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Ms. Hang and her children at the summit of Buran Ghati.

Situated at an altitude of 4,575m, the journey involved Hang, her children, and 13 other Vietnamese tourists trekking for six days, covering almost 40km through various terrains, including snow and ice-clad mountains, with temperatures dropping to -5 degrees Celsius.

Their trekking days ranged from covering a minimum of 4.3km in four hours to enduring the most challenging day of 8km in twelve hours.

Throughout the expedition, the group sustained themselves primarily on vegetarian meals, with breakfast comprising cakes and tea, lunch consisting of eggs and bread, and dinners featuring stewed potatoes, vegetables, or beans. On the final day, guides ventured far into the village to procure goat meat to supplement the group's diet.

During nights, they camped in tents amidst nature's embrace.

Reflecting on the journey, Hang shared: "This trip was a challenge for me and my children. Initially, I was concerned about whether they could handle it, but they turned out to be my pillars of support, inspiring me to persevere each day."

She recounted instances where May, with her comforting presence, soothed her during sleepless nights caused by altitude adjustments. May would gently hold her hand and offer words of encouragement, urging her to press on.

Observing her children's unwavering determination and resilience, especially witnessing their confidence grow with each step towards the mountain peak, filled Hang with immense joy.

The journey to conquer Buran Ghati is part of Hang's broader vision of instilling resilience and fostering experiential learning in her children through adventurous expeditions. As they grew older, she realized the importance of exposing them to challenges and immersing them in diverse cultural experiences.

However, the journey was not without its hurdles, particularly in accommodating the diverse personalities of her two children. While May is outgoing and sports-loving, Huy is introverted and inclined towards intellectual pursuits, posing a balancing act for Hang.

Their trekking endeavors began in earnest in 2022 with a motorcycle trip to Ha Giang province, where they traversed mountain passes, bathed in rivers, and encountered highland life.

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Ms. Hang and her children embarked on a challenging trek to conquer Lao Than peak.

Subsequent trips, including visits to India during Tet, offered them glimpses into architectural marvels, ancient cultural practices, and stark socio-economic realities.

Despite positive shifts in their outlook and understanding, Hang noted minimal physical progress in Huy due to his health conditions, including asthma and sinusitis. Nonetheless, she remained undeterred, recognizing trekking as a potential avenue for him to enhance his health and motor skills.

Their trekking endeavors escalated in 2023, with the family conquering various peaks across Vietnam. These experiences not only honed their motor and survival skills but also instilled a sense of courage in Huy, who gradually overcame his fears.

In May 2024, Hang embarked on their most ambitious journey yet, scaling the Xin Chai and Pu Ta Leng peaks in three days and two nights.

Huy and May mastering basic mountain climbing skills.

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May reveling in the scenic beauty she once saw only on TV.

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Trekking with the tourist group provided Huy and May with added motivation.

Ms. Hang and her children trekked nearly 40km over 6 days to complete the Buran Ghati trek.

The culmination of their adventures led them to the Buran Ghati peak, a six-day trek marked by challenging terrains and adverse weather conditions. Despite facing numerous obstacles, including altitude sickness and injuries within their group, their collective determination propelled them forward.

For Hang, witnessing her children's resilience amidst adversity was the ultimate triumph of their expedition. As they basked in the glory of their accomplishment, she harbored hopes of scaling Mount Everest with her children, believing that with determination, any dream can be realized.

Linh Trang