exam questions

Update news exam questions

Education Ministry still searching for the best questions for 2-in-1 exam

After the exam cheating scams in four provinces were discovered, MOET’s leaders admitted that the questions on the high school final exam were difficult for students.

Educators question reliability of multiple-choice exam questions

VietNamNet Bridge - The fact that an examinee got a score of 10 on a physics test and zero for math in the 2016 high school final exam has raised questions about the reliability of multiple-choice questions.

National exam for university, high school satisfies students

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) now can sigh with relief as teachers all highly appreciate the way national exam questions were designed. 

Philology exam question raises controversy

VietNamNet Bridge – One of the philology exam questions requested students to comment about the brave action of Nguyen Van Nam, who rescued five children in Nghe An province in May.

How much do marks cost?

When the exam season comes, university students whisper in each other’s ears that an envelope with 500,000 dong inside would be enough to buy 10 marks, while 400,000 dong would bring 8 marks .