Ambassador underlines necessity of fostering UN ties with regional organisations


Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy 

Partnership between the United Nations and regional organisations should be promoted in politics-security, economy, and culture-society for better coordination in dealing with emerging regional and global challenges, stated Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Head of Vietnam's Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

The diplomat made the statement at a UN Security Council open discussion themed “Cooperation between the United Nations and Subregional Organisations: The Role of States, Regional Arrangements, and the United Nations in the Prevention of Conflict” on December 6.

Highlighting the important role of the UN’s collaboration with regional countries and individual states in ensuring peace, stability, and development in the world, he held that it is necessary to underline the major responsibilities of relevant countries in preventing and settling disputes.

All countries should abide by international law, including the peaceful settlement of disputes, he said, adding that the UN and regional organisations should play a key role in upholding and promoting common values, the norms of conduct, and principles of international law for the maintenance of friendship among countries.

The UN should give more support to regional organisations with experience in peace-building and -keeping, said Ambassador Quy, adding that such organisations, with their knowledge of social, ethnic, historical, and political issues, will help enhance the efficiency of the UN.

The ambassador said that the affiliation between the ASEAN and UN is significant to both and that Vietnam is delighted at the outcomes of the ASEAN-UN plan of action for the 2016-2020 period.

As an ASEAN member, Vietnam hopes to share experience earned from ASEAN activities and ASEAN-UN cooperation, he stressed, pledging that Vietnam will work closely with other countries for a common target of peace, security, and development in the world.

Addressing the discussion, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that the number of countries experiencing violent conflict is higher than it has been in 30 years, adding that low intensity conflicts have increased by 60 percent in the last 10 years.

“We have a responsibility to act – not in isolation, but collectively,” stated the UN leader.

Since he assumed office, he has prioritised the prevention of conflicts, natural disasters, and pandemics, as well as the foreseeable dangers posed by new technology.

The endorsement of the Action for Peacekeeping initiative by 151 member states is a strong sign of support for the central role of our peacekeepers in preventing the escalation of conflicts and in proactively supporting peace, he said.

The UN’s work to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, from human rights and humanitarian affairs to gender equality, environmental protection, and combating climate change, has played a significant role in preventing conflict, said the UN leader.

Representatives of more than 60 countries and international organisations shared their viewpoints and experience in fostering UN cooperation with regional and sub-regional organisations, as well as nations. 

Vietnam, Senegal look to push trade cooperation


Vietnamese Commercial Counsellor Hoang Duc Nhuan speaks at the programme 

A trade promotion programme was held in Senegal by the Trade Office of the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria and Senegal from December 2-8 to boost trade relations between the two nations. 

The event saw the participation of many Vietnamese enterprises specialising in producing agricultural products. 

In the framework of the event, representatives from the Trade Office had meetings and working sessions with those from the Senegalese Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Industry, as well as its Chamber of Commerce and Industry, to promote negotiations for the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on industrial and trade cooperation between the two countries. 

A workshop to introduce the potentials of Vietnam-Senegal trade bonding was organised on December 4, attracting over 250 enterprises from the West African country. 

Addressing the event, Vietnamese Commercial Counsellor Hoang Duc Nhuan updated participants on Vietnam’s economic development and proposed ways to enhance bilateral economic and trade links. 

Senegalese Deputy Minister of Trade Makhtar Lah said his country is working hard to promote reform and open its economy, improve the business and investment environment towards luring foreign investment, and realise its goal of become an emerging economy by 2035. 

According to Nhuan, trade between Vietnam and Senegal was 70.17 million USD in 2017. Vietnam’s main exports to the country were rice, tea, coffee, peppercorn, vegetables, aquatic and industrial products, footwear and textiles.

Nhuan added that at the meeting, the two sides agreed on the need to swiftly sign the MoU on trade and industrial cooperation, as well as ink agreements on double taxation avoidance and investment encouragement and protection to make it easy for their enterprises to expand investment and business collaboration in each other’s markets. 

They also stressed the necessity to promote the role of trade promotion and diplomatic agencies in supporting activities of their businesses.

The Senegalese side called on Vietnamese firms to increase their investment in the West African nation, especially in processing farm produce. 

The Vietnamese side took the occasion to visit the International Fair of Dakar – Senegal’s biggest trade event which sees the participation of some 670 domestic and foreign agencies and enterprises. 

It also met representatives from Senegalese importers and learned about the country’s goods distribution systems.

