Commenting on Chi’s project, the judging panel shared that it was a very powerful critique of globalisation through architectural design.
“It uses the museum’s form and space as a tool that stands against urbanisation which destroys the ‘sense of place’, ‘cultural identity’ and heritage in the area,” says a jury member.
With these impressive results, Chi was presented a two-year Master’s scholarship at the Polytechnic University of Milan.
The International Graduation Project Award 2023 is open to students of architecture, urban design, urban planning, architecture technology, and landscape design, who were invited to submit their graduation projects.
It aims to recognise excellence in architectural design and education worldwide, as well as showcasing excellent architectural examples to promote and provoke architectural debate.
According to the organising board, the winners and Honourable Mentions were selected out of a total of 422 submissions, representing 141 universities and 36 countries.
Selection of the top 10 submissions was made based on the award’s assessment criteria, serving to highlight aspirational and transformative projects that seek to tackle local and global challenges through holistic understandings of context.
Source: VOV