VietNamNet Bridge – Many National Assembly deputies during discussions on Tuesday on the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution spoke out concerns on a clause that allows for recalling land for economic projects, and pushed for changes to that.


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Soon after Phan Trung Ly, head of the NA Legal Committee, called on deputies to approve the regulation on land revocations as drafted, widespread opinions were voiced against the terms.

Article 54 of the draft allows for “the State to recall land used by organizations or individuals in highly-necessary cases specified by the law for the sake of national defense, security, national interests, public benefits, and for socio-economic development.”

Many deputies rejected the final term of recalling land for socio-economic development.

Deputy Tran Dinh Thu representing Gia Lai Province said opinions differed on recalling land for the aforesaid purpose.

It is enough to say “the State recalls land used by organizations or individuals in highly-necessary cases specified by the law for the sake of national defense, security, national interests and public benefits,” he stressed.

By changing the article as stated, “the socio-economic purpose in recalling land will be integrated into the national and public interests,” he explained.

Deputy Phan Van Tuong representing Thai Nguyen Province suggested that the Constitution be clear that only the State is empowered to recall land.

Truong said that the responsibility in recalling land must be established. “Voters are of the opinion that establishing the responsibility in recalling land is the most effective way to restrict land recall and improve land management,” he noted.

Deputy Nguyen Viet Nhien of Hai Phong City also expressed his disagreement on recalling land for the socio-economic purpose. Nhien demanded that there must be sufficient regulations to safeguard the interests of those people and organizations whose land is recalled, which will help minimize public agonies.

Taking back land from individuals and organizations is now the biggest headache in society, with up to 75% of denunciations and accusations related to land revocation, compensation and resettlement.

Meanwhile, land is being wasted on a large scale, according to Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Minh Quang.

As many as 8,160 entities are using land in a wasteful way, with a total area of over 128,000 hectares, according to the minister.

At the discussion, the head of the NA Legal Committee, Phan Trung Ly, also suggested NA deputies approve of the term on the State economic sector as drafted. No objection to the term was recorded.

Ly said that “the State economic sector” is a broader concept that is not limited to State-owned enterprises. Specifying that the State economic sector holds the dominant role in the national economy does not go against the principle of equality among all economic sectors, he said.

Most NA deputies did not debate on the issue, however.

Source: SGT