VietNamNet Bridge – For seven months, boxes that contain 10 to 20 books in different shapes have been placed in front of cafés and along the streets in Vietnam. Everybody is invited to take a book home from the box but he or she must leave one of his or her own back in its place.


Co-founder of Book Box Le Vu Phuong Thuy poses next to a book box 



Book Box is a project aimed to share the love of reading among youngsters. Starting from scratch, Book Box now has more than 10,000 fans on its Facebook fanpage with 41 book boxes in seven provinces. With a mere 10 members from the beginning, the project now has more than 100 young volunteers and contributors.

The inspiration behind the establishment of Book Box comes from “Little Free Library” movement that was born in the U.S. in 2010. It is a “take a book and return a book” project with a sense of sharing.

Regarding Book Box, books will be read, shared and handed to as many readers as possible. “We think that libraries are not the only places for people to share books. We want to do something for the community that everyone can always read books. Each box on the road is like a book hub, so book prices do not matter. We think the value of books is the spirit of sharing knowledge,” says Le Vu Phuong Thuy, co-founder of Book Box, who has built and developed this inspirational project to promote the spirit of sharing knowledge.

When Thuy and her partners kicked off this project, many people cast doubt on it, saying the idea was not workable. Even the members involved in the project were concerned that books could never be returned when they were taken away by strangers.

“However, if they are lost, we consider that our books have fallen into the hands of someone who loves reading. It is so much better than letting a book on the shelves.”

“If we do not have faith, nothing good will come to us. We think books were born to be read. For those donating books to Book Box, they do not wait to receive what they deserve, but that is how they have found joy by helping others seek joy. Anyone can become part of the project. Anyone can create a box of books that can be shared with everyone around,” says Thuy.

From 40 books in the beginning, the project currently has one thousand donated by booklovers including a girl who traveled 20 kilometers to donate just one book in the hopes that people love books as she does.

“Book Box is the project of all people,” says Thuy.