VietNamNet Bridge - The langurs (Trachypithecus) in the remote mountainous area of Thiet Son in Tuyen Hoa district of Quang Binh province have a loyal friend and protector, Nguyen Thanh Tu, a retired border soldier who carries water to the mountain to feed them.


Local people once thought that these were just normal langurs. However, Tu, who was trained by wildlife protection organizations, said these are rare and precious langurs with scientific names Trachypithecus nghetinhensis which need protection. 

This was confirmed by scientists on a fact finding trip in early 2015.

Tu began trying to save the precious langurs when he was a border soldier. He went to the mountain on holiday to remove the traps set by hunters and rescued injured animals. Sometimes Tu could not save them and felt deep grief because of this.

He has more time to work with langurs since 2012 when he got retired. He goes to the area where langurs live every day, with water bottles and dry provisions in his backpack, no matter whether it rains or the weather is bad. On scorching hot days, Tu has to bring water to the mountain to protect them from thirst.

Tu spends most of his time with the langurs, and listens to them to learn more about the precious animals. This helps the local herd of langurs develop strongly from 30 individuals to 115 now. The individuals are divided into small herds and reside on different limestone mountains.

Tu said it was now difficult to find langurs, because they have turned more watchful. 

“In the past, the primates liked gathering at the Van Cong Cave entrance because they liked listening to members of the ensemble practicing singing. And because they like music, they fell into the hunters’ traps recently. They became more watchful,” he explained.

However, reporters still saw the precious langurs. They could not find langurs the first three days on the mountain. On the fourth and fifth days, they saw some, but not clearly, because the langurs hid behind trees and leaves.

But on the sixth and seventh days, the reporters met the langurs when the animals turned up before them when hearing music from the mobile phone brought by Tu.

As such, it took the reporters one week long to get acquainted with the langurs and then take pictures of them.

Tu said his father, before leaving this world, asked him to protect the langurs because these are the soul of the mountain and jungle. 

Tu swears that he will protect the langurs until he dies, and he will find successors to protect the langurs after he dies.