Party Inspection Commission gives conclusions on violations


Tat Thanh Cang, member of the Party Central Committee and Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City. The Inspection Commission proposed the Politburo and the Party Central Committee consider disciplinary measures against Cang for his violations and wrongdoings


The Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee (CPVCC) revealed on December 7 the outcomes of its 32nd session, held in Hanoi from December 3-6, giving conclusions on the violations and wrongdoings committed by Party organisations and individuals. 

According to the commission, the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the People’s Committee of the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong for the 2016-2021 tenure has violated the principles of democratic centralism and working rules, and slackened its leadership and direction, letting the provincial People’s Committee commit many violations and wrongdoings in land and forest management and protection, thus resulting in State budget loss, forest loss and deforestation, and disputes affecting political security, social order and safety, and the socio-economic development of the locality. 

Nguyen Bon – Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Civil Affairs Committee, and Chairman of the People’s Committee – will take the brunt of responsibility for the violations and wrongdoings of the Party Civil Affairs Committee, it said. 

The commission concluded that Bon showed a lack of responsibility in leadership, direction, and management, leading to many violations and wrongdoings in the management, protection, and development of forests. 

He also illegally signed the decision on land lease, and forest handover and compensation.

Truong Thanh Tung – member of the provincial Party Committee and the Party Civil Affairs Committee, and Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee – must also bear responsibility for violations and wrongdoings as he directly signed the decision on land and forest lease and handover, and illegally gave instructions on forest compensation. 

Such violations and wrongdoings committed by the Party Civil Affairs Committee of the People’s Committee for the 2016-2021 tenure and the two officials are serious, affecting the prestige of the local Party organisation and authorities, sparking bad public opinions. They, therefore, must receive discipline, the commission said. 

During the session, the commission also proposed the Politburo and the Party Central Committee consider disciplinary measures against Tat Thanh Cang – member of the Party Central Committee and Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City – for his violations and wrongdoings as concluded in the previous session. 

It decided to penalise Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Cong Son, former member of the Standing Board of the Party Committee and Deputy General Director of the General Department of Police; Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Van Ba, former member of the Standing Board of Party Committee and  Deputy General Director of the General Department of Polilce; and Maj. Gen. Le Dinh Nhuong, deputy head of the National Assembly (NA)’s Committee on National Defence-Security, former member of the Party Committee and Chief of the Office of the Investigation Police Agency, for their violations wrongdoings as concluded in the 30th session. 

Meanwhile, Dang Ngoc Nghia – permanent member of the NA’s Committee on National Defence-Security – received warnings from the commission for his violations and wrongdoing while serving as a member of the Standing Board of Party Committee of the central province of Thua Thien-Hue and head of the provincial Military Command from April 2005 to January 2012. 

His violations and wrongdoings were made during the implementation of the Nam Dong-A Luoi road project, which has failed to be put into operation due to its low quality, causing great State budget losses and affecting the prestige of the Party organisation, military, and the official himself. 

At the session, the commission also looked into the inspection, supervision and implementation of disciplinary measures of the Standing Boards and Inspection Boards of the provincial Party Committees of Ben Tre, Dong Thap and Phu Yen; and the Standing Board and Inspection Board of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology. 

It reported the outcomes of the inspection of the Standing Boards of the provincial Party Committees and Secretaries of Kien Giang, Hau Giang and Binh Dinh. 

The commission handled denunciations against an organisation and two individuals, complaints against Party disciplines imposed on five cases, and gave opinions on other important issues.

Vietnam steps up anti-drug cooperation with Laos, Cambodia


Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Public Security Le Quy Vuong (front, centre) at the meeting with Lao officials in Vientiane

Vietnam will step up cooperation with its neighbouring countries of Laos and Cambodia in the fight against drugs in the time to come. 

The consensus was reached at bilateral meetings on December 6 and 7 between Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen. Le Quy Vuong and Lieut. Gen. Somvang Thammasith of Laos and General Chunsovan of Cambodia. 

They have been in Laos to attend the 17th trilateral ministerial meeting on cooperation in drugs control and prevention among Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia that took place in Vientiane on December 6. 

At the meetings, the officers shared their views that cooperation between anti-drug forces of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia have contributed to preventing and detecting cross-border drug crimes and protecting security in the common borders. 

The Vietnamese and Lao sides agreed to instruct relevant agencies of the two countries to increase information exchange and join hands in the investigation work. 

They will ask border provinces of the two countries to rotationally organise anti-drug conferences and coordinate with each other in addressing bad deeds, while intensifying law popularisation in order to raise public awareness of the combat. 

Vietnam and Cambodia also reached consensus on similar tasks to be taken in the coming time to step up the fight against drugs.

Vietnam will also work together with Cambodia and Laos to improve the quality of their Border Liaison Offices as well as their coordination. 

