According to the Vice Chairman of the People's Council of Da Nang City, it is necessary to strengthen activities and forums to create opportunities for children to exercise their right to participate and develop equally, especially children in disadvantaged circumstances.

Children voice their opinions and wishes 

At the event, more than 20 students expressed their opinions and aspirations on various issues such as: the need for a safe social networking forum for children; Nutritional support to increase physical condition and physical strength for children (especially ethnic minority children and children live in suburban areas); Measures to prevent and combat violations against adolescents;

Diversifying types of books and forms of reading to encourage reading among children; strengthening extracurricular teaching activities; 10th grade admission consulting; Investment in cultural and sports institutions, children's entertainment areas in the community and children's support facilities...

Many children expressed their opinions and thoughts on the issue of communication information and safety in the cyberspace, specifically the safe use of the network and the prevention of violence against children in the online environment; solutions to manage, prevent, and handle the posting, dissemination, and sharing of clips that incite violence.

A student speaks at the dialogue.

Some children showed their worry about the increasing trend of juveniles breaking the law with many serious cases: theft, using weapons to intentionally cause injury, robbery, using vehicles. Motorcycles cause traffic accidents... which have a negative impact on the overall development of society. Therefore, in my opinion, the city needs to have deterrent and preventive measures to minimize this situation.

At the same time, the city needs to develop online forums for children to exchange, connect, share, learn and have the opportunity to participate in promoting and building the city. Through that, it contributes to orienting children to have a strong, healthy mindset, take correct actions towards online games, and prevent game addiction and separation from real life.

They also asked many questions related to psychological change in the face of domestic violence and emotional violence in the family; Proposing to build information sharing channels and advice on domestic violence, care and support for children in difficult circumstances, nutritional support, psychological counseling and sex education.

Some children expressed their hope that aunts, uncles, siblings, and teachers would care about those with special family circumstances, single parents, remarried adults, adults with a history of violence, or breaking the law. law, adults in the house have mental illness...

In addition, children also expect changes from parents and families in skills and ways of caring, caring, listening, understanding, sharing and educating children in accordance with the current situation. ; as well as the overload in the new learning program and the pressures during the study and exam process.

Continue to promote children's right to participation

At the forum, Vice Chairwoman of the City People's Council Nguyen Thi Anh Thi acknowledged and appreciated the children's suggestions in contributing to planning and building truly practical and humane programs and policies. and progress for children, aiming to build Da Nang - a child-friendly city.

At the same time, the Vice Chairman of the City People's Council requested political organizations and unions to continue to collect children's opinions and explain to children in the process of developing and implementing decisions, programs and activities. activities related to children. On that basis, synthesize and send children's opinions and aspirations and monitor the response to opinions and recommendations according to Article 52, Decree 56/2017/ND-CP detailing a number of Articles of Children's Law.

Particularly for the 09 groups of issues that children expressed their concerns at the Forum, Ms. Anh Thi requested the City People's Committee to direct sectors and localities to continue paying attention and effectively implementing guidelines and policies. program on child care, education and protection.

Da Nang always focuses on implementing guidelines and policies to care for life and practical social security for children.

For tasks that have not been done, or new proposals and ideas, assign functional branches to research, report, and propose solutions for implementation in the near future; Especially paying attention to creating conditions for healthy play and entertainment activities for children associated with skill training. At the same time, continue to promote children's right to participate in children's issues in the city that have been integrated into the Action Program for Children for the period 2021 - 2030.

Departments, branches, localities, and unions in making policies, developing programs and activities in the coming time need to pay attention to the issues discussed in this forum; care cage gInclude children's issues in socio-economic development programs in all fields.

Along with that, strengthen activities and forums to create opportunities for children to exercise their right to participate, especially children in special and difficult circumstances, creating opportunities for children to develop normally. class.

The City Women's Union, the Youth Union and the City Children's Rights Protection and Charity Association continue to promote the results achieved by the coordination program in "Child protection, care and education work." children and exercising children's rights and responsibilities" in the period 2017 - 2022; as a basis for effective and practical implementation and implementation for the period 2023 - 2028.

The Department of Education and Training, the City Youth Union, and the City Team Council need to strengthen coordination in organizing and implementing programs for team members and students; to create unity between academic education in schools and soft skills training for children, aiming for the sole goal of comprehensive development of children.

In particular, focus on periodic health examination programs and comprehensive nutritional counseling for children, especially children in difficult circumstances, most of whom do not have much access to medical services;

Organize a study tour program for children in difficult circumstances to contribute to improving comprehensive education, helping disadvantaged children have the opportunity to access cultural and educational values; Proposing to build educational game shows on Da Nang radio and television stations for elementary and middle school students in Da Nang city.

In addition, promote activities to care for vulnerable children, children at risk of dropping out of school or breaking the law, and regularly organize psychological counseling and dialogue in schools.

The Vice Chairman of the City People's Council also set specific numbers: The goal is that by 2025, 30% of children aged 7 and older will be consulted on children's issues in appropriate forms, 85% Children's awareness and capacity of children's participation rights are enhanced; The rate of children 11 years and older participating in models and activities promoting children's participation rights reached 30%.

In recent years, Da Nang city has always focused on implementing guidelines and policies to take care of life and practical social security for children, creating favorable conditions for learning, entertainment, and recreation. improve the spiritual life of children.

Health insurance policies for children; Tuition exemption and reduction, support for learning costs, support for children subject to social protection, children in difficult circumstances, children from ethnic minority areas... have been specified by the city. through programs and plans.

Specifically: Plan to implement the Law on Children and Decree No. 56/2017/ND-CP of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Children in the city; Action program for children for the period 2021-2030; National action plan to prevent and combat violence and child abuse for the period 2019-2025; Plan to implement the Program's goal "No students will be abused or abused in school; students dropping out of school and drowning" in the city by 2025; Project "Building a safe Da Nang city - free of violence against women and children in the period 2021-2025, vision to 2035"...

Along with that are a number of other programs and plans that have a positive impact on the legal rights and interests of children in the city; contributes to creating favorable conditions for learning, entertainment, and improving the spiritual life of children.

Minh Vy