President’s New Year greetings to nation

President Truong Tan Sang delivered his New Year congratulatory message via a live broadcast as it struck midnight on Lunar New Year’s Eve on January 30, conveying his hope for a country of peace and prosperity with its people living in happiness.


President Truong Tan Sang. (Photo: VNA)



Acknowledging the concerted efforts of the entire Party, people and armed forces that have brought about positive gains in 2013, a year full of challenges, President Sang said the national construction and defence requires a strong will, united actions and a spirit of vigorous, widespread and seamless renewal.

The President stressed that though the country will still face a lot of obstacles in 2014, achievements during the renewal process are always a great encouragement for the Vietnamese people on their path to a brighter future.

“It is our heartfelt aspiration to work and make due contributions, living up to the expectations of ancestors and the glorious history of the nation, and for the sake of future generations”, he said.

“I call on compatriots, comrades and soldiers across the country to uphold solidarity, mobilise mind and strength, brainpower and talent to step up the renewal cause, practise democracy on a large scale with progressive jurisdiction ideals to carry the country forward,” the President said.

He extended best wishes to all people, comrades and soldiers at home and abroad, and international friends on the occasion of the Lunar New Year.

On behalf of compatriots nationwide, President Sang also conveyed his deep sentiment to officials and cadres who are on duty in border and island areas.

President pays New Year call to HCM City workers

President Truong Tan Sang on January 31 visited and extended New Year wishes to workers living away from home in Ho Chi Minh City, noting that the Party and State always take heed of improving their lives.



Meeting with workers in Tan Thuan export processing zone in district 7, President Sang heard their concerns over issues such as salaries, incentives for home purchase, pre-schools for their children and improvement of their professional skills.

He expressed hope that they will work harder to hone their skills while asking trade unions to offer them all possible support along the way.

On the occasion, he also called on firms to improve the capacity of their staff so as to better integrate into the global markets.

The president informed workers that Vietnam is negotiating the Tran-Pacific Partnership deal with major partners like the US, the European Union and Russia, saying that this will help home enterprises expand consumption markets and generate more jobs for workers.

Diplomatic agencies meet in Lunar New Year

The Vietnamese Embassy in France and the Vietnamese Defence Attaché Corps in Laos on January 30 organised activities to see in the Lunar New Year.

In the very first moments of the Lunar New Year (Vietnamese time), the embassy in Paris offered incense to late President Ho Chi Minh.

Reflecting on the year just gone, Ambassador Duong Chi Dung said that the “French Year in Vietnam 2013”, which marked the 40th anniversary of their diplomatic ties, was celebrated with an array of events in various fields from politics, economics, culture, education to tourism.

The “Vietnam Year in France 2014” will be launched during a visit to the European country by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh in February, he added.

The diplomat went on by saying that the two events have strengthened national ties in all spheres, opening prospects of effective and sustainable cooperation.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese Defence Attaché Corp in Laos held a get-together in Vientiane to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

On behalf of the corps, Colonel Tao Van Thai informed guests about outcomes of cooperation between the two countries’ armies, adding that the corps’ work in 2013 has contributed to the close connection between both armies.

Lao Defence Deputy Minister Lieutenant General Chansamone Channhalath expressed his belief that Vietnam’s achievements will encourage the Lao people and army in their national construction and defence.

He wished that more practical exchanges will be held between both sides to deepen mutual understanding and treasure accomplishments in the two countries’ relations.

Vietnam a crucial partner in SEA: Czech President

Vietnam is a significant international partner to the Czech Republic due to its capacity to help the country penetrate dynamic Southeast Asian markets.

Czech Republic President Milos Zeman made the assessment when receiving credentials from new Vietnamese Ambassador to the European nation, Truong Manh Son, on January 28.

The president noted the time-honoured relationship with Vietnam, which has been nurtured and developed despite historical ups and downs, and promised to visit as soon as possible.

For his part, Ambassador Son extended greetings from President Truong Tan Sang to President Zeman, stressing that Vietnam treasures the support the Czech Republic gave to Vietnam during its fight for national construction and defence.

He asserted Vietnam’s consistency in taking the republic as a key partner in Central and Eastern Europe, and expressed his delight at the growing annual two-way trade between them. He called for more Czech enterprises to invest in Vietnam, especially in strong fields such as energy, machine manufacturing, health care, chemicals and transport.

The diplomat promised to work towards furthering the multilateral ties between the two sides, with the focus on economics, trade and investment.

He expressed thanks to the State and Government of the Czech Republic for supporting the Vietnamese community living in the country and hopes that this assistance will continue into the future.    

Paying tribute to late President Ho in France

The Paris-based Vietnamese Embassy on January 30 offered incense to late President Ho Chi Minh honouring the founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and celebrating the Lunar New Year Festival.



Ambassador Duong Chi Dung highlighted President Ho’s great contribution to the revolutionary cause of the CPV and the nation.

He reviewed the results of the Exchange Year 2013-2014 between Vietnam and France marking 40 years of diplomatic ties, noting during the France Year in Vietnam (2013) activities were carried out in all areas spanning politics, economics, education and culture, as well as cooperation between the two countries’ localities.

He revealed the Vietnam Year in France (2014) will begin in February with a Paris visit by Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Tuan Anh.

The ambassador said the September 2013 Paris visit by Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung was a milestone in bilateral relations, marked by the establishment of their strategic partnership.

The same day, the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in France hosted a photo exhibition featuring traditional festivals of France’s Val-de-Marne province and Vietnam’s Yen Bai province, aiming to preserve cultural diversity in the two localities.

A get-together was also held on the same day to celebrate the traditional Tet holiday. Vietnamese residents and international friends enjoyed a special art programme and sampled typical Tet dishes.  

Vietnam shares mankind’s desire for peace: ambassador

Vietnam, which had to go through wars to defend national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, understands the consequences of wars and conflicts and therefore shares the strong desire for peace, a Vietnamese diplomat has said.

Speaking at the open debate of the United Nations Security Council, themed “Wars, Lessons of War and the Search for Permanent Peace”, in New York on January 29, permanent representative of Vietnam to the UN, Ambassador Le Hoai Trung said since its inception after the second World War, the UN has proved to be instrumental in preventing another world war and worked hard to de-escalate, find solutions to and address the consequences of conflicts all over the world.

However, conflicts still wreak havoc on millions of lives and the development of too many nations, which stem from obsolete doctrines of power politics, from the ambition of domination and imposition and threat or use of force in settling international disputes, including those related to territorial and jurisdictional claims, according to the Vietnamese diplomat.

The warlike forces will eventually meet with setbacks because nations’ aspirations for their independence, sovereignty and other invaluable, legitimate rights are a source of great strength, he stressed.

In his opinion, nowadays, international community, including the UN, must build, strengthen and make the best use of the institutions of peace, including the development of international law, international and regional organisations and mechanisms to facilitate dialogue, confidence building and the peaceful settlement of disputes.

In this connection, the UN Security Council, especially its permanent members, bears special responsibilities, he affirmed.

Deputy PM Minh speaks with Chinese State Councillor

On the threshold of the traditional Tet (Lunar New Year) holiday, celebrated in both Vietnam and China, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh on January 30 spoke over the phone with Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi.

The two briefed each other on the two countries’ bilateral relations, agreeing to accelerate their work together at the Vietnam-China Bilateral Cooperation Steering Committee, the seventh session of which is to be held in Hanoi in mid 2014.

They were also unanimous in their determination to implement the common perception of the two Parties and States.