At the same time, Vietnam will enhance personnel training and share experience in combating drugs-related crimes with the two countries.

US diplomat praises Vietnam’s international integration efforts


US Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel Kritenbrink addresses the event in Ho Chi Minh City on December 7 

US Ambassador to Vietnam Daniel Kritenbrink highlighted Vietnam’s effort in promoting its integration into the international market at a workshop held by the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) in Ho Chi Minh City on December 7. 

During the event, the US diplomat expressed his belief that Vietnam will make a good development plan on the basis of the market economy and the private economic sector to promote its international integration, thus ensuring domestic economic growth and contributing to prosperity and defence-security in Indo-Pacific region.

The workshop focused on the Indo-Pacific strategy, economic impact on Vietnam and measures to promote sustainable development in Vietnam and regional nations. 

The ambassador said the strategy aims to build a market economy and open investment environment in the principle of supporting, protecting and respecting the right of individuals to invest in this region, including Vietnam. 

The US invested over 500 million USD in implementing the strategy in 2018, he said. 

According to the diplomat, US firms have invested in over 1,500 new projects worth more than 61 billion USD in the Indo-Pacific region. 

Vietnam and the US have potential for enhancing cooperation in digital economy, information technology, infrastructure and energy, Kritenbrink said. 

Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh said as a member of ASEAN, Vietnam wants to cooperate with other ASEAN nations to promote the regional economic development. 

The US plays an important role in the Indo-Pacific region, while the ASEAN also holds a crucial role for the US, Vinh said, affirming that Vietnam supports the US and strongly pledges to promote sustainable development in the region. 

Vietnam will continue to cooperate with the US at bilateral and multilateral levels in the framework of US-ASEAN strategic partnership to reach common benefit, contributing to the region’s prosperous development, he stressed. 

Vietnam applauds cooperative initiatives to push trade ties between the US and regional countries, including Vietnam, Vinh added. 

Sharing Vinh’s opinion, Chairman of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vu Tien Loc spoke highly of creativeness, sustainability and inclusiveness of the Indo-Pacific region, saying that he believes the joint efforts of governments and the private economic sector will be key to the success of the Indo-Pacific strategy. 

He underlined the need to enhance dialogues and build specific action programmes to realise the goal. 

Participants in the workshop debated issues related to economic trend in the Indo-Pacific region, financial infrastructure for international trade and e-commerce. 

The US is among the top 10 investors in Vietnam, with about 900 projects worth over 10 billion USD. The economic and trade ties between the two countries have witnessed a strong development in recent years. Their enterprises and investors hope to boost trade cooperation not only at the government level but also in the private economic sector.

Vietnam treasures friendship, cooperation with Cambodia: Party leader


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen 

Vietnam will do its utmost to preserve, protect and nurture the solidarity and comprehensive cooperation with Cambodia, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Nguyen Phu Trong has said.

Hosting a reception for visiting Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen in Hanoi on December 7, the leader said that the guest’s official visit to Vietnam is a vivid illustration of the solidarity and traditional friendship between the two nations.

Congratulating Cambodia on its successful sixth National Assembly election, the Vietnamese leader expressed his belief that under the leadership of the Cambodian National Assembly and Royal Government, Cambodia will overcome challenges to reap more achievements to become a prosperous nation.

He said that he rejoiced at the thriving relations between the two Parties, States and peoples which have been developed in a practical and effective manner. Also, the leader reaffirmed Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, diversification and multilateralisation of international relations as well as the country’s consistent policy of not joining any military alliance, not siding with any country to act against a third country, and not allowing any country to establish a military base in Vietnam’s territory.

Lauding the outcomes of the talks between PM Phuc and his Cambodian counterpart, he asked the two PMs to order competent branches and ministries to implement the documents signed. The two sides should join hands to soon complete documents legalising the 84 percent of the border demarcation and marker planting-related work in 2019 with a view to building a shared borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development, he stressed. 

The Cambodian PM underlined the robust ties of the two Parties, States and peoples in the past four decades, bringing benefits to the people of each nation as well as for regional and global peace, stability, cooperation and development.

He thanked Vietnam for its support for Cambodia during the national liberation, struggle against the genocidal regime, and national construction cause.

Hun Sen affirmed that the Cambodian Government will work to completely settle issues on the shared land border line, thus preventing opposition forces from taking advantage of the issues against the bilateral relations.

Cambodia does not need and Cambodian constitution does not allow the establishment of foreign military bases in its territory, he stressed.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese leader extend his regards and wishes for good health to Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and his mother Monineath Sihanouk, saying he is delighted to welcome King Norodom Sihamoni to Vietnam in the coming time.

