Administrative reform – a synchronously, regularly and continuously task

The Hoa Binh Provincial Party Committee thoroughly grasps the spirit of administrative reform, improving the investment and business environment, improving the efficiency of governance and public administration as the responsibility of the entire political system, a key task in leading and directing the implementation of political tasks of all agencies and units in the province.

With that spirit, administrative reform tasks have been carried out synchronously in all 6 reform areas, with the focus being: Consolidating and rearranging the organizational apparatus, reducing the number of deputies of administrative organizations in accordance with the Government's regulations;

Improving the quality of implementation of the one-stop mechanism; promoting the reception and solving paperworks through the online public service system at level 3 and level 4; promoting the conversion of public service units to self-financing ones; applying information technology to the operations of state administrative agencies; striving to reach the average administrative reform index compared to other provinces and cities nationwide.

Hoa Binh aims for modern, open and transparent administrative system. Photo: H. Thuy.

To ensure the implementation of the above goals, the Provincial People's Committee issued a number of important documents to direct and administer the province's administrative reform tasks; directed the implementation of propaganda work on administrative reform in many forms such as organizing training classes, through mass media, on the websites Hoa Binh province and those of other provinces and agencies.

In addition, the Provincial People's Committee organized an online contest on administrative reform for local officials, civil servants and public employees and directed districts and towns in Hoa Binh to organize similar competitions at rassroots level.

The Provincial Administrative Reform Steering Committee has strengthened the inspection of administrative reform and public service; the observance of discipline and administrative discipline. In 2022, the committee inspected administrative reform works at 8 departments and 5 districts. Through inspection, it timely recommended related agencies and units to overcome limitations and weaknesses in implementing administrative reform tasks.

The Provincial People's Committee also organized 15 dialogues beween officials with local people and the business community.

Digital transformation in administrative reform has also been seriously and methodically implemented by the provincial government. The province has promoted the application of information technology in directing, operating, and building e-government, taking people and businesses as the center, towards a modern, open, and transparent administration. 

Hoa Binh’s administrative reform index on the rise

According to the Administrative Reform Steering Committee of Hoa Binh province, the province’s administrative reform index for the period 2016 - 2022 always increased, totaling 14.18% in 7 years.

In particular, Hoa Binh gained the highest position ever, reaching 86.30%, up 2 places compared to 2021; 30 places up compared to 2020. The criteria and areas that it did not meet or ranked at a low level in administrative reform in 2021 improved in 2022. The indexes of many areas had significant improvements, including the work of directing and administering organizational reform; criteria for socio-economic development.

The implementation of the one-stop mechanism at state agencies in the province has been maintained at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center, the administrative procedure receiption divisions of 10 districts, towns and 151/151 commune-level units. This has actively contributed to the reform of administrative procedures, improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the state administrative apparatus, and enhancement of the satisfaction of people and businesses with the services of the state administrative apparatus. 

100% of state agencies in the province have internal network (LAN) systems and broadband Internet connections. The rate of officials, civil servants and public employees equipped with computers to serve their work reached 98% at the provincial level, 91% at the district level, and 88% at the commune level.

Specialized data transmission networks of Party and State agencies are deployed at 63 points; The provincial WAN network is deployed at 33 points based on a specialized data transmission network.

In addition, some departments such as Education and Training, Finance, Natural Resources and Environment, Provincial Police, and Provincial People's Committee Office have small data centers with 3 - 10 servers.

Regarding electronic document exchange, 100% of departments and agencies have connected their document management systems with that of the Provincial People's Committee; 100% of district-level People's Committees are connected with the Provincial People's Committees; 100% of commune-level People's Committees are connected with the district level People's Committees. 100% of provincial departments, divisions, agencies, 90% of district-level People's Committees, 80% of commune-level People's Committees use electronic documents. 100% of departments, branches, and units at district and commune levels have connected to the province's centralized electronic one-stop information system.

The province's data sharing and integration platform (LGSP) has connected to the national data sharing and integration platform (NGSP), ensuring the sending and receiving of 4-level electronic documents. In addition, it ensures the connection and interconnection of shared application software and specialized software in the province, effectively sharing and exploiting specialized databases to serve the operation of state agencies, serving local people and businesses.

The information system for handling provincial administrative procedures with the domain name "" is currently providing 1,623 online public services at level 3 and level 4 (621 public services at level 3 and 1,002 public services at level 4) of agencies and units in the province. The province has implemented integration, single login, synchronization of administrative procedure records, status synchronization, and statistics with the National Public Service Portal through a secure server installed and managed at the Provincial Data Integration Center.

In the first quarter of 2023, the province received 88,424 administrative reform dossiers (receiving directly and through public postal services 4,453 dossiers, 72,901 dossiers online, and 11,070 dossiers from the previous period); 78,517 documents have been resolved.

In the following months of 2023, in order to effectively implement the set plans and targets, departments, branches, localities, agencies and units will focus on implementing 8 key tasks as follow:

Strengthen leadership and direction on administrative reform, striving to achieve the goal of the province's administrative reform index being ranked at the average level compared to 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

Continue to improve the system of mechanisms and policies in all areas of social life, especially the fields of investment, construction, trade and tourism; to support and create the most favorable conditions to attract strategic and potential investors to invest in the province, contributing to the province's socio-economic development.

Continue to strictly implement Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP dated January 6, 2023 of the Government; Directive No. 02/CT-UBND dated January 11, 2023 of the Provincial People's Committee on key tasks and solutions to direct and manage the implementation of the socio-economic development plan and state budget estimates and improve the business environment, enhance the province’s competitiveness in 2023.

Pay attention to and support businesses. Focus on attracting and mobilizing resources to invest in technical infrastructure; Drastically implement key projects. Organize and deploy the inspection, review and systematization of the province's legal documents.

Strengthen leadership and direction on administrative procedure reform and control of administrative reform. Develop and issue directive and executive documents to direct agencies and units to promptly and effectively implement regulations on administrative reform and control of administrative reform, and implementing the one-stop interconnected one-stop mechanism in resolving administrative reform. Coordinate with relevant agencies to give recommendation on the implementation of tasks on innovating the implementation of the one-stop mechanism shop in resolving administrative reform in the province.

Promote the decentralization of revenue sources and expenditure tasks among governments at all levels; Complete regimes, allocation and spending norms. Strengthen thrifty practices and combat waste in budget management and use. Applying information technology in the fields of financial and budget management at all levels...

Promote the application of information technology in management in all areas of social life. Develop a set of indicators to evaluate and rank the level of digital transformation at state agencies in the province.

Organize evaluation and ranking of the level of task completion and administrative reform index in 2023 of departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts and towns, as a basis for considering rewards, evaluating heads of agencies, units...

Thuy An