The scene of the landslide that buried a house and caused the death of a child in Ta Su Choong Commune.

According to the Hoang Su Phi District Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue Committee, a landslide in Ta Su Choong Commune led to the collapse of a house, tragically killing Vang Van D., a child born in 2011 from Quyet Tien Hamlet.

In addition to the fatality, 14 houses in Hoang Su Phi District were affected by the floods and landslides.

The heavy rains caused severe disruptions to local infrastructure. Significant landslides blocked multiple roads, including km55 on the Bac Quang - Xin Man route, and roads connecting Ban Nhung, Ta Su Choong, and Ban Peo (km39).

Other affected routes include Ngam Dang Vai, Ban Luoc, Ho Thau, and Dan Van, with an estimated debris volume over 2,600 cubic meters. A pickup truck was buried by a landslide at km36 on Provincial Road 177 (Bac Quang - Hoang Su Phi route).

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Additionally, the floods and landslides have buried numerous fields in Nam Khoa, Nam Ty, Thang Tin, Nam Dich, Tung San, Ngam Dang Vai, Ho Thau, Tan Tien, Nam Son, Tu Nhan, and Ban Nhung Communes.

The Hoang Su Phi District Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue Committee has directed the affected communes to mobilize militia forces and local residents to assist the family of the deceased. They are also conducting damage assessments of affected crops and planning recovery measures, including transitioning heavily damaged areas to alternative crops.

Efforts are underway to clear the blocked roads and restore normalcy, while the authorities continue to monitor the situation to provide further assistance as needed.

Gia Phan