Update news MoIT

Foreign-invested footwear manufacturers show their power

VietNamNet Bridge - Foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) account for less than 25 percent of total number of footwear enterprises, but make up 77 percent of total export value. 

Will foreign investors leave because the domestic market is too small?

VietNamNet Bridge - Some foreign investors have warned that they may leave Vietnam because of unfavorable conditions to do business. However, Vietnamese businesses and analysts believe they will stay in the country.

MOF changes taxation method, raising concern about car price hike

VietNamNet Bridge - Car importers have unanimously opposed the Ministry of Finance’s (MOF) plan to apply a new luxury tax method.

Will Hoa Sen invest in the Guang Lian project?

VietNamNet Bridge - Guang Lian could be an ‘unlucky’ project in the eyes of other investors as it has changed many hands, but Hoa Sen still sees big benefits if it takes over the project.

Ministry, economists disagree on using ODA for support industries

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has said that the official development assistance (ODA) is reserved for investment and development, not for commercial purposes. Economists say that ODA is not a ‘magic wand’ for support industries. 

NA opposes debt breaks for SOEs

The Ministry of Finance's proposal that State-owned enterprises (SOEs), which were under restructuring progress be forgiven tax arrears, did not receive consensus from the National Assembly (NA) Deputies.

VN meets five-year energy savings

The nationwide Viet Nam Energy Efficiency Programme has achieved satisfactory results in the last five years, according to officials attending a seminar organisedOctober 30 in HCM City.

75 percent of logistics market share held by foreign firms

Two-digit import/export growth rates and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have made Vietnam into a very promising logistics market worth tens of billions of dollars. However, local logistics firms only have a small piece of the cake.

High air transport fees stymie fruit exports

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam hopes it can export $2 billion worth of fresh fruit this year, but analysts doubt the goal is attainable, as high air transport fees have made it difficult to penetrate foreign markets.

Scientists warn of dangers of coal power plants

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam will have to spend big money to deal with the consequences, including pollution, caused by coal thermal power plants, scientists have said.

Decree on supporting industries offers a lot of investment incentives

VietNamNet Bridge - There will not be the VND30 trillion fund to support the development of supporting industries as initially planned. Instead, there will be a lot of investment incentives to be offered to businesses in the fields.

Public disagrees with MOIT on calling Samsung products ‘Vietnamese’

VietNamNet Bridge - The statement that products made by Samsung Vietnam are ‘Vietnamese’ has led to harsh criticism from the public.

Vietnam dreams of selling goods to overseas distributors

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam is striving to export its products directly to all large distribution chains in Europe, North America, South East Asia and North East Asia under free trade agreements it has signed.

Luxury tax adjustment to pave way for low-cost cars

VietNamNet Bridge - Low-cost cars with low cylinder capacity are expected to flow to Vietnam thanks to an advantageous luxury tax.

Will Volkswagen assemble cars in Vietnam?

VietNamNet Bridge - The news that Phu Thai Holdings is speeding up negotiations to become the assembler and distributor of Volkswagen cars in Vietnam has been reported in many newspapers recently. 

Vietnamese farm produce enters the US via China

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnam has delicious tropical fruits, but they are often not sent directly to foreign markets.

MOIT takes actions to continue dream of Vietnam auto industry

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) will offer investment incentives to auto manufacturers in an effort to continue the development of the country's automobile industry. 

MOIT says Samsung products made in Vietnam are Vietnamese goods

‘Vietnamese goods are defined as products manufactured, assembled in Vietnam and services implemented in the Vietnamese territory, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).

Investors continue pouring money into steel industry

VietNamNet Bridge - Investors are still interested in steel projects despite the warning about the oversupply of structural steel and protests from environmentalists.

PetroVietnam fears oversupply of petrol products, wants to restrict imports

The national oil and gas group PetroVietnam has asked the government to apply necessary measures to restrict petrol imports so as to ensure the sale of products to be produced by the Nghi Son and Dung Quat oil refineries.