State Audit of Vietnam strives for excellent performance as ASOSAI Chair


Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) Ho Duc Phoc 

Auditor General of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) Ho Duc Phoc has signed a decision on the framework programme for implementing the SAV’s role as Chair of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) for the 2018-2021 term. 

According to the SAV, the objective of the programme is to well perform the SAV’s role and responsibility as the ASOSAI Chair for the 2018-2021 period, in particular demonstrating its leadership role in promoting the ASOSAI’s development, upholding the strengths of ASOSAI member Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), and mobilising resources to strengthen the public auditing capability to successfully realise the goals and commitments of the Hanoi Declaration of the 14th ASOSAI Assembly. 

The achievement of this will elevate the position and influence of ASOSAI as a model organisation in the region and the world. 

Under the programme, the SAV will work to further enhance its role, position, and performance within ASOSAI at regional and global forums and improve its professional and institutional capacities in accordance with international practice, contributing to implementing the policies and guidelines of the Party and State on international integration. 

As the Chair of ASOSAI for the 2018-2021 term, the SAV will be responsible for presiding over the ASOSAI Assembly; the 54th, 55th, and 56th meetings of the Governing Board of ASOSAI; and the first plenary of the 15th ASOSAI Assembly in Thailand in 2021. 

It will also direct the implementation of decisions of the Governing Board, coordinate the ASOSAI’s activities and report to the Governing Board, and represent the ASOSAI while working with national and international organisations. 

Auditor General Phoc assigned SAV units to coordinate, encourage, and supervise the implementation of the programme.

45th anniversary of Vietnam-UK ties observed in Hanoi

A celebration marking the 45th anniversary of the Vietnam-UK diplomatic relations was held by the Vietnam-UK Friendship Association in Hanoi on December 7.

Chairman of the Association Hoang Van Dung said that since both sides set up diplomatic relations on September 11, 1973, bilateral ties have been continuously consolidated and developed, particularly after they elevated relations to a strategic partnership in 2010 with seven fields of cooperation in politics-foreign affairs, regional and global issues, trade-investment, sustainable socio-economic cooperation development, education-training, security-defence, and people-to-people exchange.

Regarding politics, the two countries have enhanced their exchange of high-level delegations, which has helped bolster relations in various sectors.

In economic and investment collaboration, the UK is currently the third largest EU trade partner of Vietnam, ranking 11th among the countries and territories investing in the Southeast Asian nation with 267 valid projects valued at 3.71 billion USD, he noted. Despite global economic fluctuation, two-way trade rocketed to 6.1 billion USD in 2017, he stressed, with Vietnam’s exports at 5.4 billion USD, up 10 percent from 2016 and tripling the amount recorded in 2010.

Touching on education, Dung underlined that there are some 12,000 Vietnamese students pursuing studies in the European country. After their training and graduating in the world’s top education environment, he expects that they will make significant contributions to socio-economic development in the homeland.

Laying stress on the robust people-to-people exchanges over the years, he said that British people now have a deeper insight into Vietnamese people, landscape and culture thanks to the rise of culture and tourism popularisation activities. This is a favourable condition for both peoples to branch out their bilateral ties.

With regards to the Vietnam-UK Friendship Association, Dung said that the association, established in 1998, has made concerted efforts to bridge sound traditional relations through a wide range of activities, like organising meetings to mark public holidays of the two countries, as well as conferences and talks on education cooperation, and calling for support for Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange, among others.

The association will do its utmost to further bilateral ties, he affirmed, hoping to receive more assistance from the UK Embassy in Vietnam, the British Council and UK friends in the coming time.

UK Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward expressed his delight in attending the celebration. Mentioning several activities in Vietnam marking the 45th anniversary of the diplomatic relations – like the UK Royal Navy’s amphibious assault ship HMS Albion visit, the UK’s Inspire Me Festival 2018, and the visit made by the UK’s Duke of York Prince Andrew – he highlighted that they have played an important role in raising Vietnam-UK ties.

Germany’s Leipzig city opens representative office in HCM City


The inauguration of Leipzig city's representative office in HCM City 

Leipzig city has become the first German locality to open a representative office in Vietnam, contributing to strengthening trade and investment partnership between the city and Vietnam and connecting businesses of the two nations, according to the German Business Association in Vietnam.

The office was launched on December 6 at the German Business Incubator Vietnam of the German House in Ho Chi Minh City, with the opening ceremony drawing more than 120 delegates representing agencies and enterprises of Vietnam, Germany, and Leipzig.

First Mayor of Leipzig Torsten Bonew said that the opening of the office is one of the important activities to foster ties between Vietnam and Leipzig, especially in trade, investment, automobile, education and training, research, and development cooperation.

