Update news MoIT

Local authorities vow to build road that ‘pokes at the heart of Con Dao Island’

VietNamNet Bridge - A road, which would ‘poke at the heart of Con Dao Island’, which faced strong opposition from the public 10 years ago, is about to be built.

Offered incentives, auto industry sees light at end of tunnel

VietNamNet Bridge - The government has once again offered investment incentives to automobile manufacturers, but analysts still doubt Vietnam can build its own automobile industry. 

10 big real estate developers report inventory volume worth $3 billion

VietNamNet Bridge - The inventory level in the real estate market continues to increase even though the market has warmed up.

Garment firms busy with many orders, expect to reach target for year

VietNamNet Bridge - Most garment companies report that they have orders until the end of the second quarter, while some companies said they have enough jobs for the entire year.

Vietnam dreams of developing auto industry, with Russia’s support

VietNamNet Bridge - Russia once helped Vietnam manufacture weapons and now may transfer automobile technology to Vietnam, experts say.

Young Vietnamese thinkers and their records

VietNamNet Bridge - The great achievements made by Vietnamese young people have been recognized by the world.

Chinese goods sold under the cloak of Vietnamese

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese enterprises place manufacturing orders with Chinese, import Chinese-made products, label them as Vietnamese products,and sell them in the domestic market.

Will garment companies reap huge benefits from TPP when tariffs fall?

Vietnamese textile & garment companies won’t directly benefit from the $1 billion worth of tax from sales to the US once the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) takes effect, officials have affirmed. 

Hope for car price reductions by 2018 dashed

VietNamNet Bridge - Under the latest version of the draft luxury tax law, cars will not be priced lower before 2018. 

Potential of e-commerce market remains untapped

VietNamNet Bridge - Analysts have compared the investors and the e-commerce market with foxes and grapes. The foxes have come, but the grapes are still not ripe.

Vietnam vows not to open more coal power plants

VietNamNet Bridge - After Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said that Vietnam will not develop more coal hydropower plants, environmental organizations released statements lauding the decision.

Providing airport services is lucrative business

VietNamNet Bridge - The increasingly high number of airline passengers has allowed airport service providers to make stable profits.

What is the scenario for the VN Index in 2016?

VietNamNet Bridge - Despite a lot of unknowns and current bad performance, analysts still believe a 7-12 percent increase of the VN Index can be reached in 2016.

Businesses oppose countervailing duties on ingot steel imports

VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese steel manufacturers oppose the possible imposition of safeguard measures against ingot steel imports, saying that higher taxes will increase prices.

Misfortunes still sting textile & garment sector in 2016

VietNamNet Bridge - Many small textile and garment companies plan to merge with others, while big companies will have to try every possible means, including lowering selling prices, to retain clients. 

Foreign enterprises seek to buy garment companies

VietNamNet Bridge - In most of the merger & acquisition (M&A) deals in the textile and garment industry which were made recently, the buyers were foreign investors.

Ship owners: kings into beggars

“In the old days, ship owners were kings. Now, they are beggars,” a representative of VISABA (Vietnam Ship Agent and Brokers Association) said, speaking about the plunge in bulk sea transport charges.

Auto assembling industry to no longer receive preferences

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Finance (MOF) believes that policies on giving preferences to the automobile industry must be removed because they did not help develop the industry in the last two decades.

Concerns about lagging behind other countries exists despite 5-year restructuring

Despite the sharp fall in crude oil prices in the world market, Vietnam still has achieved the highest GDP growth rate this year in the last five years. 

Vietnamese retail market: early bird will catch the worm

VietNamNet Bridge - Gone is the time when big fish swallow smaller fish. It is now the time when faster fish will eat slower ones, according to Nielsen.