Meeting marks Vietnam-Uruguay diplomatic ties

A meeting to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Vietnam-Uruguay diplomatic ties took place in Hanoi on August 9.


The celebration. (Source: VNA)


Addressing the event, Assistant to Foreign Minister Nguyen Ngoc Son said since Vietnam and Uruguay established their diplomatic ties 20 years ago, they have witnessed progresses in the bilateral ties in light of the outcomes of their leaders’ visits.

The two nations have worked closely and supported each other at international organisations and multilateral forums. Many ministries and departments have signed cooperation agreements which lay a firm foundation for links in economics, trade, agriculture, culture, sport, and science-technology, he said.

Son and Uruguay Ambassador to Vietnam Carlos Irigaray expressed their belief that the Vietnam-Uruguay friendship and cooperation will thrive further in the time to come for the sake of their people, and for peace, stability and development in the region and the world at large.

On the occasion, Irigaray announced congratulatory greetings by President Jose Mujica Cordano and Foreign Minister Luis Almagro sent to their Vietnamese counterparts Truong Tan Sang and Pham Binh Minh.

Border provinces to step up co-operation

A sweeping bilateral agreement has been reached between Viet Nam's central province of Quang Tri and the Savanhakhet province in Laos, pledging further cooperation for 2014-16.

The agreement follows talks held in Dong Ha city yesterday, in which both sides committed to providing favourable conditions for provincial agencies and border businesses, and pledged to research new mechanisms and plans for cooperation.

Under the three-year plan, the two provinces will address current challenges in transport, trade and tourism, while promoting investment and simplifying customs procedures at the Lao Bao-Densavan international border.

A pledge was also made to develop border economic zones at Lao Bao and Densavan, to capitalise on the potential of the East-West Economic Corridor.

VN, Mexico discuss urban poverty

A delegation from HCM City is visiting Mexico as part of a project funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that will run until August 12.

 The project, "Supporting multi-dimensional poverty reduction in urban settings in HCM City," saw Vietnamese delegates host a number of work sessions on urban poverty with officials from key Mexican authorities, the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Policy (CONEVAL) and the Mexican Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL).

Delegates held in-depth discussions about policy and measurement activities and touched on poverty reduction in social development, urban management and migration.

SEDESOL Deputy Minister Juan Carlos Lastiri Quiros, briefed the Vietnamese delegation on Mexico's current fight against urban poverty by the new government, headed by President Enrique Pena Nieto.

According to Quiros, over 46 per cent of Mexico's population is classified as poor. Mexico's multidimensional poverty methodology uses a multitude of levers, including education, health care, social welfare, housing, basic service provision and food.  

NA leader hosts Thai legislators, Cuba envoy

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung on Friday pledged close co-operation with Thailand in a bid to strengthen ties between the legislative bodies of both countries.

Hosting a reception for the Chairman of the Thailand-Viet Nam Parliamentary Friendship Group, Paijit Srenwarakan, Hung praised the outcomes of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups of Thailand and Viet Nam.

Hung also described the new Strategic Partnership between the two countries as important for the region and in the interests of both countries.

The partnership was recently established during a visit to Thailand by Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The NA Chairman urged the parliamentary friendship groups to work closely in legislating their commitments under the new Strategic Partnership.

Hung also extended an invitation to the Speaker of the Thai Upper House to attend the General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Viet Nam in 2015.

Paijit Srenwarakan mirrored the NA Chairman's hopes and affirmed that strengthening ties and providing favourable conditions for Vietnamese investors, was consistently supported by the Thai Parliament.

Chairman Hung also hosted a reception for outgoing Cuban Ambassador to Viet Nam, Fresdesman Turro Gonzales, praising the ambassador for his contribution to the Viet Nam-Cuba relationship, and his achievements in diplomacy, economics and health care.

Hung emphasised the traditional friendship and solidarity between Viet Nam and Cuba, nurtured by generations of leaders from both countries.

Applauding the social and economic achievements of the Cuban government, the NA leader voiced hopes the two sides would boost co-operation in the areas of economics, trade and investment.

He requested the Cuban government to favour Vietnamese investors and expressed his hope that the ambassador would continue his positive role in the development of bilateral ties.

During recent years, Viet Nam and Cuba have co-operated on regional matters and those concerning the international community.

In a thank you speech, the diplomat praised the NA Chairman and the Vietnamese government for their support and pledged his commitment to Viet Nam-Cuba relations.