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Hollywood blockbuster to be filmed in Son Doong in February 2016

 VietNamNet Bridge – Hollywood blockbuster Skull Island, the upcoming King Kong prequel by director and screenwriter, Jordan Charles Vogt-Roberts will be shot in Son Doong Cave in the central coastal province of Quang Binh.

General Giap movie crowdsources funding

 VietNamNet Bridge – A documentary on General Vo Nguyen Giap being made with direct donations in cash and kind from the public has so far raised VND500 million (US$24,000), producers say.

First Vietnamese movie released in entire US

 VietNamNet Bridge - "House in the Alley" is the first Vietnamese movie to be released in the entire U.S. territory by an American film distributor. The Vietnamese horror film by director Le Van Kiet had the premiere in California, USA this week.

Hero Farmer runs length of nation for clean water

 VietNamNet Bridge – Pat Farmer, an ultra-marathon athlete, motivational speaker, and former Australian politician, will run the length of Vietnam to raise money for clean water programs for the nation’s poor.