On November 20, Tran Quan from Hue City (Thua Thien - Hue province) told the media that he was trying to contact experts to find out if the block of material was genuine ambergris.
Ten days ago, when fishing in Quang Tri sea, about 90 miles off the coast, fishermen on his boat discovered a block of white material, floating on water. At first, they did not pay attention as they thought it was a lifebuoy. However, a fisherman remembered that someone once asked him whether he saw ambergris during his journeys to the sea. They then decided to drive the boat back to get the material.
“When comparing the shape and color of the block with the images and descriptions given by the man, we believe that the material is ambergris,” Quan said.
The block weighed 3 kilograms. After touching it, it left a strong fragrance on their hands, even though they had washed their hands carefully. The block of material was brought into the boat and put into cold storage, while the boat continued its fishing journey.
Half a month has elapsed since the day the material was discovered. It has not melted and still has a strong scent. Quan said if the material is ambergris, he will sell it if he receives a good price.
According to scientists, ambergris is created when sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), the largest of the toothed whales and the largest toothed predator, eat giant cuttlefish. Because of chemical reactions, cuttle-bone becomes a kind of indigestible substance. When it becomes large, sperm whales discharge it. The substance may exist for many years in the open sea or drift ashore.
Ambergris is used to make the famous perfume Clive Christian. One kilogram of ambergris can be used for 20,000 bottles of perfume and each bottle can sell for $650.
In 2020, a fisherman in Quang Ngai twice discovered materials with a strong fragrance. One block of material, 4 kilograms, reportedly sold for VND1.2 billion.
Quang Thanh