milk products for children aged below six remained stable. However, the policy was removed on April 1.

Vietnam to apply more trade remedies to protect production

VietNamNet Bridge - Following many successful cases, there is now a growing tendency in Vietnam to apply trade remedies to protect locally made products.

Cheap imported fruits preferred over domestic products

VietNamNet Bridge - More Vietnamese are buying imported fruit, which have become surprisingly inexpensive.

Wooden furniture manufacturers see great opportunities in 2017

VietNamNet Bridge - China’s wooden furniture exports to the US and EU are declining, while Japan and South Korea are importing more from Vietnam.

Environmental groups call for reconsideration of thermal power plan

Several coal thermal power plants are expected to be built in the Mekong Delta under the 2011-2020 plan for national power development. What are the options for energy development in Vietnam?

Vietnam has too many "key" industries: economists

VietNamNet Bridge - So many industries are listed as ‘leading-edge industries’ that it is unclear which of these should be accorded top priority for development.

High-end vegetable oil market becoming more competitive

VietNamNet Bridge - Now that most of the best-known vegetable oil brands are sold in Vietnam, market performance is expected to be even better in 2017.

Vietnamese struggle to sell products at foreign-invested supermarkets

Vietnamese manufacturers are trying to display their products at foreign-invested supermarket chains, which have become familiar shopping destinations for urbanites. But it has not been an easy task. 

Franchising doors still not open in many business fields

VietNamNet Bridge - Franchising has become popular in many business fields in South East Asian countries, but not in Vietnam.

Rice farmers’ income drops by seven times in last 10 years

Vietnam, the second largest rice exporter in the world, is facing big challenges. The income of farmers has dropped by seven times in the last 10 years, while exports face barriers set by import countries.