VietNamNet Bridge – The fire of a gasoline tank injured 12 people, a garage fire burned down over 30 motorcycles, and a house fire killed a woman. These are several fires reported in Hanoi this week.

According to Major General Nguyen Duc Nghi, Director of Hanoi Fire Police Department, said the recent consecutive fires occurred in Hanoi because the city is now in the summer, when the weather is hot and dry. The people use more electric equipment. In addition, many fires were caused by people’s carelessness.

However, Major General Nghi confirmed, compared with the same period of last year, the number of fires in Hanoi reduced by 49 cases, the number of death down by five people, and property damage also fell.

Specifically, in the past five months, there were 75 fires, on explosion in Hanoi, killing three people, injuring 11 people, causing VND16 billion ($800,000) of damage.


In the afternoon of June 1, a warehouse containing auto parts and other goods on Lang Yen Street was on fire. It took firefighters two hours to control the fire. All goods in the 100 m2 warehouse were burned down.


Nearly a day later, in the afternoon of June 2, when functional forces were examining the scene of the warehouse fire, fire continued to flare up. More than an hour after the fire was under control. The cause of fire has not been clarified. Major General Nguyen Duc Nghi, Director of Hanoi Fire Police Department, said the warehouse was hired by many businesses and the fire prevention task there was very poor.


In the afternoon of June 3, a gasoline tank set fire at a gas station near Hospital 108, on Tran Hung Dao Street. Hundreds of policemen and fire vehicles were mobilized to control fire. It took more than 5 hours to extinguish the fire.




The fire destroyed two shops next to the petrol station and many belongings. Six motorcycles, a 4-seat car and a tank were burned. The damage is estimated at VND4 billion ($200,000).


12 firefighters and three people were burned in the fire. The cause was initially determined that while refueling, the tank driver was not present at the site. Some petrol leaked from the tank, running to charcoal cookers of a nearby restaurant and set a fire.


In the early morning of June 5, the fire in the alley No. 61 on Quang Trung Street, Hanoi, killed an 80-year-old woman who lived alone in a 10m house. The fire also burned all furniture in the room. Some people said perhaps the woman burned incense near foam boxes, so the fire occurred.


At 3am on June 5, the garage of an apartment building on Giang Vo Street was burned down. Half of the garage, with nearly 100 motorcycles, was burned. More than 30 motorcycles, including expensive scooters, were destroyed.




Minh Ha