VietNamNet Bridge – Japan will boost cooperation in agriculture, human resource training, technical assistance and science and technology with Vietnam, Ambassador Hiroshi Fukada has said.




At a meeting with Vuong Dinh Hue, head of the Central Economics Commission, in Hanoi on January 22, Hiroshi voiced Japan’s commitment to provide additional ODA to Vietnam, but said both sides need to clarify prioritised projects for disbursement in the context of economic difficulty.

He acknowledged Vietnam’s efforts in stabilising its macro-economy, containing runaway inflation and ensuring social security amidst global complications.

He suggested the Central Economics Commission pay more attention to financial and monetary market reforms, settlement of non-performing loans, and restructuring of State owned enterprises.

For his part, Hue noted since Vietnam and Japan established the strategic partnership in 2009, their relations have grown and flourished, bringing practical benefits to both countries.

He appreciated Japan’s goodwill towards providing its ODA to Vietnam, helping spur its socio-economic development over the years.

He echoed Hiroshi’s view that Vietnam needs Japanese assistance in agricultural development, climate change adaptation, and human resource training.  

Agriculture is one of the Commission’s priority areas in the coming time, Hue said.

He proposed the ambassador support the Commission in studying the Abenomics, post-crisis economic reform, and its experience in tackling non-performing loans, and developing a knowledge-based economy.

Source: VOV