With a population of more than 500,000, Leipzig is a big city in the German state of Saxony. It is home to a modern infrastructure system and holds strengths in the automobile, logistics, healthcare, technology, organic food technology, energy, and environmental sectors.

As many as 47 percent of total products made in Leipzig are for export, making local enterprises highly competitive.

Vietnam and Leipzig have shared a sound, long-term partnership, especially in economy, education, and culture.

Ho Chi Minh City and Leipzig signed a strategic cooperation agreement in 2015 to further promote their partnership. The deal aims to strengthen bilateral collaboration in economy, healthcare, education, energy, environment, sustainable development, and scientific research.

Embassy promotes Vietnamese culture in US fair


The Vietnamese booth at the fair

The Embassy of Vietnam in the United States attended the seventh Winternational Embassy Showcase on December 6 to promote Vietnamese culture, traditional handicrafts, and cuisine to local visitors.

The showcase formed part of an annual international cultural event held by the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Centre (RRB/ITC), attracting many embassies, diplomatic representative agencies tourists and journalists. 

Speaking at the showcase, Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Ha Kim Ngoc affirmed that activities to promote Vietnam’s culture, history, beauty, and people are among the embassy’s top priorities.

He also spoke highly of the event, saying that it offers a space to introduce the participating nations’ culture, as well as bolster exchanges between diplomatic representative agencies in the US.

Andrew Gelfuso, Vice President of Global Trade for the RRB/ITC, said the event help embassies share and promote their culture, tradition, and tourism to international friends and US people in particular. 

It is also a chance to enhance relations, mutual understanding, and trade promotion between nations, he said. 

This year’s edition saw the participation of 53 embassies and diplomatic representative agencies and is the second consecutive year that Vietnam has taken part in the event.

NA Chairwoman hosts leaders of several RoK economic groups


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) and President of CJ Logistics Park Keun-tae 

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan received leaders of several economic groups of the Republic of Korea (RoK) as part of her visit in Seoul on December 7.

Hosting Park Keun-tae, President of CJ Logistics and CEO of CJ Group China Headquarters, Ngan welcomed the group’s investments in Vietnam and its plans to invest in different fields in Vietnam such as food safety and hygiene, culture and logistics.

She suggested CJ produce films about Vietnamese-Korean multicultural families.

Thanking the Vietnamese top legislator for the proposal, Park said he will instruct the implementation of the idea. 

CJ Group has so far invested over 500 million USD in 26 subsidiaries in 17 cities and provinces across Vietnam, generating jobs for 8,000 people. Their combined revenue hit 1.1 billion USD in 2017.

Meeting Vice Chairman of the Lotte Corporation Hwang Gag-kyu, Ngan appreciated Lotte’s business and investment activities in Vietnam, especially in the fields of real estate, entertainment and food processing.

She voiced her hope that the corporation would maintain investment in its strong fields such as smart city development and tourism, and support Vietnam in developing transport infrastructure, logistics systems, and start-up projects.

Hwang shared that Lotte is considering the development of smart urban areas, hotels, resorts, trade centres and logistics projects in Vietnam.

The Vietnamese NA leader also had a working session with executive officers from the Korea Federation of Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (KBIZ) and VN One group.

Representatives from the RoK’s economic groups and the KBIZ affirmed that Korean enterprises want to do long-term investment and expand business and production in Vietnam to contribute to the country’s development.

HCMC Council agrees on higher budget revenue target


Containers are loaded at Hiep Phuoc Port in HCMC. Import and export activities have contributed significantly to the city’s budget revenue 

Members of the HCMC People's Council on December 7 agreed to strive for the total budget revenue target for next year at some VND399.1 trillion (US$17.2 billion), an increase of 7.98% over the figure this year.

Deputy Pham Hieu Nghia had earlier voiced concern over the high target, noting that the revenue from domestic production and business activities which makes up two-thirds of the city’s budget revenue tends to fall.

Addressing Nghia’s concerns about reaching the target, Phan Thi Thang, director of the municipal Department of Finance, agreed that the target was ambitious as the domestic revenue annually increases by only some 11.7%, while the target for this sector is 21.37%.

HCMC Council Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Quyet Tam stated that targets can only be achievable with effective solutions and the greater efforts of the competent agencies, especially the taxation and customs sectors.

Tam called for closer management of the city’s revenues to avoid losses due to transfer pricing and tax evasion. In addition, she urged the relevant agencies to improve administrative procedures to make conditions favorable for investors and to encourage the local people to bolster business for economic development.

She also expected districts across the city to extend greater efforts to increase the city’s budget revenue.